
Changes are coming to corporate loans – banks are scrutinizing companies due to sustainability risks

Starting this year, fundamental changes have come into effect in the field of corporate obligations related to sustainability, i.e. ESG, which will affect all domestic companies in some way. While...

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The new consumer trends determine the development directions of the food industry and rearrange the food market

New consumer trends, such as the increase in demand for alternative diets and ready-made meals, as well as the intensification of the geopolitical and climate situation, strongly determine the development...

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The Hungarian government bans artificial meat, elsewhere it is seen as salvation

The Hungarian government has engaged in another culture war, this time against artificial meat. According to the planned measure, Hungary would be the second country in the world to ban...

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Half of Europe is paralyzed under the pressure of farmers

Within the European Union, farmers have mobilized in several countries to protest against the difficulties experienced in the agricultural sector. In Belgium, France and Italy, roads were also blocked with tractors,...

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In Romania, the prime minister announced the extension of the margin limit for staple foods

In Romania, the effect of the decree limiting the margin applicable to staple foods, which entered into force on August 1, 2023, will be extended by another two months, which...

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Kavosz: the Agricultural Enterprise Credit Guarantee Foundation reduces its guarantee fees

The Agrár-Vállalkozasi Hitelgarancia Alapítvány (AVHGA) will significantly reduce the guarantee fees for agricultural loans in the Széchenyi Card Program, so that agricultural enterprises will also get cheaper loans from the...

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One Fifth Of Consumers ‘Have Already Used Generative AI’ When Shopping

A fifth of consumers have already used generative AI tools when shopping, with 72% aware of the use of the technology in shopping experiences, a new study by Capgemini has...

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Exports of live pigs and pork also decreased

According to data from the European Commission, in January-October 2023, the European Union sold 20 percent less (3.5 million tons) of fresh, frozen and processed pork on the international market...

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Barilla Group provides a minimum of 12 weeks out for all parents starting January 1st 2024

With a new Global Parental Leave Corporate Policy effective on January 1st 2024, Barilla will offer a minimum paid parental leave of 12 weeks for all parents, a total of...

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Auchan, Carrefour, Intermarché team up to buy 288 Casino stores

The deal is finally done: three French retail groups team up to acquire 288 Casino stores for 1.35 billion euros. New in the endeavour is Carrefour, which takes over 26 stores. French map...

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The Soil-X-Change project has started

The Soil-X-Change project started under the leadership of a Hungarian consortium (Innomine) with the participation of 9 countries. At the “kick-off” project starting meeting held in Budapest on January 23-24,...

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The solvency of the population may slowly return to the pre-war level

In the last quarter of last year, the solvency of Hungarian households rose again, although the decline of recent years has not yet been reversed, according to the new solvency...

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Egg consumption has fallen in Hungary

In the last month of the last year, consumption habits in Hungary showed many interesting and special changes. In addition to the significant decrease in egg consumption and the skyrocketing...

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ESG Act: Sustainability risk management by publishing the ESG report of large companies

A new reporting obligation awaits domestic enterprises under the so-called According to the ESG law. In the ESG report, which also supports a favorable credit rating, the companies concerned must...

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NGM: the Conciliation Forum of the Chambers of Commerce held its first meeting this year

The Conciliation Forum of the Chambers of Commerce held its first meeting this year, and Márton Nagy encouraged the members to develop proposals supporting the restoration of economic growth, the...

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GKI: The government’s economic policy leads to the recovery of the future

Last year, the Hungarian economy overcame the most difficult phase of the crisis caused by the domestic economy caused by the division before the 2022 elections, and the global economic...

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DSV Hungary supported a 24-hour logistics competition

This year, the Neumann János University in Kecskemét announced a two-round logistics competition for the 8th time, the main sponsor of which this year was DSV Hungary. The special feature...

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K&H: the future of agriculture depends on young agricultural professionals

Well-trained agricultural professionals have a special role in the implementation of solutions that determine the future of agriculture – K&H told MTI on Monday in connection with the announcement of...

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István Nagy: European agricultural production and trade must be protected

European agricultural production and trade must be protected, the extension of the autonomous trade liberalization measure (ATM regulation) is unacceptable, the Minister of Agriculture wrote on his social media page...

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Private Label Market Share Reaches Record High In Italian Retailers

Retailers in Italy are increasingly turning to private-label products to help counter inflation and the loss of purchasing power of Italians, who have long been fond of big brands. The...

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Polish minister: the EU green agreement is too much of a burden for Polish agriculture

The European Green Agreement is too much of a burden for Polish agriculture, the Ministry of Agriculture in Warsaw will strive to change this, Minister of Agriculture Czeslaw Siekierski announced...

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Nestlé Introduces First KitKat Using Cocoa From Income Accelerator

Nestlé has announced the introduction of the first KitKat bars produced from cocoa mass made from beans grown by farmer families engaged in the company’s income accelerator, to European markets....

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Target to add 1K wellness products to offering

The retailer is introducing hundreds of exclusive items and has also launched an online wellness destination. Target plans to add more than 1,000 new wellness-related products, the retailer announced Wednesday....

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More improvements to the eGN system

The National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) informs users that the new version of the eGN system went live on January 26. The newly released version of the program fixes...

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LG’s innovations were honored with several awards at CES 2024

LG Electronics (LG) received more than 200 awards and recognitions at this year’s CES for its many innovations and technological breakthroughs in consumer electronics, consumer electronics and B2B solutions. LG...

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An insulated hall was created at the premises of Állatház Kft. in Alsótold

An isolation hall was set up at the site of Állatház Kft., which deals with the testing of animal medicines, in Alsótold, Nógrád County; for the investment with a total budget...

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MGyT: peppermint is the herb of the year

The Medicinal Plant Department of the Hungarian Pharmaceutical Society (MGyT) has chosen peppermint as the medicinal plant of the year in 2024, the organization announced to MTI on Saturday. According...

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NAK: the Hungarians unitedly supported the domestic farmers in the national consultation

The Hungarians unitedly stood up for the domestic farmers in the national consultation – the president of the National Chamber of Agrarian Economy (NAK) wrote on his Facebook page on...

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Another “I love trade marketing” conference

This year, on February 15, we are holding a large online meeting of the trade marketing profession, entitled “Beyond Inflation”. The all-day event is also free of charge this time,...

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Márton Nobilis: the food industry is an important strategic sector

The food industry is an important strategic sector, which also determines the sovereignty of a country – said Márton Nobilis, the State Secretary responsible for the food industry and trade...

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