
Prices jump up in Latvia

In the 27 member states of EU according to the harmonized data the annual inflation was 4.2% in September 2008 compared to September 2007.  The lowest annual rates were observed...

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Solid grow at the consumer prices

In October 2008 consumer prices increased by 0.2% compared to the previous month and rose by 5.1% compared to October 2007. In the first ten months of 2008 the average...

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Bent cucumbers can be sold by retailers from next July

End to minimum shapes and sizes for 26 fruits and vegetables, such as aubergines and apricots, cherries, garlic, leeks, peas, spinach and watermelons. But 10 standards will remain.  Misshapen fruit...

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Quality Food from Hungary gala in Budapest

On 18th in frame of the IFE Foodapest exhibition the Hungarian Agromarketing Center showes the awarded firms for the press.  Part of the gala is a public press conversation with...

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Conferences at the IFE FOODAPEST – FOODATECH

The two exhibition take part between 18-20 November at the rebuilded Hungarexpo Fair Center. The events are concomitant of several conferences.  On 19th November the Hungarian Packiging Association makes a...

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Retailers Association Expects Flat Sales Next Year in Germany

HDE, the German retailers’ association, has announced that it expects sales at stagnate in 2009, but said it expects them to be good during the upcoming Christmas season.  The Wirtschaftswoche...

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The financial balance improves, but the GDP stagnates in 2009

The forecast prepared by GKI Economic Research Co. in co-operation with Erste Bank shows that in the radically changed global economic environment the Hungarian economy takes a completely new path...

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The trade balance deteriorated

In September 2008, according to first estimates of Central Statistic Office, exports amounted to HUF 1,612 billion (EUR 6,724 million), while the value of imports reached HUF 1,576 billion (EUR...

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Research – month to months more privat label products in the leaflets

According to GfK Hungaria the leaflets are since many years very popular.   The research company observs the leaflets of the retail sector since 2003, the biggest adviser are in...

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China Detains Suspect in Melamine Eggs Case

The owner of a Chinese feed factory suspected of adding melamine to its product which turned up in tainted eggs has been detained.  Chinese eggs came under the spotlight after...

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Expansions in Bosnia

According to reports in the Bosnian press, the local unit of Mercator plans to capture a 5% market share in the country by 2010.  Citing Director, Mensud Lagumdzija, the retailer...

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Awards on the 4th Day of the European Commerce

According to plans the results of the year was on the agenda, but the main discusse were about the financial crisis of the world. The central event of 5th November...

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European Consumers Spill the Beans on Food Labelling

The study questions 17,300 people in France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Sweden and the UK, both in supermarkets and at home, and finds on average 18% of Europeans (27% in UK,...

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Export decreased in August

In August 2008, the export volume decreased by 7, while that of imports by 8 percent as compared to the same month in the previous year. The trade balance showed...

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8th Night of Hungarian AdEaters

The internationally acclaimed 'advertainment' show celebrate dover 350 of the finest, most amazing, artistic and creative TV & cinema advertising films from around the world! The show on 29th November...

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The better to now the consumer, the better to get the possibility to keep it

Kirowski and GfK Hungária organised a workshop about marketing and communication strategies in time of crisis.  On the exclusive workshop researchers, businessmen, ad agency people talk about handling with the...

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INTERPOMA 2008 – Bolzano

The sixth edition of “Interpoma”, the only international trade show for apple growing, storage and marketing which will take place from 6 to 8 November 2008 in Bolzano, South Tyrol...

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1. FOODATECH simultaneous with the II. IFEFOOD Budapest

In order to exploit the synergies existing between the two exhibitions, IFE FOODAPEST and the first international food technology and packaging trade fair will be held at the same time...

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World exhibitions to arrive in Hungary

Europe’s most modern and highest standard event and exhibition center, where the most renowned international world exhibitions, trade fairs and tour events will take place, is going to be built...

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Companies recall 100,000 laptop battery packs

Computer makers are recalling 100,000 laptop battery packs made by Sony Corp. after 40 reports of overheating, according to a U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.  The voluntary recall applies to...

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„Hungarian Weeks” and „Hungarian Gastronomie Days” in Serbia

Hungarian Agriculture Marketing Center (AMC) continues its promotion, – started in 2006 – in Serbia, to get new market for Hungarian products in the region. The first action happened at...

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Dutch Supermarket Sales Expected To Grow

The new study said revenues are expected to grow to E789m in the week before Christmas, up from E737.6m last year.  During Christmas Supermarket sales during Christmas are expected to...

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Data mining seminarium

In times of crisis for many players of the market the survival is the goal, also for giant companies is important to keep their cliensts or to get new ones....

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III. CSR Management Conference

According to the organisers Braun & Partners Network and the business weekly Figyelő, the event on 6th November, focuses on the practice site of the CSR. Some names from the...

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Junk Food Ad Spend Down, but Moving Across UK Media

Junk food ads have been appearing less on British television, thanks to an April 2007 ban on ads that mislead nutritional value, encourage excessive food/beverage consumption, or otherise promote an...

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