
Public sentiment is stable in May

According to Nielsen market research company's monthly survey, the consumer confidence index in May stabilized on 40 points, on the same value as it was in April and 3 points...

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Thirty-seven percent of women like to spend their time with purchasing

GfK Hungária made a survey about The “typical” Hungarian woman, which shows, the Hungarian women's values, what are they doing in their spare time and what are their shopping habits....

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Increasing sales on the cosmetics and household chemical goods market

The retail sales of household chemical goods and cosmetics increased by 3 percent between last May and the April of this year, compared to the previous similar period, with a...

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Increasing inflation in May and on an annual basis

In May, the monthly increase in consumer prices was 1.5 percent. Compared to the May of 2008 it was 3.8 percent. In the first five month of this year prices...

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Competition of Environment-conscious small and medium-sized enterprises

The environment-conscious eco-thinking can be economically profitable. Those businesses can win the Environmental Savings Award which benefits from environment-saving projects and actions. According to Havasi Péter, Program Manager, the program...

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The emmissioning of cafeteria vouchers is a successful business

The turnover of the companies emmissioning cafeteria vouchers was billions of forints in 2007. Pre-tax profits were around 50 percent of net sales. The issuers paid hundreds of millions for...

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Law Proposal instead of food code

After Economic Competition Authority alleged food code's several details, parliamentary parties will submit a common law proposal on regulating the ethical behavior of food retailers. According to the Economic Competition...

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The consumer expectations improved again in June

The seasonally adjusted value of the GKI consumer confidence index increased by 4 points to -64.3 points, after the turning point in May. According to the survey supported by the...

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Drought and hail affects agriculture

Because of the weather, the agriculture is in a difficult situation. Food will become more expensive due to the lower production and the ice damage. Price increase might be up...

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Commercial chain would bound VAT increase on food producers

Several large commercial chains turned for help to the processors, asking for a discount of 4-6 percent because of the VAT increase. According to Boródi Attila, Executive Chairman of the...

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The Hungarian rosé can survive

The European Commission announced that Brussels does not support the proposal, which would allowed the production of rosé wines combining red and white wine – reports Origo. The authorization procedure,...

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Printer and packaging companies are preparing for autumn presentations

Between 22 and 25 September, Budatranspack – Printexpo – Promotion professional exhibition will take place at Hungexpo with the participation of printing, packaging, logistics and marketing-communications companies. The event will...

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Decreasing Hungarian GDP in the first quarter

The gross domestic product (GDP) in the first quarter of 2009 was 6.7 percent lower than a year earlier, with the screening of calendar effect it was 6.1 percent lower...

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Employment can decrease with further four percent

According to Manpower's international survey the number of employees in the third quarter of the year can decrease by 4 percent in Hungary – states Kiss Judit, the Managing Director...

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Poultry sector can increase this year

Despite the adverse economic conditions, the poultry sector calculates with about 6.5 percent growth for this year – stated Bárány László, President of the Poultry Product Council (BTT). The President...

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Renewal of the Új Magyarország Development Loan

According to the Ministry of Agriculture for the end of June, the commercial banks will also make available the new and even more favorable version of Új Magyarország Development Loan....

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One hundred million euro credit line to medium-sized businesses

Hungarian Development Bank Ltd. (MFB) and the European Investment Bank (EIB) signed an agreement of an amount of hundred million Euros credit line, to finance the projects of medium-sized businesses....

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Tokaj Wine Weekends

From June until the end of August the Tokaj wine region is waiting its guests with organized weekend programs. Those who interested can participate in family, wine and culinary programs,...

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Fluctuating grain prices are expected in the future

According to an officer of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) probably there will be greater volatility in the grain prices in the future than it has been before....

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EU wants more understandable food labels

European Commission called on the clearer and more efficient information connecting with the quality of agricultural products. According to the European Commission the strenghtening of the relationship between producers and...

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Increasing cocoa world prices

In the past two weeks, cocoa increased by 11 percent on the London commodity markets. The processing industry's demand for cocoa has been a significantly increased in the last few...

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The consumption of non-alcoholic beer increases

Between May 2008 and April 2009, five percent more non-alcoholic beer has been sold than a year earlier. The average price of a liter decreased from 330 HUF to 302...

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More than six billion HUF, EU and governmental support to the palinka distilerries

This year, the government and the European Union contributed in a 50-50 percent support for the Hungarian palinka distilerries. The development will be carried out by 6.4 billion HUF. According...

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The Ministry of Agriculture declared Vis Maior due to the drought

The Agriculture Minister proclaimed Vis Maior due to the drought of 2009 for the whole territory of Hungary. Farmers can claim drought alleviation at the Administrative Office of Agriculture –...

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GKI forecast on the 2009 processes of the Hungarian economy

According to the forecast of GKI Economic Research Ltd. and Erste Bank, the nadir of the recession is expected in the second-third quarter of this year. However, the improvements will...

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Creative Kitchen Forum again

On 9 June, HUNGEXPO's K 4 pavilion will houses the Creative Kitchen Forum, staged several times by Centrallpess Hungary. The meeting will focus on hotel-restaurant catering. The conference will have...

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Purchase vouchers for the bottles

As a purchase voucher, customers will receive their deposit in amount of the environmental protection, if they return their empty, “one-way 'packaging, products to the store of Auchan Hungary Ltd....

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Eurozone's retail trade turnover has been increased in April

The retail sales in April increased by 2 percent compared to March as it was expected. The index has increased for the first time in a five month period. Compared...

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Traders suspends the implementation of food code

Although the Economic Competition Authority has welcomed the creation of the code, and believed only a few points concerned, traders reject the entire code referring to Economic Competition Authority's competition...

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Hungarians purchasing less food and household chemical goods

According to the recent survey of GfK Hungaria Market Research Institute Hungarian household spent ess money on daily consumer goods during the first quarter of 2009 than a year earlier....

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