
Slight improvement in the solvency of Hungarians due to lower inflation

According to research by Intrum and GKI, the small increase in Hungarian household solvency continued in the third quarter of 2023. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin...

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The process that defines the agricultural existence of Europe is the protest of German farmers

The process that will determine the future agricultural existence of Europe is the protest of the German farmers – said Minister of Agriculture István Nagy on Wednesday on the current...

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Hungarian corn producers received six billion forints in compensation

A total of HUF 5.9 billion in compensation payments were made by the end of last year to mitigate the losses of Hungarian farmers who suffered damage as a result...

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YouGov completes the acquisition of GfK’s Consumer Panel Services

YouGov plc the international market research and data analytics group, is pleased to announce the completion of its acquisition of the Consumer Panel Services of GfK GmbH. CPS GfK is...

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Auchan Retail Rolls Out Healthcare Service In Portugal

Auchan Retail Portugal is seeking to shake up the healthcare landscape with the launch of Auchan Cuida, a new service that it is hoping will simplify and democratise access to...

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Coca-Cola HBC To Set Up A Charitable Foundation

Bottler Coca-Cola HBC is setting up a new foundation that seeks to support communities in the areas where it operates. The Coca-Cola HBC Foundation will focus on ‘critical areas’ of...

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The Hungarian delicacy cucumber has no equal

Especially if it’s officially high quality! The time has come for the king of pickles, the pickled cucumber loved by many of us, to enter the ring for the KMÉ trademark....

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Moody’s: Central and Eastern European economies start the year with a stable outlook

Central and Eastern European economies will begin the year 2024 with a stable sovereign creditworthiness outlook, according to Moody’s Investors Service’s comprehensive assessment of the regional situation presented in London...

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Nincs mire felvágni

Az általános húspiaci helyzetet tükrözi vissza a párizsik és a felvágottak értékesítése: egy számjegyű volumencsökkenés, a diszkontok és a saját márkák előretörése, rúdáru-dominancia mellett a szeletelt variánsok népszerűsödése. Igaz, ez utóbbiban...

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Sugar is getting increasingly expensive

Due to the negative effects of climate change, the sugarcane harvest is decreasing worldwide, and a significant increase in sugar prices can be expected in the coming period. Several major...

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Flavored mineral water products are becoming more and more popular

The negative consequences of the economic fluctuations of the past period also affect the actors of the domestic mineral water industry. Due to runaway inflation and high energy prices, mineral...

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NGM economist: economic growth may exceed 4 percent this year

A balanced economic growth of over 4 percent can be achieved this year – said Gergely Suppan, the chief economist of the Ministry of National Economy (NGM) on Tuesday on...

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NGM: economic stimulus programs are launched

The war and sanctions caused significant damage to the economy, and the weak European economy and thus overall weaker demand contributed negatively to the development of industrial performance. According to...

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The plastic content of bottled water is many times higher than previously thought

Bottled water, which many choose as a healthy alternative, may contain up to 100 times more micro- and nanoplastics than previously thought, according to a new study. The results were...

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CSR Hungary has been rewarding responsible businesses and organisations for more than fifteen years

At the end of October, the 16th edition of the CSR Hungary Award – the Hungarian Business Responsibility Award – took place in the Gundel Palace, on the evening of...

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Asda becomes first supermarket to price matching Aldi and Lidl

Asda has become the first supermarket to price match both Aldi and Lidl across hundreds of everyday products. The supermarket is price matching the discounters on 287 comparable grocery products...

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Forrester predicts a new online boom

Forrester anticipates significant growth in online retail spending in the largest European countries in the coming years. The American research firm expects an average annual growth of 9.2 percent. Forrester...

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Barilla To Send Fusilli To Space

Barilla’s pasta will embark on a cosmic journey to the International Space Station (ISS) as part of a collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry, the Italian...

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KSH: in November, retail turnover decreased by 5.4 percent compared to the same period of the previous year, while it increased by 0.8 percent compared to the previous month

In November 2023, the volume of retail sales decreased by 5.4 percent compared to the same period of the previous year, according to both raw and calendar-adjusted data. The volume...

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Péter Virovácz: It is too early to talk about recovery

The Ministry of National Economy welcomed the new retail sales data, but experts warn of caution. Although the month-on-month increase appears to be a positive sign, the level of the...

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Growth in consumption will only come after that, encouraging signs are beginning to appear in the area of food consumption

There are several factors behind the decline in consumer behavior and retail sales in November. Due to the higher turnover period at the end of the year, Black Friday sales...

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NGM: customers must be informed if the packaging of a food is reduced

In order to protect families, the government has adopted a new measure, so food retailers with a turnover of over HUF 1 billion must post a warning notice if the...

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NGM: in addition to the reduction of inflation and the increase in real wages, the development of retail trade also shows an increasingly hopeful picture

According to the data of the Central Statistical Office (KSH), in November 2023, the value of retail trade nominally reached HUF 1,602 billion, which means an increase of HUF 50...

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The current clothing industry is not sustainable, prices are coming

The EU is working on regulations that would oblige fashion companies to collect more used clothes or pay a fee for waste management. As part of this, the EU hopes...

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Csurran vagy cseppen?

A mosogatószerek és eszközök piacára is rányomta bélyegét az elmúlt időszak. A fogyasztók amellett, hogy keresik a gazdaságos, takarékos megoldásokat, próbálják a mosogatáshoz szükséges eszközöket is minél hosszabb ideig használni....

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In January, Sentix’s Eurozone investor sentiment index improved less than expected

The Eurozone investor sentiment index presented on Monday by the Sentix economic research institute improved less than analysts had expected. Sentix’s economic index, which reflects investor confidence in the euro...

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In the first 11 months of last year, retail sales in Romania increased by 2.2 percent

Retail sales in Romania increased by 2.2 percent in the first 11 months of 2023, the National Institute of Statistics (INS) announced on Monday. Between January 1 and November 30...

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Hard times

In the butter market, the situation returned to normal by the summer, with retail prices starting to decrease again. This article is available for reading in Trade magazin 2023/12-01 “In...

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Veganuary: many Hungarians sympathize with the meat-free diet

Compared to the 2022 results, more Hungarians pay attention to health-conscious nutrition, and 60 percent of them include one meat-free day in their week, which is increasingly motivated by health...

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Hungarians do not really have a sweet tooth in international terms

In European and Central Asian countries, there are significant differences in daily sugar consumption per capita, and the Hungarian population is certainly not one of the big sugar consumers. Based...

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