
FrieslandCampina Ingredients predicts holistic health and alt-dairy as key 2024 nutrition trends

FrieslandCampina Ingredients spotlights five crucial nutritional trends for 2024. The company expects these trends to drive the food, drink and supplement industries this year. The five trends shaping consumer habits...

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Saudi Arabia’s Panda Retail uses AI for pricing decisions

This will be applied to about 200 hypermarkets and supermarkets. Saudi Arabia-based grocery store chain Panda Retail has leveraged artificial intelligence to guide the company in deciding the price for...

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Bird flu has already appeared in the county of Somogy

This time, the laboratory of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) confirmed the presence of the highly pathogenic bird flu virus in the area of Somogy County. The affected...

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Inflation accelerated in the euro area in December, especially on the food front

In December, as previously announced, annual inflation accelerated in the euro area – the statistical office of the European Union, Eurostat, announced the final data on Wednesday. In the euro...

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Will the prices of dairy products continue to rise in 2024?

Over the past two years, the prices of milk and milk products in Hungary have risen continuously, except for the previous month, when the price of milk and cheese decreased...

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Tartós installációs az Év Displaye 2023

Nagy érdeklődés övezte a POPAI és a Trade Marketing Klub összevont évzáró eseményét. A házigazda Pick Szeged a gyorsan változó vásárlási igényekre adott válaszaival, a szervezők pedig a POPAI Awards POP...

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Széles körű ESG beruházási programot valósít meg a Nádudvari

Átfogó környezettudatos fejlesztési programot valósít meg az idén a Nádudvari Élelmiszer Kft. Decemberben fejeződik be az a 650 millió forintos zöldfejlesztési program, amelynek költségeit saját, illetve állami forrásokból, valamint az OTP...

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The producer price of broiler chickens decreased by 18 percent

Based on data from the KSH, Hungary’s poultry meat exports increased by 3 percent to almost 180,000 tons between January and October 2023 compared to the same period of the...

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Aldi removes plastic shopping bags, pivots to natural refrigerants

Starting this year, the grocer plans to buy environmentally friendly refrigerants for all of its new and remodeled locations and swap in ones with low global warming potential at existing stores. Aldi...

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Nestlé Vietnam, 100 million dollars to expand coffee production

The investment will increase the production capacity of the Tri An plant, southern province of Đồng Nai “Strategic” investment for Nestlé Vietnam which has decided to allocate 100 million dollars...

Read more the average booking price increased by 17 percent last year

According to data from, the average booking price per person in 2023 was HUF 13,000 per night, which represents a 17 percent increase compared to 2022. Balaton was the...

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Business Diaries can be uploaded until February 15, 2024

The Ministry of Agriculture has extended the deadline for the electronic upload of the Farm Diaries by two weeks, until February 15, 2024. The decision is based on the fact...

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Shift to modern grocery consumption slows down

Spending in modern grocery, including the online channel, slowed down in the fastest-growing markets as the growth of modern grocery networks “failed to keep pace” with other channels amidst the...

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The burdens of operators dealing with animal by-products have been eased

In line with the government’s deregulation efforts aimed at reducing administrative burdens, Regulation 45/2012 on animal by-products was amended from January 1, 2024.(V. 8.) VM decree. In the future, it...

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Work Force Kft. increased its sales by about 50 percent last year

Work Force Kft. closed in 2023 with a sales revenue of around HUF 25 billion, which is an increase of about 50 percent compared to 2022 – the company dealing...

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Vegetables without packaging play a leading role

In the spirit of the fight against food waste and plastic waste, changes are expected on the shelves of grocery stores in the United Kingdom. According to the plans of...

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K&H: middle-aged Hungarians are less afraid of inflation

For the time being, Hungarians do not expect a significant decrease in inflation, but the situation has improved to the extent that, compared to 87 percent at the beginning of...

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There could be a serious shortage of goods in Europe because of the Houthi terrorists in Yemen

The tensions in the Red Sea region and the ship attacks carried out by Houthi terrorists in Yemen can have a serious impact on the FMCG market. Keeping seafarers on...

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Olive oil is brutally expensive

The Spanish olive oil industry is in deep crisis, and producers describe the situation as dramatic. In the last three years, the price of Spanish olive oil has increased by...

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Rossmann is starting an investment of 20 billion in Hungary

Rossmann is planning for the long term in Hungary, by the end of 2025 they plan to hand over a 28,000 square meter logistics center, which will be complemented by...

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Nyugati tér McDonald’s will close on the evening of January 16

As the last stop of its restaurant transformation program, the Hungarian McDonald’s plans to close Meki® on Nyugati tér, which has been chosen as one of the most beautiful McDonald’s...

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EU Commissioner: new regulations will guarantee the authenticity of the green labeling of products

The European Union is introducing new regulations that will make the green labeling of products more genuine and credible, and will also provide more reliable foundations for the green transition,...

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Green statements in communication, such is the domestic situation in the field of greenwashing

Consumers’ purchasing decisions are increasingly influenced, but the real content of green claims and environmental labels still needs to be interpreted. The Economic Competition Authority would force companies to communicate...

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In 2024, cyber security incidents will pose the biggest business risk around the world

According to Allianz’s Risk Barometer, cybersecurity incidents such as ransomware attacks, data security breaches and IT disruptions will be the top business risk for companies around the world in 2024....

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K&H: large domestic companies fear recession

As the year draws to a close, firms are clearly losing momentum. K&H’s large company growth index measures the expectations of Hungarian firms with annual sales above HUF 2bn for...

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Open letter: The National Chamber of Agricultural Economics stands by the German farmers and agrees with their legitimate demands!

The coalition led by Olaf Scholz wants to reduce what they call “climate-damaging subsidies” by around three billion euros in 2024, sending a declaration of war to the farming community...

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Netto aims for a leading position in autonomos shopping in Germany

Grocery retailer Netto opened its first German store in Regensburg at the beginning of January, where customers can use the Pick&Go service without registration and check-in. The store is also...

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The producer price of slaughter cows decreased the most

According to AKI’s slaughter statistics data, the slaughter of cattle in January-November 2023, expressed in live weight, decreased by almost 10 percent compared to the same period of the previous...

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UK sales of authentic Spanish chorizo soar

The Consorcio del Chorizo Español – a group of Spanish producers who make the popular meat according to established ingredients and production methods – has been running a trade and...

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Sofidel Acquires A Paper Mill In The US

European tissue paper maker Sofidel has acquired a paper mill from ST Paper, a Minnesota-based company, for an undisclosed sum. The facility has a production capacity of 65 thousand metric...

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