
Retail sales grew in Europe

In May, retail sales increased by 0.4 percent, compared to the previous month in the euro zone and in the European Union – the European Union's statistical office, the Eurostat...

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MNB: SMEs applied for 125 billion HUF in the third stage of the growth loan program

In the third stage of the growth loan program (NHP), so far 4600 domestic micro, small and medium-sized enterprises were granted fundings in the amount of approximately 125 billion HUF...

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According to a new research, pasta is not fattening, quite the opposite

In recent years pasta gained a bad reputation: it will fatten you. This led lots of people to limit its consumption, often as part of some aggressive “do it yourself”...

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The Nébih seized more than 10 tons of meat in a meat shop in Dunavarsány

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih), seized more than 10 tons of meat in a meat shop in Dunavarsány and ordered the destruction of the products. The inspectors found...

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Golden jackals cause nearly one billion HUF damage to the sheep breeders every year

Golden jackals, stray dogs and thefts cause nearly one billion HUF damage to the sheep breeders every year. According to the sheep breeders a law amendment would be necessary to...

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Retail sales decreased in Romania

The volume of retail sales decreased by 4.7 percent in May, compared to the previous month – the Romanian national statistical institute told on Tuesday. According to the seasonal and...

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Managing labour shortage with outsourcing

In the last few months labour shortages occurred in many sectors in Hungary: by the end of 2015 almost 60,000 positions were unfilled. The Hungarian Outsourcing Association (HOA) is of...

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Manufacturer brands got stronger

Combined sales of sanitary pads, tampons and pantyliners exceeded HUF 14 billion last year, with like-for-like value sales having grown 4 percent. Sanitary pad: the annual market was above HUF...

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Special Prize: ‘Most attractive workplace’ – FMCG category, Nestlé Hungária

Nestlé Hungary’s head of HR Ms Verő told that they are proud to have made it to the top of the list of the most attractive workplaces in the FMCG...

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EC: the food chain supervision fee and the tax on tobacco sales are irregular

According to the European Commission (EC) the food chain supervision fee and the tax on tobacco sales are irregular. According to the European Commission (EC) the the two tax measures...

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Global food demand may decline

Global demand for food is growing slower over the next decade, while thanks to the increase of the agricultural productivity and the slight increase of agricultural areas the needs to...

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FM: the summer food supply chain control has begun

The summer food supply chain control has begun: between 1 July and 31 August the experts of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) and county government agencies jointly control...

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Digital technology would impove agricultural output

The agricultural activity is changing fundamentally in the near future: traditions will be replaced by a variety of data processing systems and objective metrics – wrote. For efficient production,...

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The irrigation development tender of the Rural Development Programme to be amended

In order to the effective implement of the increase of the irrigated land, the irrigation development tender of the Rural Development Programme will be amended – the Prime Minister's Office...

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10 percent of the cooking oil sales is affected by VAT frauds

The ten percent of the cooking oil sales in Hungary is affected by Value Added Tax (VAT) frauds. In the region, only Slovakia and the Czech Republic is infected in...

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K&H: expectations of the domestic SMEs barely changed

The confidence of the domestic small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is stagnating. The K&H’s confidence index expectations for the next year virtually did not change. Compared to the minus 7...

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The French said goodbye to the plastic bags

From the first day of July disposable plastic bags are prohibited in France – Local’s French edition wrote. France’s efforts to reduce the number of plastic bags in distribution comes...

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Sales growth – in both value and volume

FACIAL AND ANTI-WRINKLE CREAM: retail sales exceeded HUF 6 billion in the last two years. Last year Nielsen measured a 9-percent growth in value sales and volume sales increased by...

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Magazine: From the ‘hobby’ of a privileged few to a matter of life and death: employer branding

In just one year the No.1 concern of Hungarian company directors became finding, keeping and motivating workers, this category finishing first in the ranking ahead of market problems and the...

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The export of the Áldomás premium category food products starts this year

In the first round, a total of 30 products of 17 producers received the right to use the Áldomás brand name. In the second half of this year, the exports...

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FM: The role of producer organizations in the agricultural sector should be increased

The role of producer organizations in the agricultural sector should be increased with at least 40 percent. It can be achieved mainly due to the entry of new members and...

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The e-toll system could be improved further

Idata’s E-toll Working Group developed a package of proposals. The e-toll system entered into force in July 2013, exactly three years ago. The e-toll system brought radical changes in the...

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Difference increased in consumption

According to the Central Statistical Office’s data on consumption, the difference between the citizens of Budapest and the rural people has increased enormously in the beginning of the year –...

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The wheat harvest begins next week

Farmers expect a good wheat harvest both in quantity and quality. The wheat harvest begins next week. However, the optimistic expectations is overshadowed by the low price levels: purchasers only...

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The 2016 Wine Selection of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade was presented

The 2016 Wine Selection of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade (KKM) was presented: 23 types of high-quality Hungarian wines of three selected categories will represent the Hungarian...

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Jakab István: the conditions are given for the production of quality food

The country has all the conditions for the production of quality food – the Vice President of the National Assembly said on Friday. Jakab István, Vice President of the Hungarian...

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MLBKT: the purchasing managers’ index in June indicates a slowdown in growth

The purchasing managers’ index (PMI) in June was 1.3 percentage points lower than in May and became 50.9 percent. The purchasing managers’ index (PMI) is indicating an expansion for the...

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The Médiaunió launched a campaign for the selective collection of plastic bottles

The Médiaunió Alapítvány (Media Union Foundation) launched its It Is Not Hard campaign for the selective collection of plastic (PET) bottles – the organization told MTI on Friday. In Hungary...

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Retail sales decreased in Switzerland

In May, a further decline occured in retail sales in Switzerland – the Swiss Federal Statistical Office (FSO) announced on Friday. Retail sales in Switzerland declined by 2.3 percent in...

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Most attractive workplace’ – 3rd place, Szerencsejáték Zrt.

Mr Braun told that 2015 was a successful year for the company in every respect, and this success wouldn’t have been possible without the excellent work of the company’s 1,500...

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