
Fruit Logistica: things changing in the east

More companies from the Central and Eastern European region are interested in attending the Fruit Logistica exhibition, the leading event in the fruit and vegetable sector, which is to be...

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Pre-packaged products increasing their market share

Sales are increasingly concentrated and the market share of pre-packaged products continues to grow. Sales are expanding in the cheapest segment. Retail sales were up by 2 percent in terms...

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Pasta equally popular

According to a survey of eating habits conducted by GfK Hungária, nine out of ten people like pasta and consume it once every three days on average. Pasta enjoys equal...

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Bar code? RFID? Or both?

Bar code has been used for such a long time that we do not even realise how ingenious this technology is. However, a challenger has appeared in the shape of...

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Grain prices down

Agricultural supply prices were up by 2,7 percent in August 2008, compared to August 2007. The average price of plant products was down by 4,6 percent, while that of livestock...

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Price waves

As soon as the harvest of maize has begun, farmers realised that their earlier hopes had been unfounded, as only HUF 18,000 per tonne was offered for their produce. MVH...

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Grüne Woche: Hungarian companies more interested than before

Exhibition space available for Hungarian exhibitors will be nearly doubled by Agricultural Marketing centre at the Grüne Woche exhibition to be held between 16-25. January 2009. According to Márta Némethy,...

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Sales of processed poultry approaching HUF 40 billion

Sales of processed poultry expanded slightly in the September 2007 – August 2008 period, compared to the preceding year. Sales increased by 3 percent in terms of value, approaching HUF...

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(HU) Minden második szomjoltó ásványvíz

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Difficult period for FMCG logistics in Hungary

According to János Mondovics, member of the board of the Hungarian Association of Logistics (MLBKT), the current recession is having an amplified effect on providers of logistic services. – This...

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Romanians still shopping enthusiastically

According to an Eurostat estimate, retail sales in the EU 27 countries totalled 1,1 percent less in July 2008, than a year before. Retail sales produced the fastest growth in...

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Mio: up-dated and integrated

Free updates for the MioMap 2008 and Mio More Desktop software have been made available by Mio for its users. Owners of Mio Moov 200, 300, and 330 can now...

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Unilever has faith in our region

One of the guests attending our conference was Antoine de Saint Affrique, senior vice president of Unilever CEE. In his opinion, there is still more dynamism in our region than...

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Shift towards higher level of processing for fish

Demand for fish has been increasing slowly but steadily in recent years. Current average per capita consumption of fish is still only 4 kg/year in Hungary, the lowest in the...

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Sales of alcohol-free beverages over HUF 160 billion

The continuous growth in sales of mineral water has stopped after more than a decade. Retail sales were down by 3 percent in terms of quantity and by 1 percent...

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Meet the Opel five! Vivaro, Movano, Corsa Van, Combo, Astra Van

Opel Vivaro. For all kinds of haulage. Practical design; Numerous versions; Modern engine. Innovations (2008): Owing to its long wheel base, Vivaro can now be used as a taxi as...

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Small stores and big chains in Italy

Italy is one of the big European markets with 59 million consumers, there is only one Italian retailer (in 27th place) among the top 30 European retail enterprises. 77 percent...

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Everything you want to know about EDI

A conference about electronic invoicing was held by ECR Hungary in Budapest, in the beginning of October. EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) allows administrative tasks to be performed without using paper....

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Metro focusing on professional customers

According to José María Cervera, CEO of Metro, their main task is to provide a diverse assortment in terms of quality and price for their retail and HoReCa partners. At...

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Shrinkng dairy sector

According to Mikóls Istvánfalvi, vice chairman of the Dairy Product Council, a number of producers have gone of business in the last twelve months. The number of member enterprises in...

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Growth broken

The consumption of mineral water in Hungary has increased substantially in recent years. However, this trend was broken a few months ago, and demand began to drop. Brands are the...

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Packaging industry developing in spite of increasingly strict regulation

2008 has brought major changes in regulations concerning the packaging industry and further changes are expected in 2009. The industry is developing steadily with paper and plastic accounting for three...

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Take a look at Paris!

Hyper markets are undoubtedly a French invention. Carrefour has been the first to open a store of this type in a suburb of Paris. Let’s take a look at the...

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The value of reputation

According to a survey conducted by Weber Shandwick with Figyelő and Szonda Ipsos, reputation is estimated by Hungarian CEO-s to account for 50 percent of market value. This is less...

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Market of baking additives and dessert powders expanding

Sales of powder products are rising in general. Sales were up by 16 percent in terms of value in October 2007 – September 2008, compared to the preceding period, with...

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Dairy products focusing on health have potential for growth

Though the market of dairy products had expanded in 2007, it has started to shrink in the first 8 months of 2008, mainly as a result of higher prices. There...

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Market shrinking as a result of rise in the price of materials

The FMCG market has shrunk by 3 percent in terms of value and 7 percent in terms of quantity in the past 12 months. Demand has shifted from premium products,...

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Bears are dangerous predators…

… which makes their spectacular career even more surprising. The largest specimens weigh nearly 800 kilos, are very aggressive and smell very bad, but their PR is still better than...

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In London…

Though I had not been in London since Dockland has become a new city centre, rain and 13 °C quickly persuaded me that walking around is not such a great...

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Innovation and research in Bta 2009

Bta 2009 – Barcelona Food and Beverage Technologies – is preparing for its twelfth edition, which will be marked by internationalisation, innovation and a more comprehensive and horizontal range of...

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