Tag "gyümölcs"

Jonatán apples are no longer available in the stores

The well-known apple variety the Jonatán apple has disappeared from the stores – agrarszektor.hu wrote. It was pushed out of the trade because no demand occured towards the Jonatán apples...

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We can run out of pears

Due to the spring frost and the summer ice damages, demand can be larger than supply in case of pears in Hungary. Csizmadia György, Vice President of the Hungarian Fruit...

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Raspberry production may cease in Hungary

Hungarian raspberry may disappear from the market, because according to the producers it is less and less worth to deal with the large labor-intensive manual activity – Magyar idők wrote...

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Domestic products are more popular even if they are more expensive sometimes

Despite the news of crop losses shortage in the orchards and vegetable gardens, the supply of imported vegetables significantly reduced on the 27th week at the Budapest Wholesale Market. In...

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Hungarian Horticultural Propagation Office plans to sell about 200 thousand grafts

The Hungarian Horticultural Propagation Office (MKSZN) Ltd. is preparing for the next fruit grafts sales season. The state-owned company plans to sell about 200 000 grafts in the autumn of...

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Fruit prices have not jumped despite lower yields

Due to the spring frosts – in April and in early May, which decimated the crop – about 30-35 thousand hectares of orchards suffered damage. It is estimated that 250-300...

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More cherries have grown this year at the largest producer of Békés county

The Hunapfel Kft., which is the largest producer of Békés county produced one thousand tons of cherries, hundred tons more than in 2015 – the Managing Director of the company...

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The NAV sold almost 80 tonnes of fruits

The National Tax and Customs Office (NAV) identified nearly 30 million HUF tax shortfall at a wholesaler at the Budapest Wholesale Market. The NAV seized 22 tons of oranges and...

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FruitVeB: 25-30 percent less fruit yield due to frost damage

Approximately 25-30 percent less fruit yield is expected this year in Hungary due to frost damages – the President of the Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Interprofessional Organisation (FruitVeB) told MTI....

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The vegetables were less affected by the April frost damages

The summarization of the damages is not yet complete in the orchards however, field vegetables were less damaged by the late frost in April – the President of the Hungarian...

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European overproduction plagued the Hungarian apple growers

After the pig farmers and the dairy sector, now the apple producers face difficulties due to overproduction in Europe – the Magyar Idők wrote. The Polish apple penetrated the market...

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FruitVeB: 150-160 HUF is a realistic purchase price for cherries

In the middle of this year a good cherry harvest is expected. The Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Interprofessional Organisation and Product Board (FruitVeB) would consider a 150-160 HUF purchase price...

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Magazine: Anuga: what will be the major trends of 2016?

Anuga analysed the latest trends in detail, within the framework of its Innnova Market Insights forum and our magazine sets out to introduce some of them. One of the biggest...

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The climate change has drawn into the world map of pears

The cultivation of pears fell recently in Hungary due to the repeated failure experiences, therefore the domestic crop runs out quickly. In spite of the fact that crop prices are...

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The fruit and vegetable sector is waiting for the VAT reduction

Many market players think that about 60 billion HUF falls out of the budget annually because of VAT frauds – Magyar Nemzet Online wrote. The Vice President of the interbranch...

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Hungarian presence continued to expand at the world's largest fruit and vegetable trade show

In addition to the Hungarian national stand, this year the Hungarian sour cherry producers, tomatoes, pepper and horse-radish producers have a separate booth at the fruit and vegetable sector’s largest...

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EU fruit and vegetable applications to come

In the next few months several EU fruit and vegetable applications to will be released that can increase the productivity of the agriculture sector further – Tresó István, Agricultural Development...

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Half million tonnes less fruits and vegetables grown this year than in 2014

This year, the farmers harvested about 2.5 million tons of vegetables and fruits, about 500 tons less than the record harvest in 2014. The yield loss was mainly due to...

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FruitVeB: third less fruit grown than last year

It is estimated that about 30 percent less less fruits grown this year than last year – the president of the Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Interprofessional Organisation (FruitVeB) told MTI...

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The apple harvest has begun

The apple harvest has begun in the orchards and the concentrate maker factories are also operating – the Chairman of the Apple Marketing Board told MTI on Tuesday. Takács Ferenc,...

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FruitVeB: the effect of extreme heat affected all plant species and varieties

Ledó Ferenc, the president of the Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Interprofessional Organisation (FruitVeB) told MTI that the effect of extreme heat affected all plant species and varieties. Ledó Ferenc reminded...

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Only Hungarian watermelons are available in the domestic Tesco stores

The Tesco-Global Áruházak Zrt. as the committed partner of the Hungarian suppliers only buys watermelon from domestic producers. Thanks to the long-term agreements, the chain pays a competitive price to...

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The Spanish shipment arrived to Hungary instead of Romania

According to the transport documents, the truckload of Spanish fruit and vegetables should have been transported to Romania, not to Hungary. The ekáer Working Group of the National Tax and...

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Cherry: the panacea of athletes and those who want to loose weight

The deep red colored and tangy fruit has many positive attributes. There are several scientific evidences about its benefits on health. The cherry is an excellent choice for both athletes...

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Most of the Hungarian melon has been vaccinated

Most of the Hungarian melon has been vaccinated. But the average person cannot taste the difference between vaccinated and not vaccinated melons. This year's Hungarian harvest seems to be a...

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Hungarian melon in the SPARs in Slovenia and Croatia

Thanks to the contribution of SPAR Magyarország, the authentic Hungarian melon flavor can be enjoyed in Slovenia and Croatia this summer. As the season starts, the EURO TÉSZ Kft. begins...

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160-180 billion forint investment is necessary in the fruit-vegetable sector

In the next 6-8 years Hungary needs to invest HUF 160-180 billion in fruit and vegetable growing and processing if it wants to make products competitive in the market. FruitVeb...

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The fruit and vegetable sector closed a good year in 2014

The fruit and vegetable sector closed a good year last year, mainly due to favorable weather conditions; the volume of production totaled 2.97 million tons – Ledó Ferenc the president...

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A pair of spotlessly mangoes were sold for 300,000 yen in Japan

A deep pocketed Japanese department store shelled out an eye-watering 300,000 yen (2,500 USD) Monday for a pair of mangoes, a record price for the second year in a row....

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That is how community gardens operate

Peppers, tomatoes and basil in the shadow of the block of flats. After Budapest, community gardens are created in more and more rural settlements. How we can create blooming small...

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