Tag "GDP"

KSH: investments increased in the fourth quarter of last year

In contrast to the decline in the first three quarters of last year, the volume of investments increased by 2.5 percent in the fourth quarter compared to a year earlier....

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Moody’s: the Hungarian economy is expected to reach its pre-coronavirus performance next year

The performance of the Hungarian economy is expected to reach the level before the coronavirus pandemic again next year, and as a result, the public debt ratio, which has swelled...

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Coface: the Hungarian economy may expand by 4 percent this year

After the economic shock caused by the pandemic, the world economy may expand by 4.3 percent in 2021, and Hungarian GDP may grow by 4 percent, according to the forecast...

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Analysts: GDP growth by the end of 2020 may indicate a faster-than-expected recovery

Gross domestic product (GDP) growth in the fourth quarter of last year became higher than the analysts’ expectations. It suggests a much higher-than-expected recovery capacity in the economy, meaning a...

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OECD economic growth slowed in the fourth quarter

The combined economic growth of OECD member countries slowed significantly in the fourth quarter, compared with the previous quarter. According to data from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development...

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KSH: GDP decreased by 5.1 percent in 2020

Hungary’s gross domestic product (GDP) increased by 1.1 percent in the fourth quarter of last year, compared to the previous quarter and decreased by 3.7 percent, compared to the same...

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Improved fourth quarter GDP data in Eurostat’s second estimate

The European Union’s statistical office (Eurostat) improved last year’s fourth quarter GDP data in its second estimate released by the European Union’s statistical office (Eurostat) on Tuesday. In the 19...

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According to the EU forecast, last year’s Hungarian GDP fell by 5.3 percent

According to the European Commission’s winter interim economic forecast, Hungary’s gross domestic product (GDP) fell by 5.3 percent in 2020, while the November forecast was about a 6.3 percent decline....

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According to the MNB, the economy will regain its 2019 performance by the end of the year

The Hungarian economy may regain its 2019 performance by the end of 2021, after GDP growth is expected to approach 6 percent this year – the Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB)...

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Last year, the Czech economy fell 5.6 percent

Last year, gross domestic product (GDP) in the Czech Republic fell by 5.6 percent; this is the biggest economic downturn ever since the creation of the independent Czech Republic (1993),...

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China could be the largest economy in the world in this decade

China is currently the world’s second largest economy, but given global trends in GDP growth, it could be a world leader ahead of the United States in this decade –...

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Equilor: the Hungarian economy may expand by 4 percent this year

The Hungarian economy may expand by 4 percent this year after last year’s expected 6 percent decline, but there is a lot of uncertainty, according to the latest analysis by...

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According to Raiffeisen, the economy is likely to grow by 4 percent this year

According to the most likely scenario this year, the economy will expand by 4 percent, but this is conditional on a significant easing of epidemiological restrictions by the end of...

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The Romanian government forecasts a 4.4 percent decline in the economy last year

The Romanian government’s Economic Forecasting Committee expected the performance of the Romanian economy to decline by 4.4 percent last year compared to 2019, a worse forecast than the 3.8 percent...

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The Chinese economy grew by 2.3 percent in 2020

The Chinese economy grew 2.3 percent in 2020 after the country’s economy recovered at an accelerating pace from the downturn recorded in the first quarter following a domestic curb of...

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Kopint-Tárki expects a 6.6 percent GDP decline in the fourth quarter of this year

Due to the recurrence of the pandemic, Kopint-Tárki Zrt. Expects a 6.6 percent decline in gross domestic product (GDP) for the fourth quarter of this year in its latest business...

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GKI expects a more moderate 6 percent decline in GDP this year

Based on favorable third-quarter data, the decline in the fourth quarter will reduce the rate from the previous 9 percent to 7 percent and the annual GDP decline from 7...

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Ifo has restrained its German growth forecast for next year

Due to the second outbreak of pandemic protection, the ifo economic research institute in Munich. restrained its GDP growth forecast for Germany next year in its winter economic forecast. Due...

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The euro area saw the highest GDP growth in its history in the third quarter

The euro area’s gross domestic product grew less than first estimated, but still the largest ever recorded, in the third quarter compared with the previous quarter, according to a report...

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Markit’s euro area PMI indicator indicates a decline in GDP for the fourth quarter

The performance of the euro area economy deteriorated less than expected in November, compared with the previous month, but it also predicts a decline in gross domestic product in the...

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Analysts expect an economic downturn of around 6 percent for the full year

The performance of the national economy fell by 5.5 percent in the first three quarters, but for the year as a whole, analysts interviewed by MTI expect a decline of...

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KSH: Economy fell 4.6 percent on an annual basis in the third quarter

The volume of gross domestic product decreased by 4.6 percent in the third quarter, compared to the same period of last year. According to seasonally and calendar-adjusted data, the performance...

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In November, economic performance in the euro area declined

The economic performance of the euro area declined in November after stagnation in October. According to preliminary data from a survey by the IHS Markit Institute for Economic Research published...

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Analysts are more likely to consider the risks in the fourth quarter after better-than-expected GDP data

After a better-than-expected third-quarter GDP figure, analysts are more likely to ponder the risks of the fourth quarter in their comments sent to MTI. According to the first estimate issued...

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Economic performance declined by 4.7 percent year-over-year in the third quarter

According to raw data, Hungary’s gross domestic product (GDP) fell by 4.6 percent and seasonally and calendar-adjusted and balanced by 4.7 percent in the third quarter compared to the same...

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A three and a half to four percent increase might occur next year

The updated expectations of the European Commission and Raiffeisen Bank coincide with those of the Hungarian government, with a decline of 6-6.5 percent this year, followed by an increase of...

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The economic downturn may be greater than previously expected

Minister of Finance Varga Mihály presented the government’s recent macroeconomic forecast at Friday’s HBLF conference – portfolio.hu, wrote. According to them, this year the economic downturn could be 6-6.5% instead...

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German GDP soared in the third quarter

Germany’s gross domestic product (GDP) grew at an all-time high of 8.2 percent in the third quarter of this year from the previous three months – the Federal Statistics Office...

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Kopint-Tárki: 5.8 percent decline in the Hungarian economy is expected this year

Due to the return of the pandemic, Kopint-Tárki expects a 5.8 percent decline in the Hungarian economy this year, compared to the 5.5 percent annual decline indicated in April and...

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GKI forecasts a 7-percent GDP drop for 2020

After the 6.1 percent decrease in the GDP in the first half of 2020, for the second half of the year, GKI forecasts an 8 percent decline in the gross...

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