Tag "COVID-19"

Social distance in a small Malaysian café – Video of the day

Interesting design to socially distance while eating out This is Cafe Tak Dak Nama in Malaysia.  ...

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Magazine: Pandemic puts pressure on sustainability efforts

Sustainability and environmental protection matter to more and more consumers, but how did the COVID-19 pandemic affect this trend? We compared the results of an online survey conducted in the...

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POPAI reports

The world closed and then opened up again Programmes organised online because of the pandemic are also accessible to those who wouldn’t have been able to take part in them...

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New QSR-designs – Video of the day

Burger King unveiled two new restaurant designs, that will have dedicated mobile order and curbside pickup areas, drive-in and walk-up order areas, enhanced drive-thrus, exterior dining space and sustainable design...

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(HU) Idén többen választották külföldi út helyett a belföldi pihenést

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Magazine: ‘Life in the time of Covid’

I have lived through many decisive years throughout my career, from the political transformation in 1989 to Hungary’s accession to the EU in 2004. But I think the spring of...

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‘Model’ customers keep Tokyo diners socially distanced – Video of the day

The coronavirus pandemic might have left many restaurants empty, but one establishment in Tokyo is relying on some model customers to enforce social distancing: life-like mannequins keeping diners from getting...

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Henkel delivers overall robust business performance despite substantial impact from COVID-19 pandemic

Focus on ensuring employee safety, supplying customers and supporting communities Group half-year sales reach 9,485 million euros, nominal: -6.0%, organic: -5.2% Operating profit* at 1,191 million euros, -27.5% EBIT margin*...

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(HU) Érezd Szombathelyt! – Újratervezés vírus idején

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Magazine: What was 2019 like for market players?

In 2019 Hungarian retail value sales were up 7 percent in comparison with 2018. The growth rate was just a little below last year’s level (7.7 percent), and the engine...

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Product parcels for HoReCa units

In August the HoReCa and Event branch of the Hungarian Marketing Association (MMSZ) helped Covid-struck cafés, confectioneries, hotels and restaurants with product parcels donated by well-known brands. As part of...

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Business Dinner 2020: ‘It is unlikely that we will have to step on the brake this hard again’

Trade magazin’s traditional end-of-May Business Dinner was organised online this year. The participants were Dr Zsolt Feldman – state secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, András Báldi PhD – scientific...

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Let’s package the world in green materials!

Degradable and compostable BIO plastic can be the solution to environmental problems – says Izabella Bauer, sales manager of BS Plastic™. Why are packaging materials essential in today’s busy pace...

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After the crisis – a moment of opportunity

Now that most of us have probably left the instant crisis management phase behind and are heading in the direction of settling into the ‘new normal’, we can start realising...

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Mass catering in the 20.5th century

Members of the presidency of the National Association of Public Sector Catering Service Providers (KÖZSZÖV) – Anna Zoltai, Zsolt Páger, József Némedi and Tamás Végh – answered questions about the...

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Ephemeral food experiences with ONA – Video of the day

ONA means wave in Catalan – Founded by chef Luca Pronzato, formerly from Michelin star ‘Noma’ Copenhagen, ONA is a community of chefs, food producers, and winemakers that all ride...

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Foodbank: a help to those in need

The difficulties caused by COVID-19 also affect the needy in Hungary in the long run. The protracted effects of the crisis are now being tackled together by government, the economy...

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All that is white isn’t milk

Melinda Mizser-Sebők, Danone Magyarország Kft.’s brand manager informed Trade magazin that there is increasing demand for plant-based foods – the category was characterised by two-digit sales growth in 2019. Danone’s...

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Magazine: They keep moving

The coronavirus pandemic created major social and economic challenges that manifest globally. Dachser is present in 44 countries and in spite of the problems caused by COVID-19, the network of...

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Henkel joins major global climate advocacy effort

Henkel is among 155 major global companies from 34 sectors, which have signed a statement urging governments around the world to align their COVID-19 economic aid and recovery efforts with...

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Fidelity: Lessons from the first quarter of 2020

Now that the first quarter reporting period is largely over, it is time to draw lessons from the data published by companies and their impact on the longer-term outlook. Fidelity...

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COVID-19 affected Henkel’s first quarter

Henkel’s results were influenced by the coronavirus pandemic in the 1st quarter of 2020. The group’s sales revenue dropped 0.8 percent to EUR 4.9 billion; organic sales were down 0.9...

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PLMA news

FMCG retail is a pillar of social stability Last time PLMALive.eu, the monthly video magazine of the Private Label Manufacturers Association was about the influence of COVID-19 on European retail,...

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How COVID-19 is changing consumer behaviors

The EY Future Consumer Index on behavior and sentiment across five key markets shows how the pandemic is creating new consumer segments. Daily life for people around the world has...

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RetailZoom: New categories arise to top-10 rank since COVID-19

In our earlier articles we have showcased many different perspectives how the spreading of the virus and the subsequent quarantine period has changed the way consumers are doing their shopping...

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The pandemic has totally transformed the way the world eats

There is no trend, exactly, other than this: People want comfort. They also want to eat their way to stronger immune systems. They’re stress baking, but they’re also eating healthier...

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Re-opening restaurants – pros and cons

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Global Report on Food Crises reveals scope of food crises as COVID-19 poses new risks to vulnerable countries

Today an international alliance of UN, governmental, and nongovernmental agencies working to address the root causes of extreme hunger have released a new edition of their annual Global Report on...

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Nielsen: Covid-19 Concerns Are a Likely Tipping Point for Local Brand Growth

Never mind national pride, opting for locally produced products may fast become a necessity for retailers and consumers concerned about products originating from countries where novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has spread....

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