
Fake handbags and suitcases cause 1.6 billion euros damages each year in the EU

It is estimated that the industry loses approximately 1.6 billion euros revenue each year due to the presence of counterfeit handbags and luggage in the EU marketplace, corresponding to 12.7...

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A significant drop in the number of online purchases in Russia

The number of purchases made at online department stores in Russia fell by 17 percent last year – Alexei Fyodorov, chairman of the association containing the Russian online companies said...

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The price of tobacco and alcoholic beverages increased, pork prices declined further

In February, the consumer prices were on average 0.3 percent higher than a year before, and declined by 0.1 percent, compared to January – the Central Statistical Office (KSH) announced...

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Nébih imposed fines for the unfair distribution of milk

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) found unfair distribution practices in more than 30 percent during its dairy market distribution controls. The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) imposed...

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The potential of the Hungarian wines in the US market

According to Michael Schaefer American wine merchant it is totally unnecessary for the Hungarian wineries to try to appear in New York with their wines. The expert spoke at a...

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A consignment of fake perfumes were seized near Vámosszabadi

Fifteen million HUF worth counterfeit perfume consignment was seized by the finance guards of the National Tax and Customs Office (NAV) near Vámosszabadi. Kovács Mária press Officer of the NAV’s...

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Cash use is about to wave goodbye in Sweden

A recent study by the KTH-Royal Institute of Technology found that Sweden is the world leader in non-cash payment transactions. According to the study, at the moment there are less...

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Analysts: GDP may increase above two percent this year

The increase in gross domestic product (GDP) this year may be over two percent – macroeconomic analysts told MTI who responded to the Central Statistical Office’s (KSH) data published on...

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Budai Gyula: other Hungarian wines have place on the Japanese market in addition to the Tokaji wines

The most famous Hungarian wine is Tokaji in Japan. A significant amount is purchased from Tokaji in the Far Eastern island country, but several other high-quality Hungarian wines also have...

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We can pay with Tokaji ducats already in the summer

Tokaji ducats can be used soon in 27 settlements of the Tokaj wine region. The Tokaji ducats will be a local currency. The Tokaji ducats will be the fourth local...

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KSH: a sharp increase in imports

In January, value of export increased by 1.0 percent in euros, while the value of import increased by 4.3 percent, compared to a year before. The trade surplus fell by195...

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The V4 would work together to reduce VAT on Internet

The minimum goal in Hungary is is to reach the EU average of 85 percent in the usage of Internet. Now the proportion of Internet users is around 63-70 percen...

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Manpower: 16 percent of employers plans staff increase

Sixteen percent of employers plans staff increase of the second quarter of 2016 – according to the survey of the Manpower labor market services firm, published on Tuesday. Three percent...

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More than half of the children's toys was dangerous

According to the study of the National Consumer Protection Authority (NFH) 48 products out of 81 were risky: strangulation, eye damage or risk of permanent damage to health occured in...

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MET Group’s Russian and Turkish expansion

Energy trader MET Group has started entering the markets of Russia and Turkey by establishing affiliates in both countries: MET Vostok is seated in Moscow and MET Turkey’s headquarters are...

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Winemakers can expect a higher amount of support

Domestic winemakers can expect a higher amount support than the originally determined 20 billion HUF. In the Rural Development Programme (VP) a total of 1300 billion HUF is available for...

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The Hungarian National Apiculture Program is ready

The Hungarian National Apiculture Program for 2016-2019 is ready – the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) told MTI on Monday. According to the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) the new National Apiculture...

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Retailers who are open on Sundays reached high plus turnover

Retailers who are open on Sundays achieved a two hundred and fifty billion HUF plus turnover in the past one year, after the mandatory Sunday rest day has been introduced....

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The CBRE expects a robust growth in the commercial real estate market

A strong year is waiting for the Central and Eastern European region’s real estate market in 2016. The investors will also target Budapest, which will give a significant boost to...

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Support to breed the native animals is available by the end of the month

The agricultural ministry said that the protected native and endangered farm animals play an important role in the retention of rural workforce and in the utilization of pastures as well....

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Fitch: global economic environment deteriorated significantly, but recession is not expected

The growth environment of the global economy deteriorated significantly in the past quarter, especially due to the slowdown in the Chinese economy and due to the negative oil market price...

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A renowned winemaker passed away

Szöllősi Mihály winemaker has passed away. He was one of the leading producers in the Ászár-Neszmély wine region. In 2009, he was awarded winery Winery of the Year award, while...

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Smartphones: the double-digit growth may end

Smartphones global sales may increase at a slowing pace this year and in the coming years according to the International Data Corporation (IDC), IT and telecommunications market research institute. Last...

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The domestic Budapest Card debuted at this year's Tourism Exhibition

The domestic Budapest Card, the first domestic product of the Budapest Card family debuted at this year's Tourism Exhibition – Bán Teodóra, managing director of the Budapest Festival and Tourism...

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NGM: a further increase in retail sales is expected

The NGM expects further increase in retail volume during the year, because inflation is low, employment is high and unemployment is very low – Lenner Áron Márk, the Deputy Minister...

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Hungarian wine exports increased

According to preliminary data, the Hungarian wine exports were around 90 million bottles last year, after the 85 million bottles of 2014 – Szabó László Parliamentary Minister of State of...

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Nielsen: Easter candies were sold in a value of nearly 4 billion HUF last year

About 844 tons of chocolate bunnies, eggs and other festive sweets were sold by retail last year during the Easter period in a value of almost 4 billion HUF. In...

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FM: non-GMO food labeling rules are completed

The legal framework for GMO-free food labeling is completed, which is expected to enter into force in the first half of the year – the Ministry of Agriculture (FM) told...

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A record-breaking trade surplus in 2015

Last year, the export value in euros increased by 7.1, while imports rose by 5.4 percent. The trade surplus increased to 8.118 billion HUF – the Central Statistical Office (KSH...

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Hundreds of billion HUF supports will be available after 1 April

The farmers can submit their single electronic agriculture and rural development support claims from 1 April to the Agriculture and Rural Development Office (MVH) – the wrote. Supports can...

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