Tag "élelmiszerbiztonság"

Nébih: no contamination was caused by contaminated vegetables in Hungary

For now, it is not possible to estimate how many listeria bacteria contaminated quick-frozen vegetables have been recalled – Nagy Attila of Nébih told M1 news channel on Monday morning....

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Nébih draws attention to the thorough heat treatment of frozen vegetables

The quick-frozen vegetables and mixtures of vegetables produced by Greenyard’s plant in Baja –that are contaminated with listeria bacteria – may be marketed in Hungary as well. Therefore, the National...

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Fipronil eggs were found again in the Netherlands

Fipronil was detected in pesticides in the Netherlands at an organic farm. Farmers apparently did not learn fom the case last year – agrarszektor.hu wrote. The scandal first exploded in...

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A procedure was initiated against 71 market outlets following the examination of Nébih

A lawsuit was initiated against 71 vendors after the Nébih investigated fruit and vegetable sales in 14 markets in Budapest. According to information published on the website of National Food...

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Nébih takes the fight against food misuses

The National Food Chain Security Office (Nébih) will create a central laboratory base with a nearly eight billion forints investment in the following years – agrarszektor.hu wrote. In addition, several...

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Hungarians purchase safe Hungarian eggs

Eggs from abroad can carry health risks, so the Hungarian Chicken Hybrids-Breeders and Egg Producers Association recommends to buy Hungarian eggs from controlled production sources. According to the Association’s announcement...

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Nébih’s latest product test identified markup errors

The Gluten-Free Spaghetti Test of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) found the 9 controlled products adequate, but initiated regulatory proceedings against the responsible entrepreneurs of 3 products for...

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There is no fipronil in Hungarian eggs

No fipronil-containing insecticides are used by domestic food-producing businesses. Eggs from Hungarian farms can be safely consumed – agrarszektor.hu wrote. Domestic egg farms do not use pesticides that contain fipronilic...

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Zsigó Róbert: 77 percent of the people trust in Nébih

77 percent of the people have confidence in the National Food Chain Security Office (Nébih) and 85 percent know that they need to turn to the organization if they have...

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Nébih was ranked first in the ranking of European authorities

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) was ranked first in the ranking of European authorities; according to a recent survey by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), the Hungarians...

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Nébih closed an illegal pizzeria in Gödöllő

The National Food Chain Security Office (Nébih) closed an illegal pizzeria in Gödöllő, the business was operated without tax number and without permission, without the respect of technical hygiene and...

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Frozen corn can be dangerous

In its assessment – published last week – the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), linked quick-frozen corn to the Listeria...

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Nébih: the case of contaminated dairy products is treated as a threat at the moment

At the moment, the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) has no information whether the milk would be contaminated in certain chains of stores or that anyone would be sick,...

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Nébih: the contaminated caraway comes from Egypt

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) continues to investigate the case of the contaminated caraway. The authorities have already found that the caraway has Egyptian origin – the Nébih...

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The Nébih withdraw more than two tons of unmarked animal by-products

The Nébih withdraw more than two tons of unmarked animal by-products, 530 kilograms of untraced meat and meat products from circulation at a small-scale producer in Pest county and filed...

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Nébih ordered the withdrawal of contaminated spice cumin

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) was informed of atrophic food poisonings. The findings revealed that the patients had eaten spice cumin-containing food. The National Food Chain Safety Office...

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The authorities withdrew almost 105 tons of food products in recent months

Almost 105 tons of fake or unknown origin foods and 7,000 liters of alcoholic beverages were withdrawn by the Hungarian authorities during the OPSON VII International operations against food counterfeiting...

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Poultry stop due to the salmonella meat scandal

Due to the salmonella meat scandal, the European Union forbade to enter the EU market to 20 Brazilian meat processing companies – agrarszektor.hu wrote. The measure will enter into force...

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The control of seed potatoes continues

The National Food Chain Security Office (Nébih) ordered the nationwide level controls of seed potatoes arrived from overseas, due to several roundworm cervical worm infections. In the framework of the...

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The Brazilian meat scandal continues

Seven Brazilian meat and poultry companies can be removed from the list of authorized EU suppliers in the near future due to the meat scandal in South America. The Brazilian...

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Nébih: improvements during the spring seasonal inspections

Improvements were detected by the experts of Nébih during the 2018 spring seasonal inspections virtually at every area – the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) announced on its website....

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More than 4700 kilogrammes of food products were withdrawn by Nébih

The National Food Chain Safety Officers (Nébih) have checked the storage facilities of a company in Budapest supplying food from mainly Italy. The inspectors seized more than 4700 kilograms of...

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NFM: Easter hams, scones and Chocolates were tested by the Consumer Protection Authority

The National Consumer Protection Survey screened inadequate quality of Easter hams and scones – the National Development Ministry (NFM) informed on Thursday. In the Communication, it was recalled that the...

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Five tons of unmarked vegetables were found by the financiers in Makó

Approximately five tons of vegetables with unknown origin were found by the financiers in a lorry in the Makó region – the National Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) informed MTI....

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The Nébih imposed a fine of more than 7.3 million forints in the first period of the Spring Control Series

During the first period of seasonal food chain control, between 1 March and 18 March, the staff of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) visited 1958 facilities. As a...

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More than 1300 kilograms of products were withdrawn from the market by Nébih

More than 1,300 kilograms of products were seized and withdrawn from circulation by the National Food Chain Security Office (Nébih) during investigations in commercial units in Kállósemjén and Nagykálló. According...

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Risky poultry import poses a food safety risk

The free-trade agreement between the European Union and the South American MERCOSUR countries could not be established until the recent Brazilian meat scandal was investigated by the authorities – Erdős...

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A food safety alert was issued due to a bitter apricot kernel diet supplement

The Dutch Authority issued an alert for a bitter apricot kernel diet supplement, (which was shipped to 12 EU Member States, including Hungary) due to a higher content of cyanide...

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Nébih found a pest in another foreign potato consignment

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) found a pest in another foreign potato consignment. The 11.5 tonnes of infected consignments came from Romania and Austria, the agency published on...

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The European Parliament voted on the report on honey

The most important result of the European Parliament’s resolution adopted taking into account the views of all interested parties is the focus of attention on honey counterfeiting – Erdős Norbert,...

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