
Domestic and international flavors at the Soup and Stew Festival of Budapest

Typical Hungarian cuisine and traditional specialties from many countries are waiting the guests this weekend at the second Soup and Stew Festival of Budapest in the Palace Quarter. The visitors...

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Mainly Northern Europe is affected by the mortality of bees, according to a comprehensive EU survey

According to the most comprehensive EU survey, carried out in 17 countries the mortality of bees is the most serious in the UK and in other parts of northern Europe....

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Hungary shows no demand for fresh horseradish yet

Few people know but Hungary is one of Europe’s biggest horseradish suppliers. Hungaro Torma Kft. is a major horseradish exporter that isn’t present in the domestic market. Why? The company’s...

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KSH: The per capita consumption last year kept its value in real terms

The real value of the household consumption per capita remained at level on real terms in 2013. Households spent about 67 thousand HUF at current prices on a a monthly...

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Irregularities were found at three-quarters of the tested bakeries in the Southern Great Plains

The inspectors of the National Tax and Customs Administration and its partner authorities found irregularities at three-quarters of the tested bakeries in the Southern Great Plains – the National Tax...

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GOSZ: spring works under way, but more rain is needed

About 100 millimeters of moisture is missing from the ground, so more rain is needed to the development of autumn cereals and to carry out spring works such as sowing...

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Agreement over agricultural product promotion in Brussels

The agreement was concluded between the European Parliament and the European Council over the information provision and new legislation of agricultural products on the internal markets and in third countries....

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Hungarian wines performed well at this year's Vinitaly

Hungarian winemakers won seven medals at this year's Vinitaly, which is an International Wine Competition in Italy, where three thousand wine samples were competing this year. According to the information...

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An increasing number of women are purchasing on the net

Today the sex ratio in the online stores is balanced, and probably there will be more female customers in the near future – Kis Gergely, partner of eNET described the...

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New farmers' markets in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County

The government considers to improve the farmers' access to markets in recent years – said Budai Gyula, Parliamentary Minister of State of the Ministry of Rural Development told in Újfehértó...

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Hungarian-Slovakian cooperation helps SMEs reach foreign markets

Economic cooperation between Hungary and Slovakia plays a key role in successfully enabling Hungarian small and medium-sized enterprises to reach international markets, State Secretary for Foreign Affairs and External Economic...

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P&G Family Home

The moving and interesting commercials of the ‘Thank You, Mom’ campaign opened new dimension in the relationship between marketing and sport, putting athletes’ mothers and everyday life in the limelight....

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Another Hungarian innovation to increase food safety

From the middle of March Hungary Kft. puts a numbered holographic tax seal on its products (BactoFil), to guarantee that they are original. not only contributes to safe...

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Traders can choose from almost one hundred licensed cash registers

Nearly one hundred online cash registers are already approved by the Hungarian Trade Licensing Office, so traders have the access to the right cash registers in all segments – the...

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Retail sales increased further in the Czech Republic

Retail sales increased by 0.3 percent in the Czech Republic in February, compared to January. The annual increase was 8.1 percent in February – the Czech Statistical Office (CSÚ) announced...

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Magazine: Life beyond the scent

Until the 1980s Hungarians preferred aerosol deodorants with exotic scents. From the early 1990s the trend shifted in the direction of more natural scents and moisturising stick deodorants. When Eau...

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Metro: passion and expertise

2014 is a special year for Metro, celebrating the 50th anniversary of forming the Metro Group and 20 years of Metro in Hungary. The anniversary year is made memorable with...

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Beef products from Poland

Polish company Biernaczki held a press conference at SIRHA to announce their entering the Hungarian market with Beef Master products. The family-owned company is 20 years old and specialises in...

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Insights into retail in South East Europe

FMCG retail trends are the most positive in the region in CROATIA. Croatia has been an EU member state since last July – and that was just the time when...

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Ups and downs in Turkish-Hungarian agricultural foreign trade

Hungary’s agricultural foreign trade with Turkey was like a rollercoaster ride in the last decade. For instance our agricultural export to Turkey was seven times bigger in 2010 than in...

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In Hungary the euro/forint exchange rate seems to have stuck above 310 – in perfect harmony of the interest of high politics. The government’s representatives said the weak forint isn’t...

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The first few years

In our previous issue, there was a special feature on the Branded Goods Association, recently celebrating its 18th anniversary – five full pages were merely not enough to present BGA’s...

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Support and recognition

There are many ways of supporting someone, a good cause we believe in or something we deem to be necessary. We can also show our recognition of someone’s work, perseverance,...

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Shoppers, trends

Google is about to open its first store at 131 Greene Street in New York. The 750m² retail unit’s opening is part of the trend called ‘reverse showrooming’ – shoppers...

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POPAI Hungary Association’s first meeting of the year was held on 11 March 2014 at SIRHA Budapest and was open to non-members too. In the VIP room of Pavilion G...

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GlobalShop, Las Vegas

Each year the American continent’s biggest POP, retail design and shopper marketing trade show is organised in turns by Chicago and Las Vegas. Between 18 and 20 March 2014 the...

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Seeing them and falling in love with them

Trade Marketing Club’s annual ‘Trade marketing, my love’ conference is traditionally held around Valentine’s Day. This year it took place on 13 February and the theme was visual merchandising in...

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Growth can be attained in hard times too (Part 1)

James Russo, Nielsen’s senior vice president responsible for global consumer insights states in his recent study that it isn’t easy to be a consumer these days. Although global consumer confidence...

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EuroShop breaks all former records

Düsseldorf hosted the EuroShop trade fair between 16 and 20 February: more than 109,000 visitors came from 110 countries to learn about the latest trends and innovations, and to establish...

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Visiting this Szekszárd wine cellar will be a real experiencet

Garay Winery in Szekszárd is building an ‘experience cellar’: the HUF 200 million investment is realised as part of the New Széchenyi Plan’s operative programme for the region. The new...

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