
The price of the chips clearly shows the problematic nature of the pricing policy shaping retail trade

The drastic difference in prices of Pringles chips between Hungary and Spain reflects the complexity of the taxation system and VAT rates. The price differences between the two countries have...

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Manufacturers and traders are forced to pay the price of the Red Sea crisis

The world market situation poses challenges to large American and European manufacturing and trading companies that are difficult to find answers to. The focus is on the Red Sea crisis,...

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Businesses are expecting double-digit “corporate inflation” this year – they are looking for a way out with organizational development and export markets

“Anyone who has survived the past year or two as an entrepreneur in Hungary is considered a real hero,” says András Avidor, business development and networking expert. Moreover, according to...

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The Muslim world announced a boycott against several food chains and fast food restaurants

A widespread boycott has been launched in the Muslim world against American and Western European brands, such as Starbucks, McDonald’s, Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, Procter & Gamble, and the French Carrefour. The...

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Instead of the expected improvement, consumer sentiment in Germany worsened

Instead of the expected improvement, the German consumer sentiment index for February of the GfK and NIM (Nürnberg Institut für Marktentscheidungen) market research institutes fell to an almost one-year low....

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Ursula von der Leyen: the agri-food industry needs a long-term perspective

 The agri-food industry in Europe needs a long-term perspective and predictable development, which is why the European Union is launching a strategic dialogue on the future of agriculture, said Ursula...

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Alpár Gyopáros: the villages are our future

Villages are our future, they have great potential, because they can provide a quality of life and have a community that cannot be experienced in big cities – said Alpár...

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MAGOSZ and NAK negotiated with the largest Italian agricultural interest representation

The leadership of Coldiretti, the largest Italian agricultural interest representation, was received by István Jakab, president of MAGOSZ, and Balázs Győrffy, president of the National Chamber of Agriculture. According to Ettore...

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Companies are at risk of double taxation due to global tax reforms

Worldwide, transfer pricing conditions are becoming increasingly unpredictable due to global tax reforms and inflation, according to EY’s survey of 1,000 large company executives in more than 40 countries, including...

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The number of employees increased by 21 thousand, we took another step towards reaching the 85 percent activity rate

According to the data of the Central Statistical Office (KSH), the number of employees increased to 4.723 million in December 2023, so there are 21 thousand more people working than...

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How to save the New Year’s resolution for February?

We are well past January 19, when most people are supposed to give up their New Year’s resolutions. According to research, every fifth person wants to change at the beginning...

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Hungarian-Moldovan agricultural relations are expanding further

Hungarian-Moldovan bilateral cooperation in agriculture holds great potential, and an investment protection agreement could give it another impetus, which would further attract Hungarian investments to Moldova. On Thursday, in Budapest, Minister...

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Spending on sweets at a record high

Despite the difficult economic situation, consumers’ appetite for snacks has not decreased. This is what a NielsenIQ study suggests that was published on Tuesday and conducted on occasion of the...

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Where is Hungarian arable crop production going next?

If the current production structure is maintained, the arable plant growers can be successful primarily by significantly improving efficiency and moving towards the production of premium quality crops, but standing...

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SPAR Austria Veggie range sales more than doubled in the last five years

SPAR Austria is cooperating with the international organisation Veganuary for the first time, drawing consumers focus to plant-based meals this January. This is a trend that is reflected both in...

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Agrometeorology: milder and drier weather than usual is expected

The weather will be milder and drier than usual in the next seven days, HungaroMet Zrt. wrote in its agrometeorological analysis on Thursday. They wrote that several weather fronts affected...

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Unilever brings TikTok cleaning trend to Asda in-store shoppers

Unilever has tapped TikTok’s community of ‘cleanfluencers’ for an in-store activation with Asda, to promote its household brands. The “disruptive” activation sees interactive digital screens placed at the front of...

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The agricultural support system provides significant help for adaptation

In today’s economic and market conditions, in order for farmers to stay afloat, they must choose some adaptation strategy. The Hungarian agricultural support system provides significant help for this – stated...

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GVH analysis examining “green” marketing messages with an international focus

The findings of the market analysis of the Economic Competition Authority (GVH), in which the competition authority’s investigators scrutinized claims related to environmental protection, are forward-looking at the international level...

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Digital revolution: The technology and Smart Agri sector grew a lot at FRUIT LOGISTICA

In 2024, FRUIT LOGISTICA is preparing for the digital revolution in agriculture, with an increased focus on intelligent farming and technology startups. FRUIT LOGISTICA, the leading trade fair for the...

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A kognitív hanyatlástól is védheti a nőket a növényi diéta

Összefüggést találtak a kutatók a növényi alapú étrend és az időskori jobb kognitív képességek között. Egy új tanulmány szerint a negyvenes éveikben járó, túlnyomórészt növényi alapú élelmiszereket fogyasztó nőknél kisebb valószínűséggel...

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Hummus Association: here are 7 compelling arguments in favor of reusable packaging

How much water do we save by using more than one-time use packaging? After how many uses does a durable food box become more environmentally friendly compared to a disposable...

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The Hungarian cheese specialties were on display at the world competition

Domestic cheese specialties have received international recognition. At the World Cheese Awards held in Norway last year, a total of 11 domestic cheeses won the podium. The cheese makers have...

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The beginning of the year is also the time of a new start in the generational change

The managers of companies founded during the regime change are slowly retiring, and the time has come to hand over the baton to their successors. This process is generational change,...

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Fulfilling sustainability requirements can give Hungarian companies a competitive advantage

Starting this year, fundamental changes have come into effect in the area of corporate obligations related to sustainability, i.e. ESG, which will affect all domestic companies in one way or...

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K&H: how long are your savings enough for?

Just over half of young people in their twenties have savings, but many of them only have enough reserves for a short time, according to the K&H youth index. According...

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FIFA and Visa have extended their global partnership

FIFA is pleased to announce that Visa (NYSE: V), the world leader in digital payments, has extended its official FIFA partnership. The renewed agreement, which runs until 2026, will allow...

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NGM: the review of the SME strategy has been completed, the aim is to strengthen Hungarian SMEs

The government reviewed and adopted the strategic document entitled “Strategy for the Strengthening of Hungarian Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises 2019-2030” and determined the priority business development measures to be...

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Changes are coming to corporate loans – banks are scrutinizing companies due to sustainability risks

Starting this year, fundamental changes have come into effect in the area of corporate obligations related to sustainability, i.e. ESG, which will affect all domestic companies in one way or...

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The Green Economy 2023/24 has been published. study volume

The Association of Environmental Service Providers and Manufacturers (KSZGYSZ) in the midst of increasing climate, nature and environmental protection tasks has called for the continuation of the highly successful publication...

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