
Changes in Germany also affect the Hungarian pig prices

The Hungarian pork prices entirely follow the German prices. Now some processes have begun in Germany that will have a significant impact on price developments – wrote. The big...

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Agricultural subsidies should be used to increase our competitiveness

By adjusting the rules on land use, the government has made a huge step towards the establishment of an agri-business structure that is in line with its goals. Last year,...

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The Ostorosbor has become the best in white, rosé and red categories

The Ostoros Winery has achieved a huge success at the Aranytőke Wine Summit, which was held for the thirteenth time. It was the first time in the history of the...

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Falling milk prices can be expected this year

The EU milk market is expected to drop this year according to an analysis by the Agricultural Directorate of the Takarék Group – wrote. Consumption and processing on the...

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The beekeepers can expect less rape honey this year

The beekeepers expect less rape honey this year, because the cold weather in March caused a delay in the generation change in bees – the Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County advisor of the...

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MKIK proposes five percent VAT on flour and bread

The comprehensive economic policy proposal of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKIK) has been prepared for the government – Parragh László confirmed to The president of the...

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The fruit gene bank in Érd opens its gates

The fruit gene bank of the National Agricultural Research and Innovation Center’s (NAIK) Fruit Production Research Institute opens its gates – NAIK’s Director-General announced on Wednesday. Gyuricza Csaba in the...

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Beer production declined in the Czech Republic last year

After five years of growth, beer production in the Czech Republic decreased by 0.7 percent to 20.32 million hectolitons last year – the Czech beer producer association announced in Prague...

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The control of seed potatoes continues

The National Food Chain Security Office (Nébih) ordered the nationwide level controls of seed potatoes arrived from overseas, due to several roundworm cervical worm infections. In the framework of the...

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The Hungarian fisheries management is completely EU-compliant

The seminar of the European Fisheries Control Agency was held in Budapest on 22 November. The Hungarian fisheries management strategy fully fits into Europe, with the focus being on the...

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Magazine: Hungarian retail trade among the best in Europe

In Q4 2017 like for like value sales grew by 8.2 percent in Hungarian food and drug product retail. In the same period the European average was plus 4.4 percent...

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The sugar consumption habits of the Hungarians

According to a recent national research, Hungarians often eat sweets, but among adults there is a minority of those who put sugar on cakes, pancakes or even cabbage dough, however...

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More than two hundred farmers’ markets are waiting for the customers across the country

Farmers’ markets are becoming more popular: Currently 260 of them are operating in the country. In the producer markets, everyone can sell only self-produced goods and more and more buyers...

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The Drink of National Affiliation in the Carpathian Basin will be ready for the Gyula Pálinka Festival

The Drink of National Affiliation in the Carpathian Basin will be ready for the Pálinka Festival in Gyula. At the event that will be held between 27 and 30 April,...

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The Winemaker of Winemakers award will be handed over on Friday

Two winemakers from Tokaj, and one from Villány have been included into the finals of the Winemaker of Winemakers award. The award will be handed over on 20 April –...

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The advertising rules of the football world cup

The ÖRT draws attention to the rules of the upcoming football world cup and its trademarks. It is slowly becoming a tradition that ÖRT explains the advertising rules and trademarks...

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Nébih: it is forbidden to fish breams by the end of May

The National Food Chain Security Office ( Nébih) on its website drew the attention of fishermen to the fact that the specific catches and those whose identification is unclear must...

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Magazine: Laundry detergent brands are investing in the future

Although the laundry detergent market is saturated, sales have kept developing in the last few years. Gels constitute the biggest segment in the category, followed by the segment of powders that...

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Coca-Cola to launch an alcoholic drink in Japan

Jorge Garduno, president of Coca-Cola’s Japanese division has revealed that they plan to enter the market with Chu-Hi alcopops. Chu-Hi is a canned alcoholic drink traditionally made from a distilled...

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Amazon Key to revolutionise home delivery

Amazon has announced that they will extend the Amazon Key service to all US customers. Amazon Key is an in-home offering that allows delivery people to drop off packages inside...

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The IMF has improved the Hungarian GDP growth forecast

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has improved the Hungarian GDP growth forecast for this and the next year in its spring forecast for the world economy. According to the World...

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Agricultural Chamber: autumn sowings are in good condition

Autumn sowings are in good condition due to this year’s mild winter, without snowfall. According to the survey of the National Chamber of Agriculture (NAK), 90 percent of the 1.6...

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The ÖRT checks the industry commitments

The Self-regulatory Advertising Board (ÖRT) does the industry-by-industry monitoring of the implementation of pledges made. For instance the examination of the EU Pledge commitments –voluntary limiting advertising to children – showed...

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Education of conscious consumers in Schools

The purpose of the National Chamber of Agriculture is to strengthen the trust in domestic products at quite a young age. Local producers and products were introduced in schools and...

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The number of Hungarian SMEs that are able to export has increased multiple over four years

The number of Hungarian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that are able to export has increased several times between 2014 and 2018, Magyar Levente, Minister of State Secretary of the...

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Hungarian students can take part at L’Oréal Brandstorm’s international finals in Paris

The regional round of the L’Oréal Brandstorm Innovation Competition was organized on 10 April, where Hungarian, Czech and Slovak students of higher education presented their ideas to the jury. Participants...

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Most of the webshops use online marketing

93 percent of domestic webshops use some kind of online marketing tool, opposed to offline solutions, which are only used by half of the online stores – wrote. Search...

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More than 50,000 visitors at this year’s Anuga FoodTec

Cologne hosted the Anuga FoodTec trade exhibition for the eighth time. There were a record number of visitors at the event which is organised every three years. This year 13 percent more...

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The vegetable sector calls for price reductions

The VAT on fruits and vegetables is only 3 percent in Spain and 6 percent in the Netherlands. However, the domestic producers have to face a 27 percent VAT in...

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Hungary produces soy well below the demand

Hungary produces soy well below the demand – Gyuricza Csaba, Director-General of the National Center for Agricultural Research and Innovation told M1 news channel on Monday. He said that the...

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