
Germans don't do shopping

In Surprise Fall German retail sales fell unexpectedly in August, affected by the impact of higher oil prices and the credit-market turmoil.  Sales, adjusted for inflation and seasonal swings, fell...

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One week for the entrepreneurs

Free presentations and discourses about questions serve the Hungarian entrepreneurs from 27 September to 6 October, organised by Budapest Chamber of Industries. Days of the Chamber's program begins with the...

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Warm food voucher is popular

According to GKI research company, in 2003 only 300,000, this year 570,000 employees get warm food vouchers.  58% of the competition sector's employees get cold food vouchers and 18% warm...

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Heineken introduces new light lager in Russia

The new brand will be positioned in the premium class beer segment and will be supported by a wide promotion campaign across various mass media. Heineken has introduced a new...

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Ribena to go green

The company said that it will become the first in UK's soft drinks industry to increase the recycled content of its ready-to-drink bottles from 40% to 100%. All Ribena bottles,...

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Summer raid – HUF 500 million fine

In the course of the 10 weeks control the inspectors spied at the Lake-Balaton, on the biggest events – as Sziget Festival and on the famous holiday places. Inspectors found...

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Milk producers make the pace

Subsequent upon the price war there are empty shelves at the supermarkets milk sections. The processing industry and the exporters run against each other and jack up the price. There...

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New owner and developing at the Bertrans logistic park in Kecskemet

Australia's Goodman Group buys logistics park in Hungary.  Goodman, an integrated property group listed on the Australian Stock Exchange, has acquired the Kecskemét-based logistics park of Hungarian logistics service provider...

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Private label bio product for the British

According to a survey by TNS, seven out of the ten most popular bio products in the UK are private labels. In chains like Tesco and Sainsbury over 1,000 bio...

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Intimate hygiene tissue: expansion above average

The market of intimate hygiene tissues is small but growing dynamically. According to the Retail Index of Nielsen, retail sales show an increase of 16 per cent in the July...

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Growing loyalty towards supermarkets and discount stores

According to the Shopper Trends study by Nielsen, the significance of modern store types has continued to grow. Hyper markets, super markets and discount stores are becoming the primary places...

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Hungarian exhibitors in Slovenia

Only a few exhibitors represented Hungary at the 45th International Agricultural and Food Exhibition held in Slovenia, in Gornja Radgona. Nearly 135,000 visitors were registered between 25-31. August at the...

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Period of introduction for wet wipe tissues

As this product category has only recently been introduced, the objective is dual: educating consumers and widening the range of applications. The market of wet wipe tissues is growing dynamically...

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Sunshine, songs, logic

According to Greeks, Crete is the birthplace of European culture and having taken a look at the palace of Knossos, I find this an absolutely credible claim. Since Cretans are...

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Omni consumers coming?

According to a recent survey conducted by IBMin the US and the UK, a new type of consumer is emerging. “Omni consumers” are quite immune to traditional advertising, as they...

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Barely packaged merchandise, conservative consumers

According to Béla Kertész, general secretary of the National Packaging and Moving Association, the quantity of packaging materials used by the Hungarian economy is still only half of the European...

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From store to store in Shanghai (part 2.) – Lotus flower

We have visited Shanghai to attend the CIES conference which gave us an opportunity to take a look at retail trade in China. Lianhua (Lotus flower) is a 703 square...

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Official recognition for high quality Hungarian products

Awards of the Hungarian Product Grand Prix were handed over on 5. September in the Parliament building. 22 products received the Grand Prix, while another 36 received a certificate of...

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Continuing argument over environmental charge

Packaging has been subject to an environmental charge for ten years, but the amendment of relevant legislation in 2005 stirred up a heated argument. According to earlier legislation, the environmental...

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Bored professional or enthusiastic amateur?

At the June meeting of Trade Marketing Klub, I heard the remark that “I would rather work with an enthusiastic amateur than a bored professional” from one of our colleagues....

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Lebensmittel Praxis: special edition about Hungary

According to the special edition of the prestigious German magazine, Lebensmittel Praxis, devoted entirely to Hungary: „Though the trading business focuses on China, India, Russia and The Ukraine nowadays, Hungary...

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Creativity in a bottle

Being practical is not all that matters in packaging of soft drinks, as a boldly innovative bottle can boost the image of a brand remarkably. Coca-Cola Magyarország introduced the aluminium...

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Discount stores behind the growth of private labels

As a result of the advance of private labels, one out of five HUF spent on food is paid for a private label product. Private labels are less successful among...

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Rising prices from producers to stores

This has been a black year for the food business, with at least one third of total revenues falling victim to extreme weather conditions. According to recent statistics, a decline...

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What a moment can do…

… Namely the moment when we make up our minds to buy Ariel or Pepsi washing powder, or to buy that nice little shirt for our kid who already has...

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Shop & Roll

Shop&Roll rolling basket is an ideal tool for regular shopping....

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Price rises in Hungary and Europe

According to an Eurostat survey, average food prices in Hungary were 29 per cent below the EU 27 average in 2006. We took 27-29th place among 37 European countries regarding...

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Commercial vehicles with extras

Only 40 per cent of Hungarian forwarding businesses use vehicles which are not older than six years, while 30 per cent use vehicles which are older than nine years. If...

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Golf championship for business people

The idea of organising a golf championship for prominent representatives of the business community was conceived seven years ago. László Hovánszky, vice chairman of Birdland Golf Club has become the...

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If more coffee cannot be sold, sell better quality!

There is intense competition in the coffee market. The development of the instant coffee segment has slowed down and private labels have also appeared. On the other hand, quality is...

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