Tag "állattartás"

There is a need for a National protein feed program

Hungary covers its livestock protein requirement mainly from US imports. There is a need for a National protein feed program to induce genetically modified (GMO) foods – Fazekas Sándor Minister...

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Half a million Dutch cows to be slaughtered

Up to half a million dairy cattle can be killed this year by the Dutch livestock farmers because placing an excessive amount of manure threatens the natural waters – agrarszektor.hu...

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Prosperity is magnetic

The population of the United Kingdom is 64.1 million and the employment rate is 52 percent. Economic growth was 2.8 percent in 2014 and 2.2 percent in 2015. Per capita...

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36.53 billion HUF for the development of animal husbandry

The Prime Minister's Office opens another tender for the animal breeders. The dairy restructuring welfare support will be 36.53 billion HUF – the Prime Minister's Office told MTI on Thursday....

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