
Fidelity: Eyes of Asia on Japan and India

China’s future development is the biggest uncertainty factor in the region, but it is far from the only economy that will move Asian markets in the coming year. Japanese stocks...

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Agrometeorology: cold weather saves the water-soaked seed from greater damage

The cold, dry weather expected next week will save the water-soaked crops from greater damage, HungaroMet Nonprofit Zrt. wrote in its agrometeorological analysis on Thursday. They wrote: it rained in...

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Hungarian companies do not excel in terms of innovation, but they take the digital transition very seriously

For the sixth semester, K&H measures the innovation activity of the domestic medium and large enterprise sector. The K&H innovation index formed from the data of the research rose to...

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A ship transporting fertilizer sank in the section of the Danube between Serbia and Croatia

A fertilizer transport ship sank on the section of the Danube between Serbia and Croatia on Friday, the authorities fear serious environmental damage. According to the report of the Serbian...

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GVH launches its market analysis on the effects of artificial intelligence

The Economic Competition Authority (GVH) examines the effects of artificial intelligence on market competition and the transactional decision of consumers in the framework of a market analysis. The explosive spread...

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This is how family companies enter 2024

After a significant improvement in the previous quarter, the mood of domestic family companies moderated by the end of the year, the K&H family companies index stands at 0 points....

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The Court of Justice of the European Union has decided: some provisions of customs law violate EU law

The cheapest product is not always the cheapest! Or how is the price of a particular product related to its origin, how should its origin be established, and what does...

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Many young people lack respect in the workplace

Half of working young people, 51 percent, feel their jobs are secure, only 11 percent said their jobs are insecure, the K&H youth index survey concluded in the third quarter....

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It is more important for Generation Z to plan their goals on paper than for the over 45 age group

We focus better and are more successful in keeping our New Year’s resolutions if we see them on paper, according to Epson’s international, representative research. According to half of the...

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Hungarian researchers are also participating in a European project aimed at restoring the habitats of pollinators

Researchers from the HUN-REN Ecological Research Center (HUN-REN ÖK) also participate in the Horizont Európa RestPoll project, which aims to restore the habitats of pollinators. According to the announcement sent...

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We protect food sovereignty and the interests of Hungarian farmers

The government will also protect Hungary’s food sovereignty and the interests of Hungarian farmers in 2024, the Minister of Agriculture declared in a video posted on his Facebook page on...

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The 2022 zoonosis report has been published

In 2022, campylobacteriosis (with 137,107 reported cases) and salmonellosis (with 65,208 reported cases) were the most frequently reported zoonotic diseases among humans in the EU. However, the number of cases was...

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The first trademarked product of the year, live grass carp, is swimming in success

It is a great pleasure for the Excellent Quality Food (KMÉ) trademark that in the first days of 2024 we can welcome not only the new year, but also our...

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Bird flu was detected in another settlement in the Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county

This time, the laboratory of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) detected the presence of the highly pathogenic bird flu virus in an area of the county of Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok...

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Bird flu has appeared in a new area of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county

The Nébih laboratory confirmed the presence of the highly pathogenic bird flu virus in another settlement in the county of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg. The liquidation of the affected stock is in progress, the...

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The operation of the social marketing fund of the milk sector continues

The way to preserve health is through healthy nutrition, which is why the Ministry of Agriculture continues to support the promotion of milk consumption with all means. To this end, the...

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Blue Planet – János Áder and István Nagy discussed the construction of new canals and reservoirs

In the latest broadcast of his Blue Planet podcast, published on Tuesday, former head of state János Áder discussed the preservation of farmland, water, and ecological diversity with Minister of...

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The winter pantry hides a treasure

The queen of root vegetables is tuberous celery, which can be included in our diet in extremely diverse ways. More and more people are recognizing the benefits of vegetables with a...

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There are more and more quality champagnes in Hungary

Interest in champagne has been gradually increasing in Hungary in the recent period – the Ministry of Agriculture (AM) writes in a statement sent to MTI on Saturday. In addition...

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New year, new product categories are added to the online Price Monitor

Lactose- and gluten-free products and beef, which are most often consumed by people with food allergies, are included in the online Price Monitoring system operated by the Economic Competition Authority...

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Here are the results of this year’s GVH

A separate abuse reporting system, active competition supervision, decisive action against technology giants, special protection of families and vulnerable consumer groups, fight against inflation and extremely fast merger control –...

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K&H: Successors digitize family companies

A wave of digital development may come for domestic family companies. More than half of them are already dealing with this at a strategic level, and every fifth company owes...

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The Competition Authority imposed a fine of more than HUF 2.2 billion this year

The amount of fines imposed by the Economic Competition Authority (GVH) this year exceeds HUF 2.2 billion, the authority told MTI on Saturday. According to the announcement, among other things,...

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GFM: the government increases the budget of the Food Industry Supplier Development Program by nearly six times

In order to strengthen Hungarian businesses, the government is increasing the amount of the Food Supplier Development Program (ÉLIP) by nearly six times, the Ministry of Economic Development (GFM) announced...

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Inflation will remain in 2024 as well

This year was determined by inflation, which remains on the table. The disinflation process may continue at the beginning of next year, but the pick-up in household consumption will bring...

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The mandatory deposit system will bring such changes from January

From January 1, 2024, the legal provisions will come into force, which from then on will regulate the mandatory return of the packaging of various types of soft drinks and...

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NAK-Húszövesség: a significant turnover of hot dogs is expected at the end of the year again this year

Despite the change in consumer habits, a significant amount of hot dogs may be sold domestically in the last days of the year, the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK)...

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There will be more than 1,400 beverage packaging return machines in food stores

From the first of January, the mandatory deposit return system of the packaging of soft drinks and spirits – plastic, metal, glass bottles – in some shops; the food trading...

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GFM: One of the most successful government loan programs of all time can continue in 2024

In order to strengthen Hungarian businesses and increase their performance, the government has decided to continue the Gábor Baross Reindustrialization Loan Program until July 1, 2024, by providing an additional...

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K&H: how much pocket money do young people receive?

On average, young people between the ages of 14 and 18 receive HUF 22,000 in pocket money per month from their parents, according to a survey of the financial situation...

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