

The Global Innovation Technologies Expo is to be held for the first time this year, between 10-11 June, in Budapest. The aim of GINNT EXPO is to present all automatic...

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Mineral water brands looking for ideal price/profit ratio

In spite of the recent drop in sales, the mineral water category still has potential for growth. However, closer co-operation with the retail sector is required to utilise this potential.....

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Industrial statistics continue to worsen

Industrial production was down by 25.4 percent in February 2009, compared to the same month in 2008 and by 4.1 percent compared to January 2009. As a result of a...

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Conference about free time

The average Hungarian consumer is a workaholic, working even in his/her free time, which means that free time has become more precious than money or commodities. According to the findings...

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Decline in market of mineral water

According to the GfK Hungária ConsumerScan, the market of mineral water showed decline both in terms of quantity and value last year. Sales were down by 5.1 percent in terms...

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Milk price hitting bottom

Supply prices of agricultural products were down by 27.4 percent in February 2009, compared to the same month in 2008. The price of plant products was down by 37.2 percent,...

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Surprising results of the latest food safety research (X)

The research result of GKI draws attention to the importance of food safety developments. GKI Economic Research Ltd’s research shows that 24% of the domestic population generally does not  believe...

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Hungarian pig farmers can find new markets

The Chinese and Russian drop in demand for the U.S. pork can open new markets for the major European exporters – quoted Napi Gazdaság the President of the Association of...

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Quality pálinka as Hungaricum

Pálinka National Council was created to organize and supervise the quality control of the Pálinka, and develop the national pálinka-strategy. In the 13 member plenum exponents of the Minister of...

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Week of European small and medium size businesses

Between 2009 May 6 and 14 the Week of European small and medium size businesses 2009 will be held invited by the European Commission. Hungary will connect to the European...

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The number of flu-infected exceeded one thousand

European health authorities have stated, that more than 1000 people have already infected with the new type of flu around the world. Twenty-six person died in the epidemic so far,...

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Due to the crisis and the epidemic travel market has difficulties

Travel market has been thoroughly shaken by the economic crisis and the swine flu. However earlier, market started to transform as organized online travel agencies started to emerge. The process...

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Brazil, is the hit market of department store investments

According to the information of the Brazilian Store Association, last year an appropriate amount of 390 billion HUF was invested in the development of the industry. Despite the crisis, this...

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Hungarian meat processing companies are in trouble

Gyulai Húskombinát faces insolvency, Herz is struggling with a serious lack of resource and debt. Without floating assets credit Gyulai Húskombinát faces bankrupcy – informed Népszabadság, Ruck János the Chief...

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Customer confidence needs to be strenghtened (X)

Originality-and quality check of food products is necessary. Since the 2006 scandal,  illegal trading with vehicle components has become more common instead of abuses with highly protected vehicle documents. The...

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Hungarians in the world's largest professional food exhibition

Until the beginning of May 40 Hungarian exhibitor indicated that they wish to take part in the world's largest professional food exhibition the Anuga in Cologne, will be held during...

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Pork trade won’t be limited

Several international organizations stated, that there is no need for further precautionary measures in the pork trade. The joint communication of World Health Organization (WHO), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)...

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Alimentaria Lisboa 2009 concludes with a positive balance sheet

The International Food and Beverages Exhibition organized by Alimentaria Exhibitions and FIL, is consolidated as one of the most important shows in the fairground European panorama. Over four days, the...

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Reduction in beer consumption in Great Britain

As a result of the economic crisis, beer consumption in Great Britain has decreased by 8% Reuters, the Népszabdság Online. This is the biggest decline in beer consumption in since...

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Pork trade won’t be limited

There is no need for further precautionary measures in the pork trade – several international organizations stated. The joint communication of World Health Organization (WHO), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)...

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Eating habits in 2009

GfK Hungária’s study of eating habits reflects the current situation of economic crisis, and the effects of changing consumer trends.   In 2009 irregular eating was typical trend as well....

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Report of the Internet economy

More than half of the population considered to be digitally scribe – shows the GKIeNET – T-Home’s representative research.   It’s very important for the economic and social competitiveness ,...

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Word of Mouth, as a marketing technique

Many small and medium businesses use Word of Mouth (WOM) and Word of Mouth Marketing (WOMM) to call the customer’s attention – write the Business and Success.   Word of...

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No virus in pork

Pork and other food products are not infectious. The flu virus is spreading by coughs and sneezes from one man to another – states the communication of the Hungarian Chamber...

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VAT reduction – cheaper bread and milk?

According to experts, the reduction of general sales tax on basic foodstuffs (VAT) does not take a significant price decrease.   The milk and bread’s turnover makes up the 10...

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GKI economic index fall stopped in April

After 9-month decline the economic climate index of GKI remained unchanged, the GKI Economic Research Co. pointed out that   According to the survey, the consumer expectations continued to deteriorate,...

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Bankruptcy record expected

Compared to the same period of 2008 the number of insolvent companies increased by 25 percent according to Coface Hungary’s most recent analysis of this year's first quarter.   Every...

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The virus is spreading

Human cases of swine flu A (H1N1) virus infection have been identified in the United States on 40 patients.  U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton urged "caution" for anyone traveling...

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WHO – pandemic alert is on phase 4.

The WHO has raised the level of the swine influenza pandemic alert from the current phase 3 to phase 4. Phase 1 means: low risk of human cases, on the...

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Agriculture is less affected by the crisis than other sectors

All people need to eat, so there can not be a large decline in agriculture – Minister for Agriculture and Rural Development József Gráf said of the sector in relation...

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