
It was suggested that ultra-processed food should not be advertised

LMP wants to ensure that from January 1, 2027, it will not be possible to advertise what is unhealthy, the opposition party has therefore submitted a resolution proposal to the...

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Kristóf Szalay-Bobrovniczky: the development of the armed forces also requires the latest research in nutrition and food science

The development of the Hungarian armed forces also requires the latest research in nutrition and food science, both in terms of recruitment, retention and personnel support, the Minister of National...

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Further increase in the support for organic farming from 2024

Organic farmers have so far been awarded extra points and other benefits in the grant programmes, but this system of benefits is expected to grow in the funding programmes for...

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Food prices rose by 2.8 percent in Germany

In Germany, producer prices fell by 8.6 percent year-on-year in December, more than the 8 percent market expectation and more significantly than the 7.9 percent fall in November, the German...

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The effect of high temperatures caused by climate change on the bread wheats that spread during the Green Revolution was explored

For the cover photo of the January 2024 issue of the prestigious scientific journal New Phytologist, he chose a microscopic photo illustrating the results of the staff of the Agricultural...

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Food waste must be further reduced

Zsolt Feldman, the State Secretary responsible for agriculture and rural development of the Ministry of Agriculture, presented the results of the fight against food waste in Hungary in recent years,...

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Help for fattened bull keepers

On Friday, the payment of more than one billion forints allocated to support financed from the national budget related to the keeping of fattened bulls in the beef sector will...

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The Hungarian poultry sector must participate in disciplined integration

In order for the Hungarian poultry sector to meet market demands, it must participate in a very serious and disciplined integration, the Minister of Agriculture stated on Friday in Bácsalmás,...

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Superhero shop assistants star in Edeka’s new image campaign

German supermarket chain Edeka has launched a new image campaign to attract new employees to its stores. The campaign is mainly aimed at experienced professionals and career changers. The new...

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Corona owner become first Olympics beer sponsors

Corona owner AB InBev has become the first official beer partners of the Olympics Corona Cero, the non-alcoholic iteration of the global beer brand, has become a sponsor of the...

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Agricultural investment decisions worth almost HUF 15 billion were made

The Government of Hungary supports the Hungarian countryside with all possible means. This is also indicated by the fact that in recent days, the Ministry of Agriculture has made supporting...

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Sweethearts candy debuts conversation hearts with mixed messages

Sweethearts is entering the dating world full of mixed signals and uncertainty with a sweet new candy. The popular candy brand, known for 40 sayings on its colorful heart-shaped candy...

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NAV cannot pass through the territory of agrarian Hungary without inspection this year either

This year, too, agricultural goods cannot pass through Hungary without inspection, and vehicles transporting grain on road, water and rail traffic are being closely monitored – the National Tax and...

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Facts and myths about the mandatory deposit system

Within a few days of its introduction, many questions arose among consumers about the new deposit fee system, while the return of packaging materials already works effectively in several countries...

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The price of chicken meat keeps falling

In Hungary, in the first week of the year, the producer prices of slaughter chickens and slaughter turkeys decreased significantly compared to the same period of the previous year –...

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Entries for the Brillante distillate competition have started

Entries have started for the Brillante – 2024 international pálinka and distillate competition, which has been a side event of the Gyula Pálinka Festival for years. This year, the competition...

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Hungarians spend HUF 12,000 a month on feeding their dogs

Feeding a dog costs an average of HUF 12,000 per month; Currently, four out of ten Hungarians have a dog at home, most of them take care of one dog...

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Innovative research methods for future-proof livestock farming

Sustainable livestock farming is key to both food security and the protection of our ecosystems. The World Resources Institute predicts that compared to 2010, global demand for meat and dairy...

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An egg crisis is raging in the Russians

Russia was unexpectedly hit by the egg crisis, which not only raised prices, but also whipped up political tensions. In the past year, egg prices rose by 46.2%, which raised...

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Gáborné Pölöskei: the primary task of vocational training is to serve the needs of the labor market

Vocational training is of utmost importance to serve the needs of the labor market – stated the deputy state secretary responsible for vocational training of the Ministry of Culture and...

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The University of Veterinary Medicine entered into cooperation with Sorapharm Kft. to support animal health

The University of Veterinary Medicine has concluded a cooperation agreement with Sorapharm Kft. to support animal health, the institution announced to MTI. In their press release, they explain: after extensive...

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János Lázár: logistics is key for Hungary

The changes taking place in the world do not only represent difficulties and economic challenges, but also create opportunities; logistics and mobility are key for Hungary – said the Minister...

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Czakó Borbála: A férfiak a vezetésben többet, a nők kevesebbet kockáztatnak, és a kettő jobb végeredményt hoz

Folytatódik a Trade magazin Business Podcastja A nők a vezetésben a férfi döntéseket kiegyensúlyozzák, így válnak azok jobban átgondolttá és talán kevésbé agresszívvé – véli Czakó Borbála stratégiai tanácsadó, volt...

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Agrometeorology: milder than optimal weather

The weather is milder than optimal, and although the frost experienced in recent days has decimated the pathogens and pests, more lasting cold would be needed to significantly reduce them,...

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Syngenta Kft. prioritizes biological methods in plant protection.

This year, Syngenta Kft. is prioritizing biological methods, which wants to meet consumer demands for organic crop production, said the head of the company’s plant protection products business at the season...

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Purina Europa: products with reduced environmental impact are arriving

Purina, Europe’s leading pet care company, introduces its first CO2-efficient pet food range, Purina One DualNature, supporting Nestlé’s wider ambition to reduce its carbon dioxide emissions by 50% by 2030....

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Agricultural companies look to 2024 with high hopes

After the low point of the previous quarter, the K&H agricultural index improved and currently stands at 12 points. The more optimistic mood is due to the fact that the companies...

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FrieslandCampina Ingredients predicts holistic health and alt-dairy as key 2024 nutrition trends

FrieslandCampina Ingredients spotlights five crucial nutritional trends for 2024. The company expects these trends to drive the food, drink and supplement industries this year. The five trends shaping consumer habits...

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Saudi Arabia’s Panda Retail uses AI for pricing decisions

This will be applied to about 200 hypermarkets and supermarkets. Saudi Arabia-based grocery store chain Panda Retail has leveraged artificial intelligence to guide the company in deciding the price for...

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Bird flu has already appeared in the county of Somogy

This time, the laboratory of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) confirmed the presence of the highly pathogenic bird flu virus in the area of Somogy County. The affected...

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