
Traders trust in Christmas boom

Retail is confident that the Christmas season can be successful despite the past tough years, special taxes and cash register exchanges. The low inflation rate, the reduction in overheads might...

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Fazekas Sándor: the fruit and vegetable sector was successful in 2013

The Hungarian fruit and vegetable sector achieved a great success in 2013 – the Minister of Rural Development said at the year evaluation meeting of the Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable...

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One thousand cash registers have been installed until now

The number of online registers connected to the tax authorities is increasing steadily; while recently 200 to 220 cash registers were in contact with the authorities, now their number has...

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The size of the areas involved in organic farming in Hungary would be more than doubled

The size of the areas involved in organic farming in Hungary would be more than doubled during the next fiscal period of the European Union, between 2014 and 2020 –...

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Deloitte BankIndex: We are more optimistic than last year

According to Deloitte-Scale’s Bank index, in recent years, the savings mood of Hungarians as well as optimism in connection with consumption ability increased significantly, but a significant part of the...

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Pálinka tax increased by one-third in Romania

From 1 September pálinka tax will increase by one-third in Romania. The overall alcohol tax will increase from 750 to 1000 euros per hectolitre, so the preferential tax of homemade...

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Consumers are less optimistic about the future

Instead of the expected growth a decline occurred, but the German consumer sentiment index remained near its peak in September – the German GfK economic research institute announced on Wednesday....

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(HU) GKI: A javulás átmeneti

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Declining card use is projected

Free cash up may affect the credit card payment in a bad way.The Hungarian consumers are price sensitive and if the banks charge card payments, the ratio of buying with...

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KSH: investments increased further in the third quarter

The volume of investments in th e national economy in the third quarter grew by 9.8 percent compared to the same period of the last year – the Central Statistics...

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Tobacco shops, operating at gas stations and hypermarkets will be closed

The new government decree was publsihed on Thursday, and will come into force on 30 November. The government decree permits the operation of Tobacco shops, operating at gas stations and...

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The 10th New Wine and Cheese Festival of Hungary will be held in the Weekend

The 10th New Wine and Cheese Festival begins on Saturday. During the two days of the festival, the visitors can taste about two hundred new wines in the Vajdahunyadvár. This...

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VM: tons of fruits and vegetables have been destroyed by the authorities

The authorities carried out controls at the Wholesale Fruit and Vegetable Market of Nyíregyháza and at a site near Újfehértó. The checks were carried out by the Featured Affairs Directorate...

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The Christmas shopping season started with the “Black Friday” rush in the U.S.

Crowds of consumers stormed the major U.S. stores on Thursday evening and Friday dawn despite the cold weather, despite the boycott calls of the traditionalist groups and despite the expanding...

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Wine muster in Debrecen: sixty wines of twenty wineries to be offered

The twenty wineries, that reached the best results on the tests of the Debreceni Borozó Professional Wine Journal will present their 60 wines on Saturday at the 2nd Wine Muster...

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Russian vodka prices to go up

Russia, is raising the minimum price of vodka further in the name of the fight against alcoholism. It is feared that this move will favor the making of illegally produced...

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Sausage festival on Saturday in Szenna

The seventh sausage festival will be held on Saturday in Szenna. The local and surrounding communities as well as teams from other parts of the country will compete, to gain...

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Borvirág Wineclub – With Bacchus… and music!

The wine-tasting event’s goal is to deepen the wine culture of women and to make the purchase decision easier, which often seems difficult. Further information about previous programmes can be...

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Pizza is golden in Italy

Italy’s national food the pizza has a growing success throughout the world – shows the datas of the Fipe organization, containing Italian restaurants. The datas were published on Monday, on...

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More and more Czech tourists visit Hungary

The Czechs have increased their interest towards tourist trips to Hungary – the Czech Tourism Agencies Association (ACCK) states in its analysis on the summer tourist season published on Tuesday....

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Fast response from CBA and Coop

Two large Hungarian shop networks have started the testing of the PC-based cash registers at the same time – wrote. The Laurel company announced on its website, that in...

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Hungarian young people become financially adult in their late twenties

According to the datas of the GfK Hungária Retail Banking Monitor analysis, today's youth are more closely associated with the financial institutions, mostly between the age of 18 and 23....

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The turkey industry is a success story in Hungary

The Hungarian Turkey Association, that is the member of the Poultry Product Council holds a conference today, on the Day of Thanksgiving. Within the domestic poultry industry, the turkey product...

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The Gyulai sausage became a Hungarikum

As the result of the Hungarikum Commission's decision, the collection of Hungarikums is expanded by five new members; in addition five new element has been introduced into the Hungarian Depository...

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Hay Group: Only a few people change their workplaces in Hungary so far

Only a few people change their workplaces in Hungary so far, so the ratio of job seekers abroad is also small – according to the datas of the Hay Group....

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One hundred Hungarian wines will be presented in Berlin at the Hungarian Harvest

A total of one hundred wines from twenty-two Hungarian vineyards as well as goose, duck and mangalitza pig products will be on show at the Hungarian Harvest event on Thursday...

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Flying giants from Macy's

Spider-Man, SpongeBob SquarePants and Snoopy have been given the go ahead to fly today, as Macy's announced the annual Thanksgiving Parade would go ahead. There had been fears the 16...

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SME Strategic Planning Committee fine-tunes its 30 recommendations

The Strategic Planning Committee for SMEs today presented its final report to NYSE Euronext and the national and regional markets where NYSE Euronext is market operator. The Committee thanked the...

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Hungary’s food retail turnover is stable in value

The food retail revenues in Hungary increased by 0.3 percent in the third quarter, compared to the same period of the last year. The trend has turned positive after the...

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27 thousand businesses were founded until the end of October

Firm founding mood declined slightly this year compared to last year – shows the database of Cé operated by the Wolters Kluwer Ltd. and A significant downturn occured in...

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