
Million-dollar developments at the Tokaj-Hegyalja World Heritage Sites

Castles, monuments, religious sites and historic streets are also being renewed in the framework of the “Development of the World Heritage Sites of Tokaj-Hegyalja Historical Wine Region” project. With its...

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ÁSZ: labor market indicators improved between 2006 and 2016

Labor market indicators improved significantly between 2006 and 2016 in Hungary: the number of employed increased by 10.7 percent, while the number of unemployed decreased by 26.3 percent, and the...

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Vodafone: significant progress is expected in the digitalisation of SMEs

Although the telecommunications development in Hungary started in the 1990s, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) started to integrate digital technologies only slowly in the sector, but the process can be...

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Hungarian wines at the Vinitaly Italian trade fair

The Hungarian wines will be presented at an own stand again at the Vinitaly International Wine Festival and Exhibition, which opened in Verona, Italy on Sunday. After a long period...

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The EU would allow higher import duties to be imposed on dumped goods

EU foreign ministers have adopted a position on the modernization of EU trade defense instruments, which would allow higher import duties to be imposed on dumped goods – the Council...

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The country’s largest clothing collection action was launched

The charity action called “Give-and-get-days” is the biggest g cloth collection of the country, whereby the organizers are waiting for the unnecessary, but good-quality clothes until 6 May at the...

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Growth in retail sales in the United States

In March, primarily due to car sales, retail sales in the United States increased more than expected – according to U.S. Census Bureau’s report published on Monday. In March, retail...

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A statue was set for the English giant cow

A statue was set for the English giant cow in the United Kingdom. The statue is made of steel and it is almost two meters high – wrote. Source:...

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US retail sales declined further

Instead of the expected growth, retail sales decreased for the third month in February, compared to the previous month in the United States, according to the report of the Census...

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(HU) Valós verseny és további áremelkedés várható az ingatlanpiacon

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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EU money also contributed to last year’s investment record

According to a report by the Central Statistical Office (KSH), the level of investment was up a never-before-seen 16.7 percent in 2017, after the 16-percent decline in 2016. However, in the processing...

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Hungarian grey cattle promoted from 90 million forints

The Association of Hungarian Grey Cattle Breeders successfully applied for HUF 90-million funding from the European Union for promoting meat products in third countries. Products made from the meat of Hungarian...

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Ministry of Agriculture cooperates with bee keepers

The Ministry of Agriculture and the association of Hungarian bee keepers have signed a strategic cooperation agreement. Within the framework of a development programme that started in 2010, the apiculture sector...

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Magazine: The ‘past 8 years’ and the ‘8 years which have almost passed’

Between 2002 and 2016 the consumption level of Hungarian households increased by 14 percent – reported GKI Economic Research Zrt. This was the slowest growth rate if the Visegrád Four...

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Drought prediction system to be launched soon

From mid-April the national drought prediction system is operational. The General Directorate of Water Management (OVF) runs the system that aims at preventing damages in agricultural production caused by extremely dry...

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New Future Lab concept at SIAL Paris

This year’s SIAL Paris programme has been made more exciting with the addition of a laboratory, a start-up programme and a virtual reality feature: between 21 and 25 October 2018...

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Nielsen chart of the month

Market share (in value) of the Top 10 best-selling household chemicals and cosmetics across the regions, from the 90 categories audited by Nielsen, in the February 2017 and January 2018 period...

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The European Commission has proposed the strengthening of EU consumer rights

The European Commission has submitted a package of measures to strengthen European consumer rights – the EU commission said. As it has been said, despite the strict consumer protection rules,...

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Protein Program: 6 reasonable moves to spend 8 billion forints

Almost everyone has heard about the National Protein Feed Program in the sector, and in the days it was also found that the framework for the “five-year plan” approaches nearly...

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Mangalica Festival in Debrecen

The mangalica festival has begun for the ninth time on the main square of Debrecen, the Kossuth square in front of the Reformed Great Church. Tóth Péter, president of the...

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The three-day celebration of the wine profession and the wine lovers ended in Budapest

During the three days of the VinCE Budapest Wine Show 2018, visitors could not only knew the best wines of the Hungarian wineries, but could also learn about the most...

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The volume of bottled wines may increase in the Szekszárd wine region

With the support of the Rural Development Program (VP), the wineries of the Szekszárd wine region will implemend a nearly two and a half billion forints worth development, with investments...

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The US consumer sentiment has deteriorated

The US consumer mood index in April deteriorated more than the analysts expected, according to the regular monthly survey of the Michigan University, whose preliminary results were announced. The consumer...

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Vegetable experiment in Antarctica

Antarctica’s nonstop winters make it impossible to grow food outdoors. Fruits and vegetables are instead shipped long distances from overseas, just a few times per year wrote. But in...

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The aquaculture industry was developed from nearly 1.5 billion forints

The consortium led by the Kiskunlacház-based ÖKO 2000 Kft. implemented almost half a billion forints development in the aquaculture sector of the Hungarian fisheries sector. As the result of the...

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Offering solutions in packages

METRO Hungary was one of the most important participants at the Sirha 2018 trade show. We asked CEO Imre Horváth about their presence and plans. – Both the retail and the hospitality...

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The Brazilian meat scandal continues

Seven Brazilian meat and poultry companies can be removed from the list of authorized EU suppliers in the near future due to the meat scandal in South America. The Brazilian...

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Magazine: Confident deodorant market, widening product selection

In 2017 sales kept growing in the deodorant category. Brand manufacturers reported a single-digit sales growth in both value and volume. Noémi Patai, junior brand manager of Unilever Magyarország told our magazine...

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National hailstorm protection system operational from May

NAK organised a press conference in Dunaharaszti to introduce how the national hailstorm protection system works. The system will be operational from 1 May 2018. NAK president Balázs Győrffy told: in the...

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Agricultural producer prices increased by nearly 5 percent

In February agricultural producers’ prices increased by 4.9 percent compared to a year before, due to a 6.2 percent increase in the price of plant products and the 2.6 percent...

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