Tag "GDP"

In September, economic growth in the euro area slowed to a minimum

Economic growth in the euro area came to a virtual halt in September, slowing to a minimum. According to preliminary data from a survey by the IHS Markit Institute for...

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BDI has moderated its forecast for this year’s German GDP decline

The German economy has reached the bottom of the crisis in the second quarter, the correction has already started in the third quarter. This year’s decline in gross domestic product...

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The OECD expects global GDP to fall less than expected this year

The OECD expects a smaller global economic downturn than previously forecast in June, mainly due to better-than-expected performance by China and the United States in the first six months as...

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GDP may decline in the Asian region for the first time in sixty years

For the first time in sixty years, the gross domestic product of the Asian region may decline this year, according to the forecast of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). According...

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Euro area and EU gross domestic product declined on a historic scale in the second quarter

Gross domestic product fell less than in the first estimate, but still the largest ever recorded, in the second quarter in both the euro area and the EU, according to...

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What can the Hungarian economy expect this year

Less than four percent, or more than seven percent, what is it? – the portfolio.hu asks the question. The expected extent of this year’s economic downturn in Hungary. The question...

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KSH: GDP fell by 13.6 percent in the second quarter

Gross domestic product (GDP) fell 13.6 percent year-over-year in the second quarter. According to the seasonally and calendar-adjusted data, the performance of the economy decreased by 13.5 percent compared to...

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Analysts: economic growth indicators may significantly improve in the third quarter

Seeing the breakdown of gross domestic product (GDP) in the second quarter released on Tuesday, analysts told MTI that they look to the next quarter with cautious optimism. They expect...

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Analysts this year’s economic downturn next year bounce may follow

The performance of the Hungarian economy may jump next year after this year’s downturn – macroeconomic analysts told MTI, who estiimates the growth rate in 2021 at 3-5 percent. According...

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KSH: economic performance decreased by 13.6 percent in the second quarter

According to raw data, Hungary’s gross domestic product (GDP) fell by 13.6 percent seasonally and calendar-adjusted, while according to the balanced data by 13.5 percent in the second quarter, compared...

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GKI: An attempt to rapidly measure the coronavirus crisis and economic performance

The application of big data analysis methods and machine learning has created new opportunities in the preparation of economic analyzes and forecasts. Based on the information available to it, the...

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GDP: fell significantly in the EU and the euro area in the second quarter

In the euro area, gross domestic product (GDP) fell by 12.1 percent and in the EU as a whole by 11.9 percent in the second quarter, compared to the previous...

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Varga Mihály: economy already revived the a bit in June, but the half-year GDP may decrease by 5 percent

The economy picked up slightly in June, but GDP in the second quarter may still shrink by 10 percent year-on-year and shrink by 5 percent in the second half of...

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London analysts expect smaller-than-expected eurozone GDP

London macroeconomic analysts say the latest activity data suggest that the performance of the eurozone economy was slowed down to a lesser extent than previously expected by the coronavirus pandemic...

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The U.S. economy is performing better than expected in June

As in May, the U.S. economy performed better than expected in June, according to a survey by the London-based financial and economic data provider IHS Markit. As more and more...

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GKI is less pessimistic about this year’s growth forecast

In its latest forecast released on Thursday, GKI Economic Research rejected the less pessimistic scenario outlined in its previous March forecast, which predicts a 3 percent decline in GDP, while...

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The MNB expects modest GDP growth this year

According to the central bank’s forecast, gross domestic product (GDP) may grow at a modest pace in 2020, between 0.3 and 2.0 percent, GDP growth next year will be 3.8-5.1...

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The U.S. economy declined sharply in the first quarter

The U.S. economy’s performance decreased at a steep pace in the first quarter after the coronavirus pandemic and austerity measures to curb its spread virtually halted the entire country in...

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Századvég expects significant growth after the downturn

According to Századvég, the annual performance of the Hungarian economy will decline by almost 3 percent this year, but may expand significantly above 5 percent next year – Regős Gábor,...

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London analysts: Hungary’s GDP will reach pre-pandemic levels next year

According to the expectations of London macroeconomic analysts, Hungary will be among the European emerging economies in which the value of gross domestic product (GDP) will reach the pre-Covid-19 level...

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London analysts: British GDP could fall by 18 percent in April

Analysts in London calculated that gross domestic product (GDP) could fall by 18 percent month-on-month in April due to the economic effects of the coronavirus pandemic. The British Bureau of...

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Euro area and EU GDP declined at a record pace in the first quarter

Compared to the previous quarter, euro area and EU gross domestic product fell by the largest amount ever recorded in the first quarter. The European Union’s statistical office, Eurostat, said...

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Moody’s: 4.8% decline this year, 4.1% growth next year at home

EU economies in Central Europe cannot escape the deep recession caused by the coronavirus epidemic this year either, but the public debt profile of most regional economies can withstand short-term...

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KSH: GDP grew by 2.2 percent in the first quarter

The volume of gross domestic product (GDP) in the first quarter was 2.2 percent higher than in the same period of the previous year. According to seasonally, calendar-adjusted and balanced...

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German GDP fell 2.3 percent in the first quarter

Germany’s gross domestic product (GDP) fell 2.3 percent in the first quarter of this year from a year earlier – the federal statistical office (Destatis) announced as final data. Compared...

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KSH: the Hungarian economy expanded in the first quarter

According to raw data, Hungary’s gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 2.2 percent according to the raw data, while the seasonal and calendar-effect adjusted balanced data shows a 2.0 percent...

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Eurozone and EU GDP fell by record levels in the first quarter

Compared to the previous quarter, euro area and EU gross domestic product fell by the largest amount ever recorded in the first quarter, according to a preliminary report by Eurostat,...

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The European Commission expects a seven percent decline in GDP in Hungary

The European Union can expect an unprecedented recession, according to the European Commission’s spring economic forecast published on Wednesday. The eurozone’s economy will shrink by a record 7.75 percent in...

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The euro area economy has shrunk the largest ever

The largest ever gross domestic product decrease occured in the euro area in the first quarter, the European Union’s statistical office, Eurostat reported on Thursday mfor.hu, wrote. According to Eurostat...

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Huge trouble if following the pandemic… or perhaps not?

COVID-19 has overshadowed the climate crisis as governments scramble to protect the health of citizens without cratering their economies, but the pandemic could still open a fast-track pathway -– albeit...

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