Tag "FMCG"

Retail trade and FMCG have become more attractive to workers

On 25 April Randstad Magyarország published the list of Hungary’s most attractive employers for the 11th time.   This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/6-7 According to the...

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A good day to die hard

Perhaps the least interesting question is what actually happened in 2023. Business as usual, you could say, since Covid abnormal is the “new normal” – we will get through this...

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What’s next? – According to Nenad Pacek, Péter Noszek, Arthur Keleti, Zsoltán Gazsi, György Jaksity

This year on May 30, Trade Magazine organized an exclusive event for corporate decision-makers in the FMCG market. The traditionally held half-day Business Meetup&Dinner professional program this year also focused...

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KSH: in April, retail turnover increased by 3.2 percent compared to the same period of the previous year

In April 2024, according to the raw data, the turnover volume of retail trade increased by 3.7 percent compared to the same period of the previous year, adjusted for the...

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FMCG retailer ranking 2023 is out now

Lidl, SPAR and Tesco are the top three, but there are changes! FMCG retail had a difficult year, with the inflation – which was particularly high in the sector –...

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Innovations – more nuanced ways and preferences

With a record annual inflation rate of 17.6% measured by the Central Statistical Office (KSH), it is understandable that the appeal of private label (PL) products has continued to grow....

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More optimism

Perhaps this is what describes the past two months in the FMCG market the best. As I have learnt it recently, it is a good idea to watch the “champagne...

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In cyber or in Hungarian?

There is such confusion about cybersecurity and AI that we often wonder whether what we hear is in Hungarian or not. Just the other day I attended a very interesting...

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Az élelmiszeripar technológiai támasza a Siemens

„Érdemes valamennyi piaci szereplőnek áttekintenie folyamatait, gépeit, berendezéseit, és a manuális beavatkozással működő részterületeken átgondolni, hogy az adott folyamatnak megoldható-e az automatizálása valamilyen módon” – a Siemens Zrt. és a...

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Unilever grants manufacturers access to its ‘warmer’ ice cream recipes

Unilever is granting ice cream manufacturers a free non-exclusive license for 12 of its reformulation patents in a bid to reduce carbon emissions. Access to these patents will help the...

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Signature 40: operational marketing professionals in the spotlight again

Once again the Signature Platform has rewarded the operational professionals behind successful campaigns and projects. The idea to reward the best brand managers of the year came from advertising professionals...

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Ahold Delhaize Joins European Purchasing Alliance Eurelec

Ahold Delhaize has signed an agreement to join Eurelec, the European retail alliance joint venture established in 2016 by German and French retailers REWE Group and E.Leclerc. Joint sourcing is...

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Reálértéken csökkent az e-kereskedelmi forgalom – GKID-Mastercard: 2023-ban is tovább polarizálódik az e-kereskedelem

Infláció alatti féléves forgalombővülés, töretlenül emelkedő rendelési frekvencia, stagnáló belföldi piac, élénkülő importforgalom és csökkenő online FMCG-vásárlószám jellemzi az online kiskereskedelem idei első hat hónapját, ahol a forgalom koncentrálódása miatt egyre inkább felértékelődik az...

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Emberekbe, márkákba és technológiába – nagyjából az egész lapszámunkat rá lehet húzni erre a témára. A cikk a Trade magazin 2023/10. lapszámában olvasható. Egy évvel ezelőtt, amikor lehetőséget kaptunk, hogy partnerei...

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(HU) A kávétermesztés már most érzi a klímaváltozást! – Új Futuretalks podcast

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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New autumn, new hopes

Although we usually say “new year, new hopes”, I don’t think anybody wants to wait until January with making changes. Anyone who knows me well knows that I always like...

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Greedflation: are multis hungry for profit?

In recent years and months, the domestic and international retail sector has come into focus for several reasons. The outbreak of the new type of coronavirus in 2020 led to...

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Economic Pressure Led to Fewer New Product Innovations In 2022, Says Circana

Brands launched 16.5% fewer new product innovations in 2022, due to growing economic pressures, a new report from Circana has found. The Race for Resilience: Innovation Pacesetters report for Europe,...

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In 2023 the key to success can be category and channel level analysis

According to Tünde Turcsán, FMCG director of GfK, the Hungarian consumer confidence index has kept falling in the last 1-1.5 years. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin...

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Unbeatable top 3 – The 2022 ranking of FMCG retailers is out now

Both the economy and the FMCG sector had an eventful past few years. New measures, a transformed market environment, and constantly changing shopper reactions…There wasn’t much we could get used...

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Escape to victory – FMCG and retail became more attractive sectors despite the economic difficulties

After many years, the FMCG sector is once again more attractive to workers than the average, and many would like to work in retail as well. This article is available...

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The GKID-Mastercard eRANKING 2022 is already out

This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/6-7. Stable market share for the top players In 2023 GKID – in collaboration with Mastercard – published the ranking of...

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OKSZ: The Government should lift the price cap and abolish the retail tax

The member companies of the National Trade Association (OKSZ) were outraged to learn that the retail tax in the sales revenue above 100 billion was increased from 4.1% to 4.5%...

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Online sales forecast for Germany tempered

Inflation and subdued consumer confidence are expected to dampen online spending in Germany, according to the latest announcement by Handelsverband Deutschland (HDE). In its HDE Online Monitor 2023, the retail...

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The World’s Most-Popular Grocery Brands 2023: Kantar Brand Footprint

Kantar has revealed the latest edition of its annual Brand Footprint report, which tracks the most-chosen brands by consumers around the world. The latest edition analyses the purchasing habits of...

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Márton Nagy: the online price monitoring system and the mandatory promotion will help to reduce inflation to single digits by the end of the year

International examples show that the online price monitoring system – as well as the mandatory sales – contributes to increasing market competition in the retail sector, and overall helps to...

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Palmsped Logistics Café – “a cup of coffee with experts, discussing market trends and logistic challenges”

Palmsped Cargo Kft. is 20 years old and the company celebrated this with a special event: presentations and a roundtable discussion, with the participation of business partners and experts, in...

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Do salaries follow the inflation in the food industry?

In February 2023 Randstad published a study, for which they interviewed the heads of 246 companies about how the different sectors are doing and what the salary trends are. In January...

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The Government is introducing mandatory promotions

The war and the failed sanctions policy led to unprecedented inflation across Europe. The Government’s goal is to protect families, pensioners, and full employment even in an economic situation affected...

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Survival strategies

Trade Marketing Club (TMK) organises its “I Love Trade Marketing” conference every year, and this time the title of the one-day online event was Survival Strategies. More than 200 people...

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