
End of the century: after this year’s slight decline, the economy may expand next year

The Hungarian economy may shrink by 0.7 percent this year, according to the forecast of Századvég Konjunktúrakutató Zrt., followed by 2.7 percent growth in 2024 and 3.1 percent growth in...

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K&H: Can the optimism of SMEs return in 2024?

After falling a year ago, the K&H SME confidence index, which indicates the expectations of businesses for the next year, stabilized this year. Behind the rise of the indicator, which...

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The GfK German consumer sentiment index for January improved

The January German consumer sentiment index of the Nuremberg economic research institute GfK improved more significantly than analysts had expected. The sentiment index in January strengthened to minus 25.1 points,...

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Törik vagy hajlik?

A 21. század racionális világában a fejlett racionális intelligencia a racionális konfliktusok megoldására alkalmas – mert a kettő meg kettő az négy. De vajon a kettő meg kettő érzelmi konfliktus...

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The Baptist Charity Service, Pizza King Express and Lidl also help

On the occasion of the Feast of Love, on December 22, the Baptist Charity Service will present 250-350 children with 10-12 kilo durable food packages and Shoe Box gift boxes....

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Együtt hajóztunk (2. rész)

Szeptember 25–29. között Tapolcán, a Hotel Pelionban gyűlt össze a Trade Flotta közel 1100 fős hajóhada, hogy a Business Days konferencia keretében számba vegyék az elmúlt időszak viharait, zátonyait, és...

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Grafton: the purchasing power of workers’ earnings may increase next year

The purchasing power of workers’ earnings may increase next year, companies may implement a wage increase of between 5 and 12 percent in 2024, while it seems that many people...

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Chep Magyarország Kft. and the Tej Trade Association and Product Council signed a cooperation agreement

The aim of the cooperation is to map the sustainability and business challenges of Hungarian milk production, dairy industry and retail, to enforce sustainability aspects, to formulate recommendations regarding the...

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The pre-tax profit of agricultural social enterprises increased by one and a half times in 2022

The pre-tax profit of agricultural cooperatives with double-entry bookkeeping increased by about one and a half times (!), from HUF 238.6 billion to HUF 355.4 billion in 2022. The significant (HUF...

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Münchausen báró találkozása Mekk Mesterrel – avagy kalandozások a gazdaságpolitika világában

Jaksity György, a Concorde igazgatóságának elnöke immár visszatérő vendége a Business Daysnek. Idei prezentációjából kiderült többek között, miért vannak jó helyzetben az amerikai fogyasztók, és miért kellene sürgősen új modellt...

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The payment of the bee animal welfare subsidy has begun

Hungary was the first in the European Union to introduce animal welfare support for beekeepers, which farmers requested after 890,000 bee colonies – said Minister of Agriculture István Nagy. István...

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The Budapest markets will be open every day from December 18 to 24

he markets in Budapest are prepared with a festive offer and will be open every day from December 18 to December 24, on the latter day usually from 12 to...

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The bird flu has also reached the county of Győr-Moson-Sopron

The presence of bird flu virus was detected in the county of Győr-Moson-Sopron by the laboratory of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih). The liquidation of the affected stock and...

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Valio expands Finland production facility with €10m investment

The capex project boosts the cooperative’s capabilities to process frozen fruit and vegetables. Valio is investing €10m ($10.9m) to renovate a cold storage area at a factory in its home...

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The MÁV-Volán group collected more than eight hundred kilograms of durable food

The MÁV-Volán group collected more than eight hundred kilograms of durable food, and the donation was handed over to the Ecumenical Aid Organization. The Communications Directorate of MÁV Zrt. wrote...

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The Mészáros Group further increased its arable land

Talentis Agro Holding, which belongs to the Mészáros Group, increased its areas suitable for arable crop cultivation with the acquisition of two more agricultural companies; The corporate group with the largest...

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The manufacturing industry is struggling with the biggest labor shortage

Although the situation has improved compared to a year earlier, according to the data of the Central Statistical Office, at the end of the second quarter of this year, there...

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Lidl introduces double paid maternity and adoption leave in industry first

Lidl has become the first supermarket to introduce 28 weeks full pay for colleagues on maternity or adoption leave. Due to come into effect in January, the new allowance doubles...

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Vertical-Farming Sector To Be Worth Close To $100bn By 2035

The increased focus on growing food crops without compromising the environment is set to be the major factor driving the growth of the global vertical-farming market between 2023 and 2035,...

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The producer price of Golden apples increased by 24 percent

According to the publication of the Agrárközgazdasági Intézet Informative report on autumn agricultural works, in 2023 the planned area for apples was 20.5 thousand hectares, of which 96.8 percent, 19.9...

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GKI: How does the residential energy price calculation affect the entire consumer price index?

In September 2022, KSH found an “innovative” solution for measuring the changed residential energy expenditure. While in the case of the other representatives (986 products and services), the price index...

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Gránit Pólus: this is expected in 2024 on the commercial real estate market

This time, the giants of the commercial real estate market, rather than the film industry, met in Cannes to present the main trends of the sector. According to expectations, the...

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Csaba Bubenko: the trade union supports the December 24 shop closure

The trade union consistently stands for the closing of shops on December 24 and the closing of shops on Sundays – said Csaba Bubenkokó, the president of the Independent Trade...

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Inflation moderated in the euro zone and the EU in November

Inflation decreased in the Eurozone and the European Union in November, according to the final data published by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union, on Tuesday. In the...

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Fidelity’s big outlook for 2024: China is the big question mark in the Asian region

The performance of the U.S. dollar and the wavering of investor optimism about China’s recovery have broken the strong growth story of many Asian economies over the past year. According...

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Job change motivations and job search habits in the domestic labor market

Many people are afraid of changing jobs, in which even making the decision can be a significant challenge, as the fear of the unknown instinctively awakens in employees. Employees often...

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Labor mobility: 46 percent of employees are open to changing their place of residence

According to this year’s Mobility Index of Trenkwalder, 46 percent of employees are willing to move from their current place of residence: almost the same proportion are considering foreign and...

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MLSZKSZ: the price of goods transport and storage may increase by 20-25 percent in 2024

According to the forecast of the Association of Logistics Service Centers of Hungary (MLKSZKSZ), freight and logistics fees may increase in price by about 20-25 percent in 2024. The price...

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That’s why the farmer training will be important in 2024!

In order to establish an agricultural business, purchase land, and even inherit and manage agricultural machinery, you will need a degree, which interested parties can obtain in a relatively short...

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The Complaints Act has entered into force: from now on, 65,000 companies in Budapest must provide the opportunity to report abuse

Pursuant to the Complaints Act adopted by the Parliament this summer, businesses employing at least 50 people were obliged to create their own internal abuse reporting system by December 17,...

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