Tag "Auchan Magyarország"

Promotion of the Year awards presented at a trade conference

This year the “Promotion of the Year 2024” awards ceremony took place on 18 April, organised by Trade magazin and bringing together key players from the FMCG sector for the...

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Resilience – how far can flexible adaptation go?

The importance of mental resilience has increased in the corporate world. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2024/4 In the last year two close friends of mine...

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Money taps are to be turned on in horticulture

For the ninth time, on 29 February horticulturist met to discuss the latest issues affecting the sector at the Zsendülés conference. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin...

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What makes a successful Christmas television ad?

Trade magazin launched the first Christmas TV ad competition last December. The submitted commercials were voted on by the public between 5 and 20 December. Lidl’s ad was voted the...

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„Egy vérbeli kereskedő nem lehet másmilyen, mint emberközpontú”

Lucenko Viktória személyében új vezérigazgató áll tavasz óta az Auchan Magyarország élén. Viktóriát – aki 24 év alatt számtalan területen dolgozott az Auchannál – az új pozíciójában töltött első időszak...

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Applikációval támogatja az élelmiszermentést az Auchan

Az Auchan Magyarország számára ki­emelten fontos az élelmiszermentés, és már tíz éve különböző programokkal lép fel az élelmiszer-pazarlás ellen. A jelenleg bevezetés alatt álló Smartway rendszerük segítségével a kiárusítási folyamatot lehet majd...

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Hajnalka Széll is the national marketing and customer relations director of Auchan Hungary

During the summer, a reorganization took place in the management of Auchan Hungary. All communication areas of the company are under the direction of Hajnalka Széll. In addition to the...

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Auchan announced a design competition

Auchan Hungary joined Plastic-Free July for the third time this year. The company attaches great importance to sustainability and encourages its customers to adopt environmentally conscious consumer behavior with its...

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Auchan: one of the main missions is still developing the purchasing power

Viktória Lucenko, CEO of Auchan Magyarország: “Our 2022 business results were partly influenced by the drop in motor fuel sales, as fewer customers visited our petrol stations due to the government-imposed...

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Plastic-free July starts

Auchan Hungary will join the plastic-free July campaign again this year. Sustainability plays a particularly important role in the life of the company, since 2019 it has been pursuing a...

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Abuse of Auchan’s name

In the last 2 days, attackers on behalf of Auchan sent phishing messages widely from an e-mail address linked to Auchan. The security breach that caused the incident is still...

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From Saturday, you can drop off used mobile phones at Auchan for one month

Auchan Hungary and Auchan Korzó are also joined by the KÖVET Association, the Jane Goodall Institute, the Protection Association and the Foundation for Africa “Pass Back, Brother!!” for its mobile...

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Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország enters the snack category

Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország is testing its latest biscuit brand in Hungary’s HUF 80bn snack market: MyWellness flavoured oat and functional biscuits are available in 19 Hungarian Auchan stores from November....

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The future has already started! – Auchan’s complex sustainability strategy

This summer Auchan Magyarország established a special directorate for implementing its environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategy. The company wants to reduce CO2 emission from store operations by 46% and to...

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This year’s Symbol of Sustainability winners

Trade magazin has organised the Symbol of Sustainability competition for the third time. This competition seeks to reward projects trying to make our future more sustainable. The jury panel evaluated...

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Júlio and Júlia collect HUF 16m

Auchan Magyarország’s iconic plush beavers, Júlio and Júlia, collected HUF 16m for the 2nd Paediatric Clinic of Semmelweis University at the end of last year, as part of the retailer’s...

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Auchan’s charity campaign is over

The year-end charity campaign of Auchan Hungary, which is now a tradition, has ended, and the company once again won the Semmelweis University II. supported the Pediatric Clinic No. For...

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New country general manager for CHEP Magyarország

CHEP, the global supply chain’s leading pallet pooling service provider, has appointed a new country general manager for its Hungarian operations: Nóra Barla-Szabóné Illés is responsible for CHEP’s business performance...

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Magazine: ‘Nobody can do it alone’

This title could be the credo of every community that works for shared goals and the members of which support each other in achieving them. Well, the last community I...

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Magazine: Have a nice breakfast!

Ákos Bősze, METRO’s business development executive (HoReCa) told our magazine that the breakfast service of restaurants seems to be one of the fastest-recovering segments in hospitality. In the period before...

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Magazine: Business Days 2020 – Our conference wasn’t cancelled…

Even the coronavirius couldn’t beat our Business Days conference, which we organised together with the Chain Bridge Club in September. Thanks to the strict health protection protocol, the nearly 550...

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Magazine: Private label innovation trends

Koen de Jong, managing partner of International Private Label Consult (IPLC) analysed the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on private labels in the European Supermarket Magazine (ESM). He revealed that...

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CBA, Metro and Auchan joined the #buyhungarian campaign

During the coronavirus pandemic the Hungarian Product Nonprofit Kft. launched its ‘Buy Hungarian! Protect domestic products!’ campaign, and several retailers decided to back the initiative. CBA was the first to...

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Promotion of the year 2019 awards handed over

DRINK category, GOLD MEDAL: Coca-Cola HBC Magyarország Kft. and Rewart Kft.: Win festival experiences! Shoppers who bought any small-size Coca-Cola product in the 12-week campaign period could enter daily prize...

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Auchan opts for instant green solutions

In April 2020 Auchan Magyarország started phasing out single-use plastics from its product selection. From April the retailer is replacing plastic plates, drinking straws and cotton buds with eco-friendly alternatives...

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(HU) Fogyasztóvédelmi referensek jó gyakorlatait mutatta be a FORE

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The Trade Parliament was in session (Part 2)

On Thursday the day’s topic was hypermarkets, discounters, drugstores and e-commerce. The moderators of the day’s work were Zoltán Fekete, secretary general of Branded Goods Association Hungary and HD Group’s...

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This year’s ‘Consumer protection manager of the year’ awards were presented

On 21 February the award ceremony of the Consumer Protection Manager Association (FORE) was held in the main hall of Benczúr Palace. Nikoletta Keszthelyi, secretary of state at the Ministry...

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Auchan honoured

This year Auchan was honoured with the Disabled-friendly Workplace recognition for the fifth time. Auchan can use the title for 2 years. One of the reasons the retailer got the...

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(HU) Kiosztották az „Év fogyasztóvédelmi referense 2018” díjakat

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