Tag "hal"

Due to the arsenic content, Nébih does not recommend the consumption of fish caught from Sajó

Based on the available information and laboratory tests, the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) does not recommend the consumption of fish caught from Sajó, Nébih announced on its website....

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Fish consumption decreases, prices increase

Extreme weather conditions and declining fish consumption pose serious challenges to the domestic fishing industry. A lack of oxygen in fish ponds, the release of sludge gas and the presence...

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Serious EU challenges in the field of aquaculture

In 2022, the production of aquatic animals in the European Union amounted to 4.2 million tons, the bulk of which, 3.1 million tons, came from traditional fishing. In contrast, aquaculture,...

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The volume of lake farm fish production has decreased in Hungary

The volume of fish production in Hungarian pond farms was 19,673 tons in 2023, which is 7.3 percent lower than the volume of the previous year, according to the report...

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A diet based on fish can also be dangerous

While fish is an indispensable element of the festive tables of Hungarian cuisine, and its consumption shows an increasing trend in the rest of the year, it is important to...

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Nébih: the State Fisheries Service prevented the planting of invasive fish species

The State Fisheries Service of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih ÁHSZ) has already banned the planting of invasive fish species, such as silver crucian carp, in two cases...

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Inflation can also be seen in popular fish dishes

As the summer season approaches, the prices of popular fish dishes such as fish soup and fried fish in rural Hungarian eateries are on the rise. These iconic elements of...

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Fish production in Hungary: the industry is struggling with a growing labor shortage

Despite low feed prices and good water levels, the Hungarian fish production sector still faces many challenges. The main problems include low support, lack of development, declining consumption and chronic...

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Christmas fish sale at ALDI: up to 30% discount on fresh fish

With its new initiative, ALDI Hungary wants to ensure that Hungarian families have meals made from fresh fish on their holiday tables. The supermarket chain is now giving even more...

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Nébih: instead of the outdated fish management IT system, a complex fish management specialist system was created

The outdated fish management IT system has been replaced by a complex fish management specialist system thanks to the conclusion of a priority project supporting the control of fish management...

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The Hungarians and the fish

The AKI Agricultural Economics Institute Nonprofit Limited Liability Company presented the data collection works related to the project, the aim of which was to create knowledge from the data. Sector...

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It is also worth choosing domestic freshwater fish for Christmas!

Hungarian fish is of high quality and healthy. This is what the Ministry of Agriculture, the Hungarian Aquaculture and Fisheries Interprofessional Organization (MA-HAL) and the Agricultural Marketing Center call attention...

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Fish producers: the supply of fish will be plentiful at Christmas

The Christmas fish supply will be plentiful. The rainy weather favored the fish farmers, so they achieved better results this year than last year – the president of the Hungarian...

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You can get fish at cheaper prices this year

This year, fish producers cut prices by 10-12 percent, the significant drop in feed prices and the wetter weather than last year had a good effect on domestic fish farms....

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It’s good business now to peel fish

Haludvar.hu presents a new opportunity for those who want to earn a little extra income as the holidays approach. In the company’s invitation, it promises that we can earn up...

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This is where most of the fish comes to the Union

In 2021, the European Union collectively caught and farmed over 1.1 million tonnes of aquatic species. However, Norway alone has outperformed all 27 EU member states combined. Aquaculture, the controlled...

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The president of Mohosz called for cooperation to protect the fish stock

Hungary’s fish protection can preserve the results of the past years and its values recognized abroad by working together with other organizations in the fishing sector with unified action –...

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Five out of six families will not miss the festive fish this year either

Despite the 35-40 percent increase in the price of fish products, 84 percent of Hungarian families will not be missing fish from their festive table this year, according to a...

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Fish are continuously delivered to the shops from the fish ponds in Hortobágy

Tens of tons of processed and live fish are delivered to the shops these days from the winter ponds of the Hortobágy fish farm, the company’s CEO told MTI. Károly...

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There will be plenty of fish available for Christmas

Domestic fish consumption has been slowly but steadily increasing in recent years; despite the difficulties, there is enough fish and everyone can find something for the Christmas table in the...

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Fish has almost completely disappeared from Hungarian gastronomy

At the end of the 1880s, the average annual consumption of fish per person was below one and a half kilos, which practically halved by the mid-1930s. Although there was...

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Nébih: the black trade of large scale fishes continues to flourish

The black trade in large fish continues to flourish, the fish guards of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) and KTVHESZ managed to bring another large Tisza carp home...

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There will be no shortage of fish, but the price of carp is very high

There will be no shortage of Hungarian fish during the Christmas season, but carp will be much more expensive this year than a year ago. The domestic lake farms do...

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It is worth choosing domestic fish for Christmas

The fishing industry is already in full swing preparing for the Christmas season, nearly 40% of domestic fish production reaches the table at this time. This year too, you will...

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Nébih: three hundred kilograms of illegally stored fish were released back into the Csepel gravel mine pond

Three hundred kilograms of illegally stored fish were released back into the Csepel gravel pit, the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) told MTI on Thursday. They explained: the fishmongers...

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The drought also caused great damage to fish production in ponds

The dry, droughty weather is causing more and more damage to fish production in domestic ponds as well. According to an expert from the Faculty of Agriculture, Food Science and...

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(HU) A magyar haltermelés újabb mérföldkövéhez érkezett

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Debrecen will be the guest of honor at the Tiszafüred Fish Days

Debrecen will be the guest of honor at the Tiszafüred Halasnapok (Fish Days) between July 7 and 10. The program of the event also includes concerts, a cooking competition, beach...

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Fish-free seafood made from fungi and seaweed: scientists and Michelin-starred chef to develop product good enough for fine dining

A team of scientist from the Technical University of Denmark is collaborating with Diego Prado, head of research at Copenhagen’s two Michelin-starred restaurant Alchemist, to develop sustainable alt seafood through...

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AM: The new national aquaculture strategic plan will be adopted soon

The new National Aquaculture Strategic Plan, which aims to develop small-scale fisheries, will be adopted soon, the Deputy Secretary of State of the Ministry of Agriculture said at the 46th....

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