Tag "felmérés"

Mastercard: 7 percent of the college students regularly pay with mobile wallets

7 percent of college students regularly and 13 percent occasionally pay with mobile wallets., 72 percent of them positively evaluated the new technology, and 1 out of 4 students would...

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Consumer sentiment improved in the United States

The consumer sentiment improved less than expected in the United States in August – according to the regular monthly survey of the University of Michigan. The final results were published...

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In online sales, the growing market already depends on the frequency of purchases

Increasing internet shopping frequency is a bigger factor in market expansion than attracting new customers, and in the short term there is no expectation of new massive purchasing power layers...

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Digitisation and experience: the future of the industry

IBM did a survey among product manufacturers, examining the effects of the latest technological innovations. According to 63 percent of respondents, the market competition isn’t taking place between companies any more:...

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Industrial distributors are fighting for survival

Results of the 2017 UPS Industrial Buying Dynamics survey show that the opportunities created by e-buying are changing the European industrial value chain, and traditional distribution companies must work very...

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L’Oreal is the most equal employer

In the Equileap 2017 ranking – which tested how efficiently companies are working for equality between men and women at workplaces – L’Oreal finished first ahead of 3,000 other companies....

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Hungarian university students want to start their own business, foreign ones wish to work for a multinational company

According to the latest Career Plan survey conducted by the Budapest Metropolitan University (METU) with the participation of 350 Hungarian and foreign 1st-year students, after graduation the most attractive idea...

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SMEs say this is the best in being an entrepreneur

According to Viktor Zoltán Kovács, the head of K&H Bank’s SME marketing division, a survey conducted with the participation of 500 Hungarian SMEs found that entrepreneurs are most motivated by...

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We are not buying blindly anymore

Eight out of ten customers read the ingredients It is important for eight out of ten customers what are the ingredients of the products they put into their shopping carts....

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People over 50 spend three quarters of their income on overhead, food and medicine

In Hungary, people over 50 spend more than three-quarters of their monthly income on overhead, food and medicines, nine percent of their earnings are spent on leisure activities, and two...

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The proportion of people using banking applications grew by one and a half fold in Hungary according to a survey

The proportion of users of banking applications grew by one and a half fold in Hungary compared to last year. According to Gfk’s market researcher’s latest research published on Tuesday,...

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Young workers: flexibility in return for flexibility

According to JobsGarden’s latest survey, done with the participation of job searchers between the ages of 20 and 30 years, nearly 70 percent workers expect a flexible working time. Almost...

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Consumers became more informed in the second quarter according to a survey

Consumers became more informed in the second quarter as the number of respondents who reported that they knew the shelf life of food and certain products, such as shoes, increased...

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K&H: agrarian companies do not exploit the opportunities to increase efficiency

The agrarian companies do not exploit the opportunities to increase efficiency, most of them are cutting costs and increasing production, but at the same time little attention is given to...

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Smart homes is a possibility

Research by Accenture has found that the time of smart homes hasn’t come yet, but they will spread soon. The Internet of Things (IoT) will create new growth opportunities for communication...

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The future may belong to the special diet trends

According to the Hungarian population, the difficulties caused by the weather may be the biggest challenge for agrarians in the coming years, but the lack of technological modernization and supply...

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More than half of the Hungarians plan to go on vacation this year

More than half of the Hungarian population plan to go on vacation this year, 32 percent of them to domestic destinations, while 10 percent are planning a foreign trip and...

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Cetelem: Hungarian consumers are pessimistic, but they are planning despite pessimism

The Hungarian customers are among the pessimistic customers in Europe, but this is not supported by market trends, as according to the central bank’s figures, last year, 60 percent more...

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What are we going to drink this summer?

As the summer approaches, we need to pay more attention to hydration, to ensure the body’s liquid needs. According to a recent surveys, we are choosing drinks more and more...

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Two thirds of the turnover of the accommodation market is already being made through online channels

The GKI Digital conducted a research among the domestic places of accommodation in April. The research revealed that last year 68 percent of the domestic market were by online channels...

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Companies’ willingness to pay increased

The companies’ willingness to pay has improved. Invoices are offset more quickly, and less bad debts occur in cross-company sales, compared to last year, according to the survey of Atradius....

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Parents spend on average 2 to 5 thousand HUF on children’s day surprises

In nine out of ten Hungarian families, children’s day is celebrated. The parents spend on average 2 to 5 thousand HUF on children’s day surprises – according to the researches...

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Hungarians consider their labor market situation more and more favorable

Hungarian workers consider their labor market situation more and more favorable. More people feel their job position stable, but if they lose it, they would find a new job easily...

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Gimme a five!

The Fittest Workplace Program is operating since half a decade. During this time, more than 80 companies and organizations filled over a total of over 10,000 questionnaires. Based on this,...

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Consumer sentiment is on a three-month peak in the United States

The consumer sentiment reached a three-month peak in the United States in April – the regular monthly survey of Michigan University revealed. The results were published on Friday. In April...

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The sales of traditional computers grew in Central and Eastern Europe

In the first quarter, the sales of traditional PCs grew in the Central and Eastern European region – the International Data Corporation (IDC) market research firm reveals. According to a...

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Online retailing is unstoppable

Today’s consumers do not go shopping. They buy always and everywhere – piacesprofit.hu quotes the International online shopping habits survey of KPMG. Not surprisingly, young people dominate online shopping. “Today’s...

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GfK: the proprtion of those who buy in foreign websjops is increasing

Six out of ten prefer the domestic sites. According to the survey of the GfK Digital Connected Consumer (DCC) in 2016, nine of ten Internet users have purchased online. Considering...

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The countyside is more efficient in the selection of beverage cartons

There are significant differences in the practice of selective collection among the population of the Hungarian cities – the Italos karton Környezetvédelmi Szolgáltató Egyesülés (Beverage Carton Environmental Services Association) wrote...

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“Mandatory fetter”: how severe the burden of mandatory wage increase is?

The February business survey of the GKI Gazdaságkutató Zrt. economic researcher examined the business impact of the minimum wage increase. It is important to point out that the survey (companies...

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