Tag "EU"

Kavosz: it is important not to lose EU funds after 2021

It is important for the Hungarian entrepreneurial community not to lose EU development funds in the 2021-2027 period – Krisán László, CEO of Kavosz Zrt. told M1 news channel on...

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Hungary is the first to draw EU funds

In 2018, the European Commission allocated 4.4 billion euros to Hungary, ie more than 1,400 billion HUF development funds – said Schanda Tamás, Minister of State of the Innovation and...

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Minister of Agriculture: Hungary request greater share of EU research and development resources

Hungary calls for greater share of CEE funding from EU research and development sources – Nagy István, Minister of Agriculture said in Brussels on Monday, after the EU Agriculture and...

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The gap between the wealthiest and the poorest EU member states declined but remains huge

Although last year, as in previous years, the gap between the richest and poorest countries in the European Union, Luxembourg and Bulgaria has became somewhat smaller, but there is still...

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No more geoblocking, shop online anywhere within the EU

From Monday, December 3, geoblocking within the EU is strictly prohibited, so the online shopping experience of European citizens changes substantially. Geoblocking, the unduly blocking of those not residing in...

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The euro area and the EU achieved a modest growth in employment in the third quarter

In the third quarter, the number of people employed in the euro area increased in the lowest extent of the past three and a half years, but reached a record...

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Unlimited online shopping to be possible

On 3 December, the EU regulation will come into force throughout the European Union (EU), which eliminates unjustified territorial restrictions on electronic commerce. Andrus Ansip, European Commissioner for the Digital...

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KSH: more than half of the EU citizens purchased online last year

An average of 57 percent of the population of the European Union ordered goods via the Internet last year. The proportion of online buyers is much higher in the UK...

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Great changes to come in the use of EU funds

It will be a serious challenge for the Member States to assess the use of resources in the EU budget cycle of 2021-2027. It may be necessary to plan twice...

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EU labor safety regulations are changing

Though the hearing of the workers has been protected by many measures, so far, from March 2019, the European Union’s new rules on personal protective equipment will come into force,...

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Consumer sentiment in the euro area is on a twenty month nadir

In November, the consumer sentiment of DG ECFin, decfreased more than expected and reached a 20 month low – according to the preliminary data. In November, the consumer sentiment index...

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Growth in life expectancy has slowed in the EU

Life expectancy in the European Union is one of the highest in the world, but the continued growth in life expectancy has slowed down and there are still significant differences...

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Employment has continued to rise in the EU and in the euro area at a slowing pace

Employment in the European Union and the euro area continued to rise in the third quarter at a slowing pace. According to preliminary data released on Wednesday by the EU...

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The economic sentiment in the euro area and in the EU decreased in October

The economic sentiment in the euro area and in the EU decreased in October – according to the data of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs (DG...

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EU gives green light to the P&G-Merck deal

The EU decided that Procter & Gamble (P&G) buying Merck’s consumer health division for EUR 3.4 billion doesn’t break competition law. Thanks to the transaction vitamin brands such as Seven...

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Our favorite beer may be in danger

The state of our waters is getting worse and now the most important European tool for the protection of waters is at stake. One of the ambitious regulations of the...

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EU agricultural commissioner: the level of CAP funds can be maintained by increasing the contribution of the Member States

Phil Hogan European Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development highlighted in Budapest at the event organized by the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK), that Hungary is a “key partner”, a...

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EU Commissioner for Agriculture: Hungary is a key partner in agricultural policy negotiations

Hungary is a key partner, a key factor in the bargaining process for the new EU budget period and the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) rules -Phil Hogan, EU Commissioner for...

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Emlékeztetőt írtak alá visegrádi országok az EU következő keretköltségvetésének finanszírozásáról

Rendkívüli jelentőségűnek minősítette Peter Kazimír szlovák pénzügyminiszter azt az emlékeztetőt, amit az Európai Unió következő keretköltségvetésének bevételi oldaláról írt alá a négy visegrádi ország pénzügyminisztere pénteken Csorbatóban (Strbské Pleso). A...

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The EU supports the introduction of new customs rules in Africa

The European Union supports the work of the African authorities for the introduction of global customs rules and facilitating trade by 5 million euros (about 1.6 billion forints) – the...

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The European Parliament would maximize the upper VAT rate at 25 percent

The European Parliament (EP) would maximize the upper VAT rate of the Member States at 25 percent – the EU Parliament’s press service said. The purpose of the overall Value...

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Nébih: only a fraction of the notifications in the EU alert system concerned Hungarian products

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) published on its website, referring to the annual summaries of the European Commission that only 0.7 percent of the almost four thousand notifications...

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The consumer sentiment in the euro area and in the EU also deteriorated in September

The confidence of consumers in the euro area and in the European Union has also deteriorated in September, according to a preliminary estimate published by the European Commission on Thursday....

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With the opening up of the market, producers and consumers could lose a lot

Serious disadvantages would endanger the European farmers due to the entry into force of a free trade agreement between Mercosur (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay) and the European Union –...

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The reduction of EU agricultural subsidies is unacceptable

The reduction of EU agricultural subsidies in the Common Agricultural Policy is unacceptable for Hungary – Györffy Balázs, President of the National Chamber of Agriculture told at the presidency meeting...

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The European Commission has proposed closer trade relations with Africa

The European Commission has proposed a strong “Africa-Europe Alliance” to significantly increase investment in Africa, boost trade, invest in job creation and invest in education and skills development. According to...

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The EU supports school fruit, vegetables and milk distribution again this year

The school support program for the promotion of healthy eating habits among children will be able to distribute fruit, vegetables and milk in the educational institutions of the EU Member...

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New regulation to be introduced against ‘geoblocking’

The European Union gave green light to the Geo-Blocking Regulation: as of 3 December 2018 unjustified online sales discrimination based on customers’ nationality, place of residence or place of establishment...

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Germany would open the EU market before Africa

The German Minister of Development proposes a special commissioner and the abolition of tariffs and quotas for African agricultural products – Világgazdaság Online wrote. The European Union should fully open...

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