Tag "aszály"

SeqOmics Kft. is working on a solution to reduce the effects of drought.

SeqOmics Kft., based in Mórahalom, is working on a solution that can be applied to both seeds and seedlings to reduce the effects of drought. The project won about 212...

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These two crops could be the biggest losers of this year’s drought

Last week’s rains did not eliminate the drought either, according to information received by the National Association of Cereal Growers (GOSZ), rapeseed is in a very bad condition, wheat is...

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Unprecedented Drought

Year after year, the droughts of early spring, such as this year, are becoming more and more common in Hungary, which certainly seriously endanger arable crops – agrarszektor.hu wrote. If...

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GOSZ: wheat prices are rising

Demand in the grain market has pushed up the price of the old crop, while this year’s cereal crop is being negatively affected by water shortages, so interest in the...

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The Ministry of Agriculture has initiated the proclamation of a period of permanent water shortage

The Ministry of Agriculture has initiated the announcement of the period of permanent water shortage at the Ministry of the Interior, Nagy István, head of the ministry told MTI. The...

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New complex soil management technology can help to combat drought

Drought is one of the biggest challenges of climate change is affecting agriculture. It can be tackled by the use of a new domestic complex soil management technology, using three...

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The agricultural ministry focuses on drought prevention tasks

Instead of dealing with drought damage, after the damage happened, the focus should be on prevention-related tasks – emphasized Feldman Zsolt, Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture at...

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The EU sends 50 million euros to Africa to mitigate drought

The European Commission has decided to release 50 million euros in emergency humanitarian aid to alleviate food shortages and other supply problems caused by protracted drought in four countries in...

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FruitVeB: this year’s vegetable crop may be similar to last year’s

According to preliminary estimates, farmers will be able to harvest on 82,000 hectares – Ledó Ferenc, president of the Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Interbranch Organization and Product Council (FruitVeB) told...

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The development of water management and agriculture must be coordinated

Water management and agriculture should be developed in harmony with each other – Feldman Zsolt, Minister of State of the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) said at a professional conference in...

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Concordia Közraktár Zrt.: the profitability of grain production Is uncertain due to drought

Due to the drought, the profitability of cereal production has become uncertain this year. In addition to the expected 15 percent loss of crop, the irrigation of wheat fields has...

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Grain growers: there can be a major crop loss because of drought

The quality of autumn sowing is diminishing due to drought, and crop losses could be as high as 2-3 million tonnes – the president of the National Association of Cereal...

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NAK: drought can be avoided with artificial water supply

If the current water scarcity period in agriculture persists for a long time and there is not enough rainfall for a long time, drought can occur, but this can be...

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FruitVeB: weekend rainfall was good for the farmers and the orchards

The precipitation of the sown vegetable seeds and the flowering of the fruits was helped by the rainfall at the weekend, but it did not provide the necessary amount –...

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Magosz: 30 percent of the grain can be the lost due to the drought

Due to drought, 30 percent of the cereal grains could be wasted – Jakab István, president of the Association of Hungarian Farmers (Magosz) told M1 news channel on Wednesday. The...

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FruitVeB: drought adversely affects the fruit and vegetable production areas

Drought has a negative impact on the fruit and vegetable production areas. Currently 120-160 millimeter rainfall is needed in the soil – Ledó Ferenc, President of the FruitVeB Inter-Professional Organization...

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The irrigation season to be extended

From this year, the government will extend the period of agricultural water use, in which farmers will have access to irrigation water at a discounted price – the Minister of...

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Drought can cause hundreds of billions of losses to Hungarian farmers

Drought can cause hundreds of billions of loss of income for Hungarian farmers – the head of the National Agricultural Chamber (NAK) told M1 news channel. In the past one...

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Cereal growers: because of the drought, only one third of wheat and rape has become good quality

Due to drought, only one third of wheat and rapeseed became good quality, well below the average of 50-55 percent in the past five years – the president of the...

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German farmers: almost three billion euros drought damage

Almost three billion euros (966 billion forints) damage happened to the German farmers due to the low precipitation weather of the recent months, according to the first estimates made after...

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Drought reduced German grain yields

The German Raiffeisen Alliance summed up the harvest results and lowered the expected yields of maize again – agrarszektor.hu wrote. Germans have not reached such bad results since 1994. This...

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The European vegetable sector is in a huge crisis

According to the European Association of Vegetable and Fruits Producers (PROFEL), farmers have not experienced a similar crisis over the past 40 years. The drought continued in July, so yields...

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The European agriculture was badly affected by drought

It seems that other countries in Europe have also suffered from the shortage of rain until the rainfalls of June arrived – agrarszektor.hu wrote. By now, it is certain that...

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The Agrarian Chamber tests the drought monitoring system

The complex water scarcity forecasting system established by the National Water Directorate General (OVF) is a major step forward in the fight against drought. The National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK)...

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Brutal drought caused 100 billion HUF damages to the corn

This year’s summer heat caused up to 100 billion HUF damages to the corn producers – agrarszektor.hu wrote. According to the harvest results so far, yield is more than 2...

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Daily updated drought index shows how much drought is in Hungary

A daily scale drought index (NLA) was developed by the staff of the Agricultural Research Center of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA). The indicator calculates the drought exposure of...

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Drought causes forty billion HUF damages each year

The drought causes about forty billion HUF damages everyyear in Hungary – Láng István, Technical Deputy Director General of the National Directorate of Water Resources told M1 news channel. Láng...

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FAO Report: dry areas of the Earth should be handled with special attention

Special attention should be paid to the dry areas of the world, because climate change will further strengthen the negative effects of droughts, desertification and land degradation – the report...

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Potato prices are rising

The price of potatoes are increasing explosively since last autumn. Compared to the previous year now 40-50 percent have to be paid for potatoes – Népszabadság Online wrote on the...

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Domestic garlic is running out

Experts say that because of the drought 15-20 percent less garlic was grown in 2015 than in the year before, because this plant is essentially produced around Makó without irrigation....

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