Tag "élelmiszerbiztonság"


Practically all European Union member states are now affected by the Fipronil scandal – eggs have been infected with pesticide. Millions of eggs had to be pulled from stores, but finally...

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Blackmailer threatens with food poisoning in Germany

One or more blackmailers have threatened to poison food products in shops in Germany and elsewhere in Europe, unless they are given millions in cash, police warned on Thursday. Authorities...

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A small-scale production guide was prepared for good hygiene practice

A small-scale producer guide was prepared for good hygiene practice for food production and marketing, which is available free of charge on the website of the Ministry of Agriculture (FM),...

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A comprehensive disease control test to be launched at poultry holders

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) launches a comprehensive and unified disease control investigation as the initiative of the Poultry Product Council (BTT) at Hungarian poultry holders. The autumn...

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Nougat slice infected with with glass

A customer found a piece of glass in Germany in a nougat slice that was manufactured in Germany. The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) announced on Monday that the...

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Nébih: Albanian bakeries do not pose a food safety risk

The Albanian bakeries do not pose a food safety risk – the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) informed MTI on Friday. Nébih’s communication states: “Based on the experience of...

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So far, the Nébih has issued a report on fipronil-free production in case of 15 egg companies

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) has begun issuing test reports for egg market companies who have stated that they do not use fipronil based insecticides or ingredients containing...

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Counterfeit honey can be dangerous to health, according to professional organizations

Unknown origin fake honey can be a risk to health, according to the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK) and the National Hungarian Association of Beekeepers (OMME), so they propose to...

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The Minister of Agriculture has ordered increased control of import of poultry meat

The Minister of Agriculture has ordered increased control of imported poultry meat in order to protect Hungarian consumers from contaminated import goods – the Minister told M1 news channel on...

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Domestic Farm Eggs are safe

The products of one of the largest home-made egg production and distribution companies, the Farm Tojás Csoport (Farm Egg Group) can be consumed safely. In recent weeks, the media have...

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Egg producers using the Koronás Egg trade mark initiated voluntary inspections

Egg producers using the Koronás Egg trade mark initiated voluntary inspections at the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) to certify that no fipronil based insecticides are used on their...

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Nébih: every second passenger attempted to pass with forbidden meat product through the Ukrainian border

The officers of the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) and the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) found forbidden meat product at every second passenger who attempted to pass...

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Hungarian eggs are safe

The Hungarian Egg Association dissociates itself from the identified recent cases in Hungary where the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) has shown that some domestic egg producers used an...

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Contaminated eggs: the national chief veterinarian mentioned the responsibility of the producers

The National Chief Veterinary Officer warned the poultry holders to withdraw their products if they treated them illegally or the preparations they used were counterfeit – the Ministry of Agriculture...

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Contaminated eggs – New products were withdrawn from circulation in France

In France, four pasta varieties made from Belgian and Dutch eggs – contaminated with fipronil – were withdrawn from circulation, according to the list of the a French Agriculture Ministry...

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The Nébih found fipronil in Hungarian origin eggs

The laboratory of the National Food Safety Office (Nébih) found fipronil during the egg control action started in early August in a Hungarian-origin fresh egg item with the identification number...

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The Nébih checked fish fryers at the Lake Balaton

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) checked 13 fish fryers at the Lake Balaton in the last week of June. 700 laboratory tests were carried out on more than...

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Nébih: contaminated eggs has reached Hungary

Pesticide drug, fipronil contaminated eggs and egg products were found in Hungary. There were residues in the products that did not endanger the health, so their consumption did not pose...

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The NÉBIH seized dietary supplements

Potentious food supplements from China were withdrawn by the National Food Chain Safety Office (NÉBIH) because they found drug-like substances in the tests. According to a statement of NÉBIH sent...

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Contaminated eggs – Nébih: the price of eggs will not rise

The number and volume of contaminated eggs do not reach the level that would cause change in the price, but it can affect the market processes – Nagy Attila, deputy...

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Brussels calls for summit over major egg contamination scandal

The European Commissioner, responsible for food safety has called for a meeting of ministers and national regulatory agencies for Friday, to discuss a widespread European contamination scare, which has seen...

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Nébih: Hungary is not involved in the “Dutch egg case”

Hungary is not involved in the “Dutch egg case” on the basis of current information – the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) told MTI. The Minister of State responsible...

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A bakery in Budapest was closed by Nébih

Because of severe hygiene problems, a bakery in Budapest was closed down immediately by the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih). At the on-site inspection of the National Food Chain...

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Nébih: gamay rosés meet the food safety standards

All of the dry gamay rosés, complied with food safety and nutrition criterias of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih). Experts found only marking inaccuracies – the office told...

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African swine fever has appeared in Romania near the Hungarian border

African swine fever has been reported in Romania. The infectious disease was discovered by the authorities near Szatmárnémeti near the Hungarian-Romanian border in a backyard farm, the Romanian Veterinary and...

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The Nébih destroyed four tonnes of meat in a meat factory in Kaposvár

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) closed a meat factory in Kaposvár, because of its hygiene status. The authority ordered the destruction of 28 kinds of nearly 4 tonnes...

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The Nébih seized more than six tons of fish

During the special check on Tisza-based restaurants and groceries, just over a weekend, the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) prohibited the distribution of more than 600 kilograms of fish...

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The Nébih tested Caucasian kefirs

The National Food Chain Security Office (Nébih) tested Caucasian kefirs. Serious problems were not found during the investigations – the agency told MTI on Friday. According to Nébih’s announcement, 17...

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The Nébih has started the summer seasonal food chain check

Summer Seasonal Food Chain Check has begun: Between July 1 and August 31, the National Food Chain Safety Agency (Nébih) and the regional food chain supervisors specialists focus on food...

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Dried goji berries containing 18 pesticide residues on the shelves of Hungarian stores

Hungary also received dried goji berries containing 18 pesticide residues. Products originating in China have been brought to the domestic stores through the Czech Republic – the homepage of Nébih...

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