

The latest event in POPAI Hungary Association’s Master Course series was held on 14 June 2012, enjoying the hospitality of InfimatiX Zrt. Famous protocol expert Ibolya Görög enchanted participants with...

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Customers’ desire: flexible promotions

A study by Acosta Sales & Marketing (USA) tried to find out how retailers and manufacturers can generate long-term demand for goods. They found that the poorest and the richest...

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Analysts: retail sales will not decline further

The analysts of the TakarékBank and the ING do not expect a further decline in retail sales for the remainder of the year. They consider that the sector's performance can...

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Volume of sales in retail shops decreased also in June

In June 2012, sales in retail shops decreased by 1.7% in volume year-on-year. A fall in the sales of petrol stations as well as furniture and electrical goods shops played...

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The Milk Marketing Board urges reduced VAT

The chairmanship of the Milk Marketing Board Interprofessional Organization states in a press release that the situation is hopeless in the dairy sector, due to this year's drought. The lack...

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Bioethanol Association: domestic production is not responsible for the food price increases

The Hungarian Bioethanol Association (MBSZ) considers the attacks against bioethanol production qualm. The Association believes that domestic bioethanol production is not responsible for the increase in food prices. The organization...

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Americans throw out 40 percent of the food

Forty percent of the food purchased in the United States ends in the waste:  Americans throw out about 9 kilograms of food per month – shows the recent report of...

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Happy Box Days in the Zoo

Children between 2 and 14 years will be given Zoo tickets who arrive with at least least ten flattened cardboard boxes on September 8 and 9 to the main entrance...

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The HÍR-es Íznapok will be held for the fifth time

Well-known performers and traditional Hungarian dishes are awaiting the visitors at the fifth HÍR-es Íznapok event in the Vajdahunyad Castle. Unique historical flavor trip, colorful programs, and the music of...

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Increased control in case of apple and melon

Inspectors strictly examine the quality of vegetables and fruits, paying particular attention to the spray residues. During the summer period, the plant protection directorate struictly examines the quality of marketed...

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EU support for the restructuring of vineyards

The application deadline expired one of the most important element of the EU wine market support. The EU wine market support for this season is 29 million euros. Farmers could...

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The 2nd Beer Festival in the Buda Castle – The feast of beer

The festival awaits its guests between August 29 and 2 September 2012, offering even more beer specialties than last year. Among the largest domestic manufacturers the special beers of Dreher...

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Webshops can expect strict controls

An online company can expect an up to 1 million HUF fine if does not include bill beside the delivered goods –  the General press officer of the South Plains...

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Hungary participates at the Culinary Olympics again this year

Hungary participates with both national and military national teams at the Culinary Olympics that will be held between 6-9 October in Erfurt. The National Gastronomic Association (MNGSZ) presents the teams...

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Exclusive wine festival in the Festetics-castle of Keszthely

On August 19 and 20 the interested could attend the VinCE Balaton exclusive wine festival in Keszthely. In the Festetics castle and in the castle park the visitors could taste...

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New trends when it comes to ice cream

According to the Italian Ice-cream Makers Association, despite the economic crisis, ice cream proves to be a successful product again this summer. The artificial tastes have been replaced by natural...

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Global online consumers today and tomorrow

Innovations in technology, a multitude of connected devices, and evolutions in the media distribution landscape have provided more ways than ever to consume media across different screens, whether at home,...

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Hungary can benefit from the Russian WTO membership

After eighteen years of negotiations, Russia joins the World Trade Organization (WTO) today.  After the join, Moscow has to undertake lower duty levels and increased protection of intellectual property. The...

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Wine school book on the wines of the Carpathian Basin

The Wine school book – The wines of the Carpathian Basin (Bortankönyv – A Kárpát-medence borai) provides on the most known grape varieties and wine regions of Hungary as well...

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Fish and Wine at the Riverbank: mini festival begins at the Római coast

Fish foods and the best wines of the country will be the stars of the mini-festival called Fish and Wine at the Riverbank (Hal és Bor a Parton), which will...

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Exceptional consultations on the domestic pig industry

Until 29 August, the government will carry out the decision in order to improve the situation of the pork industry players on the basis of the joint proposal of the...

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Brussels does not objected against the draft of the kiosk law

The deadline to raise objections against the draft of the kiosk law expired on Friday. As the Népszabadság wrote based on Brussels sources, the Committee did not left a review...

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CBRE: the value of commercial real estates further declined in Europe

The decline in the value of commercial real estates in Europe has continued: in the second quarter of 2012, the value of commercial real estates decreased by approximately 0.9 percent...

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Thirty-five thousand people visited the Farmer Expo in Debrecen

The Farmer Expo of Debrecen had more exhibitors and visitors than a year ago – Vaszkó László Fair Director told MTI on Monday after the closing of the Expo. In...

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40 thousand slices of the country's cake

The event called The Street of Hungarian Flavours (Magyar Ízek Utcája) has set two records on 19th and 20th August 2012: with the tents of Egy Csepp Figyelem Alapítvány, they...

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Extraordinary meeting on the pig sector and on the Gyulai Húskombinát

Lázár János, state secretary convened two extraordinary meeting to the 21st of August 2012, in order to discuss the current problems of the pig industry, as well as to solve...

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OTP: SME loan stocks may expand this year

Up to 10 percent stock growth can occur in the loan stocks of the small and medium-size enterprises in this year – said Bencsik László, deputy general manager  of OTP...

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Five-year program for the breeding of the Hungarian Simmental

In five years, the population of the Hungarian Simmental will be increaesd by one thousand, in the scope of a breeding program began in 2010 – Füller Imre, executive director...

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Árukereső.hu: people spend 1000 HUF more on the start of the school this year

This year, the Hungarian Internet users plan to spend an average of 26,900 HUF on school starting – shows the recent survey of Árukereső.hu. According to the portal’s summary sent...

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Pozsonyi croissant included to the EU register of specialty products

The European Commission has included the Pozsonyi croissant into the EU register of specialty products – the Ministry of Rural Development (VM) informed MTI on Wednesday According to the communication,...

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