
EU: the concept of vegetables has expanded

The definition of vegetables at EU level has been expanded and clarified. Here’s a list of what species of plants intended for agricultural or horticultural production are now called vegetables...

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The rate of increase in consumer prices in the euro area slowed down in March

The rate of increase in consumer prices in the euro area in March has slowed and moved further away from the inflation target, according to a flash estimate by the...

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A lakossági fogyasztás zuhanására számítanak Ausztriában

Több mint nyolcmilliárd euróval csökkenhetnek az idén a lakossági fogyasztási kiadások Ausztriában a koronavírus-járvány miatt az osztrák Wifo gazdaságkutató intézet prognózisa szerint. Jürgen Bierbaumer-Polly, a Wifo közgazdászának a számításai szerint...

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Urgent resources were provided to help the needy in food shopping in Italy

Four-and-a-half billion euros urgent budget aid willhelp Italians in financial difficulties to buy groceries, medicines and vital supplies during the new coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19) – according to Prime Minister’s announcement-....

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Johnson & Johnson: human testing of its coronavirus vaccine to begin by September

Johnson & Johnson announced  human testing of its experimental vaccine for the coronavirus will begin by September and it could be available for emergency use authorization in early 2021. J&J also...

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Amazon warehouse workers are walking out and Whole Food workers are striking

Amazon, the e-commerce giant that has fared well financially amid the COVID-19 pandemic, is facing a bevy of worker strikes. Today, warehouse workers on Staten Island in New York walked...

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As population works from home, Walmart reports increased sales for tops but not pants

In the age of social distancing, working from home has become the new normal. But coronavirus quarantine has led to an interesting trend in fashion: sales for tops are up,...

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Magazine: Looking for solutions

According to Gergely Lakatos, CEO of Pa­nyolai Szilvórium Zrt., it is the pálinka category that must cope with the highest tax burden and the biggest illegal market. Companies are trying...

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POPAI-news: Condom turnover is rising

POPAI and Shop!* chapters keep in touch and the member organizations are constantly informing each other about the consequences of the virus situation, with particular regard to the development of...

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Nielsen: we spent 57 billion HUF in hypermarkets, supermarkets and drugstores Between March 9-14

By the time of COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak (week 10), 98 percent of Hungarians had heard of the epidemic, and six out of 10 were worried about it before the infection...

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China – 2 months ahead of us

POPAI and Shop!* chapters keep in touch and the member organizations are constantly informing each other about the consequences of the virus situation, with particular regard to the development of...

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There will be fresh Hungarian eggs on the shelves of the shops at Easter

The Hungarian Egg Hybrid Breeders ‘and Egg Producers’ Association (Egg Association) is preparing for Easter, so the Hungarians do not have to worry, there will be enough fresh eggs on...

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Minister of Agriculture: open the closed markets!

The mayor of the affected municipalities in Kaposvár called on the mayors of the affected municipalities to reopen the markets that were closed due to the coronavirus epidemic. During his...

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Magyar közösségi mobilfizetési alkalmazás segíthet a járvány megfékezésében

A digitális pénz új funkcióit kutató magyar fintech vállalkozás kifejlesztett egy mobilfizetési platformot, amelyhez hasonló megoldás Kínában is sikeresen támogatta a vírus terjedése elleni küzdelmet. A fejlesztés eredetileg nagyszámú és...

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GfK’s German consumer sentiment index deteriorated significantly in April

GfK’s German consumer sentiment index deteriorated significantly in April, and since 2009, it is the lowest German consumer sentiment – according to a survey published on the Institute’s website on...

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(HU) Új szakaszba léptünk – Indul a tavasz!

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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In good hands

On 30 January the Hungarian Franchise Association organised its 14th Award Ceremony Gala. Our magazine asked president of the association Gyula Vidács and general secretary Dr Katalin Mandel about the...

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Basket Value is through the roof since COVID-19

Since the COVID-19 outbreak, Hungarian Customers have started to rapidly change their everyday shopping habits; these reflect the changes happening worldwide. Prior to the pandemic outburst, 43.3% of all Hungarian...

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Coop Italia Freezes Prices Of Packaged Goods For Two Months

Coop Italia has announced plans to freeze the prices of all packaged goods for two months, effective immediately. The initiative, which runs until 31 May, will include both private-label products as...

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Coronavirus: Rationing rule proves effective, says Aldi

Aldi has implemented new protective measures in stores to prevent the transmission of coronavirus amid the pandemic. Aldi has also installed perspex screens at checkouts to keep its colleagues and...

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Starbucks, Krispy Kreme among chains giving free items to front-line responders

Several major chains are stepping up to offer support to healthcare workers during the COVID-19 outbreak. Starbucks is offering free coffee to front line responders through May 3. Any customer...

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Magazine: PLMA news

Barriers still exist According to Christian Verschuerent, director general of EuroCommerce, the Brussels-based retail organisation makes great efforts to improve the image of retail trade. He thinks that the spreading...

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POPAI: China – 2 months ahead of us

POPAI and Shop!* chapters keep in touch and the member organizations are constantly informing each other about the consequences of the virus situation, with particular regard to the development of...

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Retail chain sales increased by almost half in the second week of March

According to retail chains, consumers spent 56.9 billion in grocery stores and drug stores between March 9-15, 47 percent more than in the same period last year. According to the...

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Several chain of stores closed to be closed from Saturday

While shopping malls did not close their gates on Saturday – as there are stores where you can buy essential items – but far fewer stores are open than are...

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OKSZ: Supply remains safe even during curfew

Prime Minister Orbán Viktor today announced that a curfew will be introduced from March 28, that which will expire on April 11. This restriction does not affect the security of...

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Auchan: please bring an ID over 65

Auchan be the Elderly Pass Card! From Saturday 9am to 12pm, only people over 65 can shop in stores. Auchan has compiled a guide on how to buy from now...

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The Savings Bank promises a quick loan disbursement to pre-finance agricultural subsidies

On average, Savings Bank (Takarékbank) will transfer its pre-financing loans for regular agricultural subsidies – the bank told MTI on Friday. Fast disbursement this year is particularly important, as more...

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Prohuman: What does curfew mean

The government is imposing a light curfew on the entire territory of Hungary between March 28 and April 12. Prohuman, Hungary’s leading HR services and hiring company, has collected key...

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Consumer sentiment in the United States has fallen

With the rapid spread of the new coronary virus outbreak, consumer sentiment in the United States in March deteriorated significantly – according to a standard monthly survey by the University...

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