
VOSZ Barometer: the decrease in purchasing power shocked SMEs in 2023

According to the data of the 2023 fourth quarter survey completed on behalf of the National Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers (VOSZ), the business mood continued to deteriorate, this time...

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Az élelmezési rendszerek negatív rejtett költségei elérhetik a 10 billió dollárt

Napjaink élelmezési rendszerei hatalmas rejtett költségekkel terhelik az egészségünket, a környezetet és a teljes társadalmat. 154 országot vizsgálva az ENSZ Élelmezésügyi és Mezőgazdasági Szervezete (FAO) szakértői 10 billió dollárra (a globális...

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Large companies are not yet prepared for the new ESG reporting obligation

ESG (environment (E), society (S) and corporate governance (G)) is an increasingly decisive factor in the operation of companies, so companies should look for and integrate sustainable solutions into their...

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SMEs do not yet dare to believe in EU tenders

For the time being, businesses are even less likely to count on EU tenders, barely half of them consider it realistic that they will be able to get funding this...

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27 companies presented themselves on the BCSDH’s Sustainability Partner Search

The cross-sector membership of the Hungarian Business Council for Sustainable Development (BCSDH), which includes more than 140 companies, enables the effective promotion of partnerships created in order to accelerate carbon-neutral...

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Complex waste management data provision conference

The Association of Environmental Service Providers and Manufacturers organizes a thematic waste management data provision conference, thereby helping the work of both data providers and data receivers and inspectors. The...

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The Court has decided: in its currently known form, platform-based food delivery is not an employment relationship, but according to the labor law expert, a safety net is needed

The Kúria did not classify platform-based, self-employed food delivery as an employment relationship in a matter that also concerns the public, so in Hungary today those who perform so-called platform...

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Event presenter: Employer Branding Workshop

Retention still resonates as the best form of recruitment. But is there such a thing as a loyal employee? Maybe you wanted a job? Why do employees choose well-built brands?...

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Development is a condition for competitiveness in agriculture

Competitiveness in agriculture is development, so the producer who wants to stay on the market in the long term must think about investments – said Minister of Agriculture István Nagy...

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Efficiency, AI and sustainability: MBH Bank and MEGOSZ work together for the development of the agricultural machinery market

MBH Bank and the National Association of Field Machine Manufacturers (MEGOSZ) signed a cooperation agreement at the AGROmashEXPO and AgrárgépShow event. The main goal of the partnership is for the most...

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Polish farmers held a traffic-slowing protest action

Protesting farmers blocked public roads in Poland on Wednesday, protesting against the European Union’s Green Agreement and the unlimited European import of Ukrainian products. During the day, farmers used tractors...

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Our country continues to strengthen its agricultural relations with China

We are committed to the further strengthening of the agricultural and trade cooperation between China and Hungary, and it would be an important milestone if China accepted regionalization both with...

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White Peach Addresses Need for Comfort and Novelty

According to Agrana’s trendblog, the star ingredient for 2024 is a fruit of course. As renowned global experts in fruits, we announce white peach as the trend fruit for 2024....

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Netrisk: Hungarians don’t ski at home

66 percent of tourists who took out travel insurance for skiing between the end of November 2023 and the beginning of January 2024 chose Austria, Slovakia’s share was 14 percent,...

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Agricultural tenders will be published continuously until the end of the year

 The market challenges caused by the drought, wartime inflation and duty-free Ukrainian products have created extraordinary conditions in agriculture, therefore we will open up the use of agricultural and rural...

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Can this year bring growth to the IT industry?

In 2023, the IT sector showed a decrease in orders compared to the growth of the previous year, however, according to domestic and international forecasts, it may start to grow...

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Barilla Announces Price Cuts Of 7-13% On A Range Of Products in Italy

Italian food company Barilla is planning price cuts of 7% to 13% on a wide range of products, including pasta, biscuits, snacks, and bread, an initiative valid only in Italy....

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Summer storms caused the most damage in 2023

In terms of the type of damage in home insurance, broken pipes are still the most common damage, which, as in previous years, accounted for 30 percent of all claims....

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Co-op targets 8m members by 2030

The Co-op is aiming to grow its number of members from 5m to 8m by 2030. It comes as data shows that Co-op’s membership is growing ahead of its expectations,...

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The European Union does not want to find a solution to the issue of Ukrainian grain

According to István Nagy, the European Union does not want to find a solution to the issue of Ukrainian grain, so the Hungarians have no choice but to “negotiate with...

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Top Employers Hungary 2024: they are now the 10 best employers in Hungary based on the opinions of employees

The international career platform has published the top list of the most popular employers. Currently, Top Employers Hungary is the only independent ranking based solely on employee evaluations. The...

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The 2024 Hungarian work permit changes and their impact on small and medium-sized enterprises

The year 2024 marks a turning point in the history of the Hungarian labor market. The transformation of the work permit system not only brought new challenges, but also offered...

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Domestic climate protection in accordance with the Paris Agreement would bring 8.8% GDP savings until 2030

The early introduction of the climate protection measures necessary to stay within the 1.5 degree global average temperature increase threshold by 2030 would mean significant income both at the EU...

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Márton Nagy: more and more French companies can come to Hungary

Hungarian and French economic cooperation is exemplary, trade relations are unwaveringly strong, and French businesses are a significant building block of the Hungarian economy – stated the Ministry of National...

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Krónika: Hungarian labeling of foodstuffs produced in Romania has become a marketing ploy

Hungarian-language labeling of food products produced in Romania has become a marketing ploy, companies with Romanian interests are also using the method – reported the Transylvanian public portal Krónika. The...

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Hungarian winemakers are worried

The sassy weather of recent years, the low purchase prices, the increase in production costs, and the declining consumption together make the situation of domestic grape growers and wineries difficult....

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Rengeteg szén, kevesebb földgáz, valamivel több megújuló a tavalyi globális energiamixben

Az Energy Institute 72. Statistical Review of World Energy című, a KPMG közreműködésével készült tanulmánya átfogó képet nyújt az energiarendszerről, a globális piacok helyzetéről 2022-ben. Három, egymásra rétegződő válság határozta meg a...

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The wholesale price of lemons decreased by 5 percent

According to the forecast of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), the EU lemon harvest may increase by 16 percent to 1.68 million tons in 2023/2024. in the economic year...

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Delta 500 Kft. won a grant to increase its paper production capacity.

Delta 500 Kft. from Mórahalom won a grant of more than HUF 200 million to increase its paper production capacity, the company told MTI. The company received HUF 209.3 million...

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There are more nanoplastics in mineral waters than we previously thought

Bottled water in stores may contain much more plastic than previously thought, according to a new study. The small, nano-sized plastic particles that pollute the water can be 10 times,...

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