
Manly development on the body care market

The body care market can be divided into three categories: shower gels, deodorants and body lotions. In the first two categories versions for men are available in almost as high...

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We continue to spend less on FMCG products

In the first half of 2010 households spent 0.5 percent less on FMCG products, compared with the same period a year before, revealed GfK Hungária’s Retail Analyses. This entailed a...

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At half-time

If somebody takes a closer look at the selection of wines Hungarian restaurants and wine shops offer, they would think we live in a prospering country with a large middle...

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The 5 winners of ‘The Heart of the Community’ programme were drawn

One institution in Tahitótfalu, Szombathely, Komló, Békés and Szerencs will receive the donations collected as part of ‘The Heart of the Community’ (KÖSZI) programme this spring. CBA and Procter&Gamble set...

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Safety and closeness

Condom is one of the few product categories which were able to increase sales recently. László Pusztai, SSL Magyarország Kft.’s Durex category manager told our magazine that a large part...

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‘It is ending precisely now…’ (Part 5)

This new, 6-part series by Trade magazin and GfK Hungária Market Research Institute focuses on price trends, pricing policies and consumer expectations in terms of price. The nominal value of...

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It is cheaper at home

The summer did not bring the long expected change, markets are shrinking and there is less money to spend. Fewer daily consumer goods are sold and the significance of home...

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Gérard Depardieu promoted his own wine at the Hogatec fair

Gérard Depardieu, the world-famous actor appeared as a businessman at the Hogatec, the catering trade fair in Düsseldorf. He presented his own wine at the stand of Metro group. 403...

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We still love sweet wine

Each year, an average of 30-32 liters of wine we drink, we love sweet wines more. The premium drinks are mainly purchased as a gift – it was found out...

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GfK: the steps towards Hungarian health economy have failed

The researchers of the global trends, increasingly agree, that health economy will be the engine of the post-crisis growth and the new world order. Experiencing the difficulties of the system,...

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This year dynamic growth of world trade is expected

The World Trade Organization (WTO) revised upwards its growth forecast of this year's world trade turnover: growth this year will be a 13.5 percent instead of the 10 percent forecasts...

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The Váci street is the 37th most expensive retail space

The world's most prominent retail location has not changed over the past 12 months. The latest research of Cushman & Wakefield measured the highest rental growth in South America and...

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Targeted advertising messages from Twitter

The Twitter will soon introduce the concept of “promoted” tweet, which is similar to Google’s advertising mechanism. Twitter has currently 160 million users, and about one-fifth of them follow brand-or...

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The fresh food fair in Düsseldorf has ended

The 760 exhibitors of 28 countries were focusing on retail sales promotion and on fresh food sales in Düsseldorf. The trio of InterCool, and InterMeat InterMopro finished last week. All...

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The majority of Hungarians considers healthy nutrition too expensive

The majority of people are always trying to eat healther, but that is not always possible. The majority of Hungarians considers healthy nutrition too expensive. This differs from the international...

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More and more conscious costumers

According to the most recent Conscious Consumer Index; the number of real conscious costumers is increasing. The and the Ipsos investigated the consumer awareness and consumer attitudes for the...

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Stricter rules on premium products

The Rural Development Ministry changes the Hungarian Food regulations into two levels. Beside the existing rules, those who want to sell premium products must also undertake the strictening of the...

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The suppliers may benefit from the proposed legislative amendment

According to the informations of Híszerző; Jaross Tamás, Matolcsy’s Ministerial Commissioner has quit. The former leader of Metro was in charge for the booming of the domestic trade. According to...

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Hungary is a poultry grand power

Hungary is still a poultry grand power, but the sector has a number of tasks to be solved, if it wishes to develop its good internal market and export positions...

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The vine and wine producers can claim a total of 2.1 billion HUF

From this October until next May, 2.1 billion HUF support is available for the purchasing of viticulture and wine-making machinery. The subsidies make up 20-30 percent within the investment. The...

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Gloomy consumer sentiment in the United States

The significant decrease of the Michigan index caused a surprise, since analysts expected an increase. The University of Michigan reported a drop in consumer confidence. The sentiment index fell to...

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Two tons of illegal food distrained by the inspectors

Illegal, unlicensed Chinese food-processing plant waqs found in Budapest by the Pest County Agricultural Office Food Safety and Animal Health Directorate. The plant operating without a license, about 2 tons...

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Last year, Hungary’s goose-meat production decreased by 8 thousand tonnes

The economic crisis also affected the waterfowl-breed. While the quantity of goose-meat in Hungary was 43 thousand tonnes in 2008, last year, it was only 35 thousand tonnes. This is...

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A growing number of empty stores in the city

The central part of the Váci street adheres, on the Grand Boulevard the situation is diverse, depends on the current market situation, but the stores of the Andrássy Avenue are...

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Brits on diet: sales of the food stores decreased

On an annual basis, the British retail sales volume increased by 0.4 percent in August. The food store sales decreased by 3.5 percent, while the sales of the non-food stores...

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We visit malls fewer

According to the research of GfK Hungária; The rate of those who visit malls once a week or more decreased, but the percentage of those who only visit malls once...

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The locally produced vegetables and fruits may transported directly to the canteens

Those who dealing with public nutrition, can purchase the goods directly from the producers from Wednesday, without procurement procedures – said Fazekas Sándor, the Minister of Rural Development. Fazekas Sándore...

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European Ombudsman against food market abuses

According to the reports of EESC; With the appointment of an European Ombudsman an EU-wide criminal and control mechanism could be made, in order to ensure the more efficient operation...

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Vov: The majority of consumers share their satisfaction on the net

Ipsos Co. launched a new online research service, under the name the Validated Online Reviews (VOV). The VOV is the research panel of the first community site, with 30 thousand...

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U.S. economy increases modestly

Industrial output in the United States in August grew by 0.2 percent, which is exactly the same as expected after last month's datas increased a lot, due to vehicle production....

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