
Export and import decreased in August

According to datas of Hungarian Statistic Office in August 2008, according to first estimates, exports amounted to HUF 1,265 billion (EUR 5,378 million), while the value of imports reached HUF...

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People like cold milk desserts

According to Nielsen research the category is the 15. most popular food category. It has HUF 26 billion sales between October 2007 – September 2008. In volume it is 5%...

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FMCG top sales managers have HUF 8 million salary pro year

Hewit Human Tanácsadó Kft. asked 2,000 specialists from the sector in 2008. The top sales manager earn HUF 8 million, the variable part of their salary is 5-30%. The senior...

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(HU) Vége a gyors bővülésnek


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(HU) Veszteséget hoz idén a kukorica


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Awards for the most attractive shop fronts on Budapest boulevard

The jurey found the store window of Calliope fashion, the Kiwi Sun and Katti Zoób's salon the most spectacular.  At the first Boulevard store window compatition the specialist spyed 800...

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We have to queue more as average in Europe

In Hungary normally 8 people stand infront of us in the line, it is 3-4 in Europe. In our country people have to wait minimum 5 minuts to arrange, the...

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Consumers like brands sponsoring good causes

According to Cone Communication's research 4/5 of the people prefers to buy brands which protecting good causes, but the most important is the price and the quality. The 'good cause'...

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The domestic enterprises leave too much on their subjective value judgement

The most Hungarian companies associate based on personal connections or previous experience – is lying in latest assaying of the Coface Hungary . Coface is producing more than one thousand...

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The OKSZ would simplify the environment control green tax

The smallholders are tallying that the file and account commitment is without reason too sophisticated, and they hold , that in 2009 figure of the green tax will be growing...

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The trade confidence index came to halt

According to the survey conducted by GKI Economic research Co. ( with the support of the European Union, the trend of business expectations remained unchanged.  In September, the confidence index...

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Five Hungarians at Henkel Art Award

Gyöngyi Gallusz, Pál Gellérfi, Laura Somogyi, Márton Takáts and Gábor Véssey will attend the Henkel Art Award international art competition in Vienna this year. Artists from 29 countries will compete...

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Shared fears, gloomy prospects

According to Péter Biczó, director of PricewaterhouseCoopers Kft, the most important conclusion to be drawn from the past 12 months is that uncertainty can be predicted for certain. Banks have...

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Agricultural prices continue to rise

The supply prices of agricultural products was up by 21.6 percent in June 2008, compared to June 2007. The prices of plant product were up by 20.5 percent, while those...

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Competitors catching up

According to a recent study by Atradius Hitelbiztosító, China’s position as the most important target for investment might be threatened by other regions of the world. Though 60 percent of...

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Change in trend

According to MasterCard, a change has taken place in the trend seen since the introduction of bank cards in 1995, as 2007 was the first year when card holders used...

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Romania: booming hyper markets and brand loyalty

According to Nielsen findings, the primary consideration for the average Romanian consumer in choosing a store is ease of access. Finding everything in a single store ranks only third among...

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„Finding everything in a single store”

When consumers are asked about their most important considerations in choosing a store to visit, most of them put the assortment of good quality fresh products in first place, according...

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Disappearing illusions?

Though the Second National Development Project has been launched among high expectations, potential applicants seem to be passive or even dissatisfied at present. Only 40,000 out of a total of...

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Discount strategies in fastidious England

According to a recent Nielsen survey, three out of four English consumers tare trying to economise on their food expenditure, whereas only 45 per cent were doing this a year...

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Teens like this

According to the Fanta Trend Report compiled by Bence Ságvári, Hungarian teenagers are exactly like their Western counterparts regarding their Internet usage. 94 per cent of 14-17 year old teenagers...

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Even more bankruptcies in 2008

Although the total amount of liabilities in commerce is substantially higher than credit liabilities in the banking sector totalling HUF 6,500 billion, relatively few companies use the services offered by...

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Swedes also feeling the rising prices

The Lidl chain is attracting an increasing number of customers in Sweden. Nearly a quarter of Swedes visit a Lidl store at least once a month. According to the ShopperTrends...

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BRAU Beviale beverage exhibition in Nurnberg

BRAU Beviale, one of the leading exhibitions in the market of beer and alcohol-free beverages is to be held between 12-14. November in Nurnberg. Over 1,400 exhibitors and 34,000 visitors...

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Global low

According to the latest annual report by Euler Hermes, the number of bankruptcies rose by 5 per cent in 2007 and remained below the level seen in 2005 and before....

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War in Brussels

There is a trade war going on in Belgium, fought with methods and tricks just as ruthless as those used in real wars. As my luggage has been lost, I...

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Hot autumn after a hot summer?

It looks like agricultural producers are fed up with other people making all the profit. One by one, demonstrations have been held by producers of different fruits and the season...

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Factoring becoming popular

According to Gaszton Gál, general director of CIB Faktor Pénzügyi Szolgáltató Zrt, a boom occurs in factoring when conventional forms of financing show decline. – How has the factoring business...

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