
Street food for all food sensitivities

Everybody deserves a good burger, gofri, or taco, so more and more street food producers are thinking about those people who have some food intolerance or follow different diets. From...

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Nielsen: Hungarian retail trade has accelerated

Retail turnover in Hungary grew by 6.4 percent in the second quarter of 2017, compared to the same period of the previous year on the food and chemical market measured...

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The blue grape harvest has begun in Villány, the quality of the crop is very good

The blue grape harvest has begun in Villány five days earlier than normal because of the warm weather. The quality is pretty good, the volume is expected to be around...

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The OMÉK campaign was launched

Livestock in unusual locations, wondering people – just a few scenes from this year’s 78th National Agricultural and Food Exhibition and Fair (OMÉK). The short film produced by the Agraricultural...

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A three-day game stew festival in Zalaegerszeg

The National Game Stew and Wine Festival begins with a hunting conference and vintage parade on Friday in Zalaegerszeg. The main objective of the program is to present the hunting...

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Budapest Bank: shool start costs 54,000 HUF in the primary schools this year

Families with elementary school children are expected to spend an average of 54,000 HUF this year instead of the 64,000 HUF of last year – the Budapest Bank told MTI...

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The bad weather affected the French vines badly

Such small amount of wine grapes have not been harvested in France since 1945 as this year. The very weak harvest is due to the unusually mild March and the...

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Households can save 20,000 forints per year by replacing large machines

Thanks to the home warming program, households can save on average 20,000 HUF annually on the electricity bill every year – Szabó Zsolt, Minister of State of the Ministry of...

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IDC is forecasting a steady growth in smartphone sales

The US International Data Corporation (IDC) IT and telecommunications market research firm predicts a moderate growth in smartphone sales for the next five years. According to IDC’s projections, the number...

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Bread prices may increase from autumn

The Lipóti Bakery increases the price of bread and other products by 5-10 percent from September due to the increase in wages. According to other companies, the rise in the...

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The common agricultural policy is a huge development opportunity

For Hungary, the EU’s agricultural policy is a huge opportunity for development, however, because of the ever-tightening requirements, the farmers and the food industry are facing more requirements – Győrffy...

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Demand for seedless grapes is growing

According to surveys, Hungarians eat an average of 2.5-3 kilograms of table grapes per year. In line with the trends in the world, the demand for seedless varieties is rising....

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Milk crisis can emerge in Europe

A serious dairy crisis is lurking on Europe, at least one of the leaders of one of the largest dairy companies predicts. For Christmas, milk and butter may run out...

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The wine of the mayors of Tokaj-Hegyalja was handed over

The wine of the mayors handed over in Hercegkút symbolizes the collaboration of the Tokaj-Hegyalja wine-growing region. The wine of the mayors was once again made by the state-owned Grand...

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The tax authority withdrew untaxed tobacco products from the black market in a value of 1 billion HUF this year

It is novelty that the authority this year also found an unauthorized tobacco farm. The rate of cigarette smuggling has not increased over the past period, but there have always...

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The loan portfolio of the population and companies grew

There was a significant increase in household and corporate loan portfolio in the second quarter, according to the August issue of the MNB’s Lending Processes report, quoted by népszava online....

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There is still a lack of truck drivers in road transport

Hungarian road haulage is still lacking in truck drivers, despite the fact that thousands of drivers have been trained with state support – Somogyi Gábor, Secretary General of Hungarian Road...

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The world’s most expensive cities

Singapore has become the world’s most expensive city for the fourth year in a row, and even a neighboring city, Hong Kong, has also held its second place on the...

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Economic growth in the OECD countries accelerated in the second quarter

The rate of economic growth accelerated in the member states of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in the second quarter. In the 35 member states of the...

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Hungarian eggs are safe

The Hungarian Egg Association dissociates itself from the identified recent cases in Hungary where the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) has shown that some domestic egg producers used an...

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The Global food supply chains have to face complex challenges

The Global food supply chains have to face complex challenges because due to the growth of the world’s population and a significant change in consumption patterns, there is a huge...

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Contaminated eggs: the national chief veterinarian mentioned the responsibility of the producers

The National Chief Veterinary Officer warned the poultry holders to withdraw their products if they treated them illegally or the preparations they used were counterfeit – the Ministry of Agriculture...

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The tenth National Chocolate Festival was opened in Szerencs

The tenth National Chocolate Festival was opened in Szerencs on Saturday. At the opening ceremony, Kiss Eliza, ministerial commissioner of the Minister of Agriculture responsible for wine sector tasks, said...

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The ever-strongest BrandFestival line-up

Central Europe’s largest brand and corporate strategic conference, the BrandFestival will be held for the 17th on October 26-27, 2017 at the Budapest Music Center. The Communications Industry’s Summit will...

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More than forty performers at the 28th Champagne and Wine Festival in Budafok

The 28th Champagne and Wine Festival in Budafok awaits its guests with more than 40 performers, family and children programs and exhibitions on 2 and 3 September at more than...

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DreherFeszt for the fourth time

The DreherFeszt awaits its guests with hop, unfiltered and tank beer specialties that can be tasted only there, and gourmets will also be able to taste the brown Dreher Bak’s...

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You can taste the chulent of four countries at this year’s Chulent Festival

The lovers of the Jewish cuisine could taste the chulents of Yemen, Israel and Poland and Hungary, at the Chulent Festival in Budapest on Sunday. MTI Photo: Demecs Zsolt At...

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Seven new street food trucks will appear in the Kincsem Park in the autumn

Burger fragrance, street racing and horse racing – the traditional Food Truck Show will be held for the fifth time in the Kincsem Park from 1 to 3 September. There...

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KSH: the cost of schooling per child was over 15 thousand HUF last year

The cost of schooling was 15,300 forints per child last year, according to a summary of the Central Statistical Office (KSH) released on Thursday. Based on the figures of August...

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Seaweed against climate change

Irish farmers hope so and have welcomed the opportunity to investigate a 2016 study that claims feeding cows small amounts of seaweed along with their normal diet of grass can...

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