Tag "étrend"

Environmental Concerns Prompting Consumers To Switch Diets

A sizeable number of consumers that are changing what they eat say they are doing so for environmental reasons, a study by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) has found. The...

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The winter pantry hides a treasure

The queen of root vegetables is tuberous celery, which can be included in our diet in extremely diverse ways. More and more people are recognizing the benefits of vegetables with a...

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Conscious eating should start in childhood

Strengthening short supply chains is also a priority in public catering, said Dr.Márton Nobilis, State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture responsible for food industry and trade policy, at the...

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Fenntarthatóság: elmélet és gyakorlat

A környezet védelme, a fenntarthatóság elérése mindannyiunk közös ügye, és a kutatási eredmények azt mutatják, hogy szerencsére ezzel a magyar lakosság is egyetért. Amellett, hogy a vállalatoktól is elvárja, hogy...

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Heat – In Tuscany, cattle sheds are cooled with fans

Fans and cooling showers are used to help cattle endure the extreme heat in the barns of the Tuscany province, the Coldiretti producers’ association announced on Tuesday. In the city...

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Hungary’s first plate dessert competition has started

The Association of Hungarian Chefs of Étrend (ÉTREND), Felcsúti Lajos Leteney Gimnázium Vocational High School and Vocational High School, with the cooperation of the State Secretariat for National Policy of...

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3 tips for a more sustainable diet

While it is convenient to point the finger at the private jets of the richest or the giant cargo liners to say that there is nothing we can do for...

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(HU) A hekken és a lángoson túl: könnyed ételek a nyárra

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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This is how plants get more emphasis in our diet

The ideal diet is varied and includes adequate amounts and quality of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Within these, animal-based ingredients are also an important part of our diet, but our...

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How much calory does your rice contain? Depends on how you cook it

Cooking hacks are quite common on the internet, of course, but this one caught Grub’s attention: Two researchers at at Sri Lanka’s College of Chemical Sciences have discovered a way...

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A better quality diet results in higher levels of food waste

A better quality diet results in higher levels of food waste – US researchers have shown in their study. According to the study Americans throw 422 grams of food out...

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What’s the secret of successful diet?

What you can already glean from these few facts is that, first, there is no perfect diet or exercise program. Each member found his or her own method of dieting...

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The emotional well-being of women is more affected by diet

Women may need much more key nutrition materials to maintain their emotional well-being than men need – a new study from New York State University researchers revealed. An increasing number...

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We consume more conscientiously than 5 years ago

The change in the consumer habits of the domestic population points to a healthy and conscious lifestyle. As respondents say they consume more vegetables, fruits and domestic food than in...

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Harmony with plant basics

Why is it worth increasing the proportion of intake of plant-based food? According to a recent study, the well-compiled plant diet can be used to prevent the health problems of...

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Vénusz: sustainability in the kitchen

The consumption of fruits and vegetables is an indispensable part of a balanced diet, as nutrients in them are key to preserving our health. It is not enough to emphasize...

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The Mirelite Vadas sauce was renewed within EU product development

The five-year long NU-AGE project – supported by the European Commission – aims to improve the health and quality of life of residents over 65 and to reduce aging factors....

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Neanderthal diet: 80 percent meat, 20 percent vegetables

Scientists from the Senckenberg Center for Human Evolution and Palaeoenvironment (HEP) in Tübingen have studied the Neanderthals' diet. Based on the isotope composition in the collagen from the prehistoric humans'...

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The diet is more important than exercises

According to researchers,diet is more important than exercise for people who want to lose weight. The study revealed that it was time to bust the myth of physical inactivity and...

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The risk of Alzheimer's disease can be reduced with diet

According to the study published in the Alzheimer's & Dementia magazine, a proper diet can significantly reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease. The study was based on the ten year...

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Changes were made to the proper diet guidelines of children's nutrition in the U.S.

New guidelines released today by a leading U.S. pediatricians group urge a more practical, commonsense approach toward nutrition to help improve children's diets and health, both in school and at...

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Magazine: The aspects of health and wellness prevail in our diet

In Hungary, the majority of people consider themselves as overweight in some degree. Four in ten are on a slimming diet as well. Most of them are carrying out a...

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