
Hungary in economy mode

As a result of the global financial crisis, the abundance of liquidity ended last year for Hungary. According to GKI forecasts, we are expected to reach the bottom of recession...

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Ice cream sales stable in terms of value, dropping in terms of quantity

Retail sales of ice cream remain stable at HUF 18 billion annually, but dropped by 7 percent in terms of quantity in the February 2008-January 2009 period, compared to the...

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Rising prices in the food industry

Domestic industrial prices were up by 2.4 percent in February 2009, compared to January and by 6.6 percent, compared to February 2008. Industrial export prices were up by 3.8 percent...

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Retro 2

When I began writing this article, the EUR was worth HU 315. When I finished writing, it was worth HUF 293. So much about our ability to make plans. Then...

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More intense POS activities for ice cream sales

Private labels have conquered nearly one half of the market of ice cream. Flavour preferences are quite stable in the larger segments where intensive communication and innovative promotions can be...

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Fat on top

The average rate of inflation was 0.5 percent in March. Prices were up by 2.9 percent compared to March 2008. According to KSH figures, food prices were up by 0.7...

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Buying local products voluntarily

Following many months of negotiations, a code of ethics has been signed by the representatives of retailers, farmers and processing enterprises which will become effective on 1. July. According to...

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Less ice cream sold

According to a survey by GfK Hungária, ice creams continue to remain popular, though the growth in sales has come to a stop. 68 percent of the consumers interviewed in...

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Consumer expectations continue to deteriorate

According to the GKI Consumer Confidence Index, consumers continued to get more pessimistic in April. Consumer confidence has been deteriorating since the winter of 2008. Expectations regarding unemployment in the...

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Industrial real estate fair in Vienna

Real Vienna, the international fair of industrial real estate is to be held for the fourth time this year, between 26-28 May. The event will be organised by Reed Exhibitions...

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Committed to quality and unbroken customer confidence!

Szikrai Borászati Kft. has been present in the market in its present form since 2004. Its owner and CEO, Tibor Sári and his team are committed to quality and reliability....

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Euro zone slowing down as well

GDP was down by 1.6 percent in the Euro zone countries in the last quarter of 2008, compared to the third quarter, which was more than the anticipated 1.5 percent...

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Private labels on the offensive

Private labels have been continuously increasing their share in retail sales for years. The assortment of private labels is widening and deepening at the same time. The perception of private...

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Market share of PL mineral waters dropping

Growth has stopped in the mineral water category. A drop of 2 percent in retail sales in terms of value was registered in the March 2008-February 2009 period, reducing the...

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We are first in terms of insolvency in EU

According to Zoltán Dercze, director of Coface Hungary, we have the highest percentage of insolvent companies inside the EU. One out of 24 companies existing in January, will not survive...

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The Global Innovation Technologies Expo is to be held for the first time this year, between 10-11 June, in Budapest. The aim of GINNT EXPO is to present all automatic...

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Mineral water brands looking for ideal price/profit ratio

In spite of the recent drop in sales, the mineral water category still has potential for growth. However, closer co-operation with the retail sector is required to utilise this potential.....

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Industrial statistics continue to worsen

Industrial production was down by 25.4 percent in February 2009, compared to the same month in 2008 and by 4.1 percent compared to January 2009. As a result of a...

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Conference about free time

The average Hungarian consumer is a workaholic, working even in his/her free time, which means that free time has become more precious than money or commodities. According to the findings...

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Decline in market of mineral water

According to the GfK Hungária ConsumerScan, the market of mineral water showed decline both in terms of quantity and value last year. Sales were down by 5.1 percent in terms...

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Milk price hitting bottom

Supply prices of agricultural products were down by 27.4 percent in February 2009, compared to the same month in 2008. The price of plant products was down by 37.2 percent,...

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SOS-stores selling cheap food in Belgrad

Grocery store chains launched the so-called SOS-stores, grocery store for low-income individuals in Belgrad, Serbia. The outlet features prices 20-50% lower than regular retail rates. The freshly opened stores are...

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Faster than average growth in sales of insecticides

The market of insecticides expanded by 11 percent in terms of value in the March 2008-February 2009 period, compared to the preceding 12 months, with retail sales exceeding HUF 3.5...

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Volume of foreign trade down

Export was down by 28 percent in January, compared to January 2008, while import was down by 27 percent. The balance of foreign trade showed a deficit of HUF 47...

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Negative self regard among the aged

We were told at the Hungarian Consumer 50+ II conference held on 8. April, that people belonging to the 50+ generation in Hungary have an essentially negative regard of themselves...

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Demand shifting towards insect repellents with lower environmental impact

As long as insects will continue to exist, insect repellents will have a stable market. However, demand is shifting towards products which have a smaller impact on our environment. As...

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Portugal in the forefront of growth

Food retail has been developing at a remarkable rate in Portugal, which was second only to Poland in terms of quantitative growth last year. Sales of FMCG products grew by...

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Brands love mommy-bloggers

Mommy-bloggers can easily become the big fishes of online marketing in the near future. As a matter of fact, mothers are top-consumers: they are  responsible for $2.1 trillion of U.S....

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Mainly domestic chains advertising insecticides

According to the GfK Leaflet Monitor, 450 advertisements of insecticides were published in leaflets circulated by retail chains in 2008. Only two of these were private labels. Domestic retail chains...

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Nielsen reporting from London and Brussels: „Food relatively resistant to crisis”

According to Jonathan Banks and Jean-Jacques Vandenheede from Nielsen, the number of purchases has begun to drop while demand is shifting from pleasant things towards necessary products. Everything is related...

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