
Egg Association: there is an urgent need to reduce the VAT rate on the egg market

There is an urgent need to reduce the value added tax on eggs because, the often uncontrolled egg imports are causing serious disturbances on the Hungarian egg market – the...

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Changes in the pig business

The changes in international prices and the domestic legislation changes can be strongly felt in the meat market. In January, the domestic producer slaughtered pig prices decreased by 4 percent,...

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The world wheat market is changing

The international agricultural market this year shows significant changes for reasons such as the strong dollar, the fall in oil prices and high yields – writes the Wall Street Journal...

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Governmental meetings with the food industry

The officials of the Ministry of Agriculture negotiated with the determining food industry sectors separately. The aim of the ministry is to facilitate the implementation of the food strategy with...

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Smart minifarms in containers

We usually see freight containers on trains or cargo ships, but soon we will see containers in the cities as well. Companies like Freight Farm are creating super-intelligent mini farms...

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The Purchasing Managers' Index indicates a further expansion in February

The Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI), indicates a further expansion in February. The seasonally adjusted value of the index increased to 54.8 points drom the 53.1 points of January – the...

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The domestic market of corporate mergers and acquisitions expanded by two percent last year

The market of corporate mergers and acquisitions (M&A) continued to grow in Hungary in 2015. The number of transactions increased by 27 percent, while the estimated size of the market,...

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Magazine: Efficiency and freshness day after day

Although Hungary’s deodorant market is very much price-sensitive, last year the category managed to expand in terms of both value sales (by 5.4 percent) and volume sales (by 4.8 percent)...

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95 percent of the Hungarian beef goes to export

In Hungary, 95 percent of the Hungarian beef goes to export. An average Hungarian eats only three kilos of beef a year. While because of the low milk prices, the...

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Potato prices are rising

The price of potatoes are increasing explosively since last autumn. Compared to the previous year now 40-50 percent have to be paid for potatoes – Népszabadság Online wrote on the...

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54 billion HUF for irrigation development

The Prime Minister's Office reached at the negotiations of the Rural Development Programme that multiple of the former amount; approximately 54 billion HUF to be available for irrigation development –...

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Nébih tested milk chocolates in February

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) tested milk chocolates in February within its Super Mint product test – the food chain safety authority told MTI on Monday. According to...

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GKI: the drop in investments is slowing the Hungarian economy

The main reason for this year’s slowdown in the Hungarian economy will not be the deceleration of exports, but the around 5 percent lower investments – according to the GKI...

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German retail sales rose

German retail sales declined in January, the first annual decline in eight months. But compared to December, the German retail sales increased more than expected. Retail sales in Germany rose...

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Consumer prices decreased in the euro zone in February

According to preliminary data of Eurostat consumer prices in February fell by 0.2 percent, compared to a year before. After January's 0.3 percent growth, the analysts expected a stagnation. Consumer...

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International resolution on pollination and food production

A growing number of pollinator species worldwide are being driven toward extinction by diverse pressures, many of them human-made, threatening millions of livelihoods and hundreds of billions of dollars worth...

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Several tons of unmarked vegetables were found in a Romanian truck

Several tons of unmarked vegetables and fruits were found by the finance guards near Nagylak in a Romanian truck – the National Tax and Customs Office (NAV) informed MTI on...

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Financial administrative work takes up too much time

A telephone survey by LLP Hungary between August and December 2015, conducted with 1,000 medium-sized and large Hungarian companies, revealed the following: more than 20 percent of Hungarian firms, even...

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Fewer companies founded, more online businesses

According to a survey conducted by Bisnode, the number of companies established in Hungary has been reducing for four years in a row. In 2015 about 25,000 new enterprises were...

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Magazine: Those who form a consortium can apply for 1.5 billion-forint funding

From the middle of February 2016 farmers and micro- and small food industry enterprises can apply for development-purpose funding from a HUF 151-billion budget. Medium-sized food companies have the opportunity...

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Inter-branch organizations urge ban on dumping priced milk imports

The organizations of the milk sector urge immediate ban on the dumping priced milk and milk products import – agrá wrote. Instead of this, the government would easen this crisis...

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The Tokaj Trading House has begun to contract with the grape producers

The state-owned Tokaj Trading House Pltd. contract with the grape producers earlier than ever, even the purchase prices have been announced – the company told MTI on Friday. According to...

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The Russian embargo caused 1300 billions HUF losses to the Hungarian economy

The Russian embargo has caused approximately 4.5 billion USD (1300 billion HUF) export loss to the Hungarian economy – Budai Gyula Minister of State for Foreign Economic Relations presented on...

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Nébih: illegal pickles producers was found in Vecsés

A small producer inVecsés produced pickles without a license among extremely poor sanitary conditions. The inspectors of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) seized about 38 tons of products...

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Brussels do not like the obligation closure of the loss-making stores

The European Commission launches a new infringement proceeding against the Orbán government’s trade regulation, which has a declared aim to push out the foreign chains. Brussels is investigating the rule...

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The riesling to be given a new name

The Balatoni Kör, the Csopaki Kódex and the Rizlinggeneráció announced a joint tender to find a synonym name for the riesling, one of Hungary’s most common white grape variety. According...

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KSH: the number of employees increased by 113 thousand in a year

The number of employees was 4 million 240 thousand in the three months between November-January, 113 thousand more than in the year before. The employment rate for people aged 15-64...

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British households throw 34 thousand tons of beef in the trash each year

According to a research 260 million pounds worth raw and cooked beef items go to waste each year in Britain ie 34,000 tonnes of beef every year – the Guardian...

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Budapest is the fifth best-selling logistics location in Central and Eastern European region

Budapest is the fifth best-selling logistics location in Central and Eastern Europe – the Népszabadság Online cites the research of Prologis. Compared to the 2013 survey, the Hungarian capital came...

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New commercial port to be built in Mohács

From a HUF 5-billion budget (from which HUF 4.75 billion will come from the IKOP programme) a new commercial port is going to be built in Mohács. Construction works will...

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