Shop!X 2020 – building a sustainable future
Shop!X will go beyond environmental issues to find solutions for the critical issues that face every part of our industry on the virtual event 9-12. November 2020. Lectures, workshops, labs and panel discussions will focus on the hot topics of sustainability.
The 4 days afternoon programs will start at Hungarian time 4 pm and finish around 8-9 pm. There is a last minute registration offer with 20% off with the promotional code ShopX-2020-LASTCHANCE20.
Pre-Conference Sessions
Participants, among them several hungarian representatives will join in a fun, insightful virtual retail design competition to tackle real-world challenges. In this competition, virtual participants will be teamed up with some of the industry’s best designers and fixture and display professionals from around the globe to create innovative design solutions, many of which can be implemented post event for them and their brand’s in-store experience.
Last year’s Retail Challenge brought together top brands like Marriott, Home Depot, Coca-Cola, Carnival, Chick-Fil-A and more, working together to create an innovative retail experience at a Times Square location that leveraged current retail industry trends.
Opening day ceremonies
At the Shop! Annual Membership Meeting participantc can hear the latest on the goals and plans for Shop! Association for the year ahead. They can listen in to opening ShopX remarks during a State of Shop! by Shop! current Chairman, Joel Katterhagen.Participants will also hear all about Shop!’s latest offering – SHOP Marketplace. Hear the vision for the 2021 event and start to look ahead for how you can get involved in this next level industry event.
At the Shop! Hall of Fame, all attendees and association members are welcome to help celebrate those who go the extra mile in their contributions to Shop! and its programs.
The day’s last program is the Retail Challenge (4-5. Nov) video screening and networking event.
Retail, social and cultural ecosystem
10-12. November afternoons will focus ont he different aspects of sustainability like wellness, brand transparency, corporate social responsibility, Phygital & omnichannel environments, Stores transforming into showrooms, and Resilience to environmental threats and societal disruptions, among others. At the beginning, following Shop!X’s theme of sustainability, Ken Nisch, Chairman of JGA Branded Environments, will share insights in retail design and highlights from his new book Sustainability for Retail: How Global Retail Leaders Create Successful Environmental, Social, and Cultural Innovations.
Last day events contains a session lead by Taylor St. Germain, Economic Advisor at ITR Economics. He promises to cut through the fear and the noise and present their expectation of both the human and the business impact of these black swan, COVID-19 events.
Last but not least the closing comments will wrap up ShopX by reviewing the Innovation Lab findings and revealing the winners of the Retail Challenge, including Judge’s Choice and People’s Choice.
There is a last minute registration offer with 20% off with the promotional code ShopX-2020-LASTCHANCE20.
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