Tag "Európai Bizottság"

The breach of procedure, due to the restriction of retail companies in a new stage

The European Commission has informed the Hungarian Government that it has sent a reasoned opinion on the matter, which is the second stage of the procedure. The legislation prohibits the...

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The European Commission has extended its measures to assist fruit and vegetable producers

The European Commission has extended its extraordinary support for European fruit and vegetable producers who suffer due to the disadvantageous economic sanctions against Russia and has decided to secure another...

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The European Commission is expecting 3.6 percent growth for this year in Hungary

The European Commission improved its prognosis for the growth in the Hungarian gross domestic product (GDP). The European Commission expects a 3.6 percent increase in gross domestic product (GDP) for...

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There isn’t enough rapeseed oil in Europe

Data from the Agricultural Economics Research Institute (AKI) and KSH’s market price information system (PÁIR) revealed that domestic sales of wines without geographical indication and wines with protected designation of...

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The European Commission has authorized the acquisition of Syngenta for ChemChina

The European Commission on Wednesday authorized the purchase of Syngenta for ChemChina China National Chemical company. The China National Chemical Corp. (ChemChina) group won European Union antitrust approval for its...

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The European Commission launched infringement proceeding against Hungary

The European Commission has launched infringement proceeding against Hungary on Wednesday, in order to ensure the free movement of retail, agricultural and food industrial goods. The European Commission has informed...

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The European Commission expects a 3.5 percent growth for Hungary in 2017 and a 3.2 percent growth for 2018

The European Commission expects a 3.5 percent growth for Hungary this year and a 3.2 percent growth for the next year. The European Commission published its winter economic forecast for...

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The EU is acting against the sales of dangerous products

The European Commission has tabled two legislative proposals to help businesses, and SMEs in particular, to sell their products within the European Union and to strengthen the controls of the...

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Recommendations were submitted to the EC to improve the situation of farmers

The European Commission will consider the report's recommendations and an appropriate policy response in line with its continuous support to the agricultural sector. The Agricultural Markets Task Force (AMTF), chaired...

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European Commission: the Hungarian advertising tax legislation infringes EU rules

The Hungarian advertising tax legislation infringes the EU rules on state support, since its progressive tax rate provides a selective advantage to certain companies – the European Commission announced on...

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Improved consumer sentiment in Europe

Consumer sentiment improved as expected both in the euro zone and in the European Union – according to the preliminary September survey of the European Commission’s economic and financial directorate....

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Poland suspends retail tax collection

Poland in response to the action launched by the European Commission suspends the retail tax collection and adopts a new, tax law amendment taxing large-area stores – Pawel Szalamacha Polish...

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V4 countries urge measures in the dairy and pig markets

The agricultural chambers of the Visegrád Four (V4) countries – the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary – want further steps to help the dairy and pig sectors. V4 countries...

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The Polish Sejm adopted a law on special tax on retail

The Polish Sejm voted the bill on Wednesday on the special retail tax. The European Commission has not raised an objection against the introduction of the progressive surtax. According to...

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Nébih: the food chain supervision fee should be paid until July 31

The uniform one per thousand food chain supervision fee’s first installment to be paid until July 31. The European Commission’s decision – published last week – does not affect the...

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FM: no need for change in the food chain supervision fee payment system

The European Commission (EC) on Monday found the food chain supervision fee in Hungary irregular. No changes are required in the food chain supervision fee payment system due to the...

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EC: the food chain supervision fee and the tax on tobacco sales are irregular

According to the European Commission (EC) the food chain supervision fee and the tax on tobacco sales are irregular. According to the European Commission (EC) the the two tax measures...

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The European Commission wants more flexible VAT system

The European Commission would change the EU VAT system. The European Commission want more flexible, simpler and at the same time more rigorous system against frauds by standardizing the value...

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The NAK does not support the reduction in milk production

The European Commission may take a decision in July over milk production limits. From the step, the European Commission expects to mitigate the dairy market turmoil. This means that the...

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The European Commission expects a 2.5 percent increase this year and a 2.8 percent growth for the next year in Hungary

This year, 2.5 percent, next year 2.8 percent economic growth is expected in Hungary by the European Commission, which published its spring economic forecasts for both the EU and for...

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The European Commission terminated the infringement proceedings in the case of excise duty on pálinka

The European Commission terminated the infringement proceeding that was launched in the case of excise duty on pálinka – the press service of the EU commission announced on Thursday. According...

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The EU issued more than two thousand alerts for dangerous products last year

The EU issued more than two thousand alerts for dangerous products (consumer protection) last year. Nearly two-third of the products came from China – the European Commission announced on its...

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The European Commission rewards the most inspiring businesses

The European Commission rewards the most inspiring businesses again this year. The European Commission’s (EC) Award for the inspiring of European businesses will be organized in Hungary for the first...

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Brussels do not like the obligation closure of the loss-making stores

The European Commission launches a new infringement proceeding against the Orbán government’s trade regulation, which has a declared aim to push out the foreign chains. Brussels is investigating the rule...

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Hungarian member in the European Commission’s new agricultural committee of experts

The European Commission formed a high-level committee of experts in order to help stabilise the situation in the agri-food market. On 12 January 2016 commissioner for agriculture Phil Hogan announced...

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GMO-free labeling may come after the approval of the European Commission

We still need to wait a few months for the introduction of the GMO-free labeling. The “GMO-free production” trademark will be put on food and feed after the approval of...

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The EC expects 2.1 percent growth in Hungary this year and 2.5 percent next year

This year the European Commission (EC) expects 2.1 percent economic growth in Hungary and 2.5 percent for the next year. The European Commission (EC) published its winter economic forecast in...

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A new surtax may come

Designed along the lines of the Polish retail surtax, the Hungarian government may decide about a new measure during the spring, which would provide a more proportional burden sharing for...

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Simpler dispute resolution via the EU’s online consumer platform

In January, the European Commission launched its online alternative dispute resolution platform, which allows simpler, cheaper and more efficient settlement of international consumer disputes – the DLA Piper international law...

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The consumption of meat can continue to decrease in the EU countries

In agriculture, emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) are expected to decline slightly by 2025, through the expected decline in cattle breeding – the agrarszektor.hu cites the European Commission. It is...

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