
The NAK supports the Hungarian milk

The National Association of Agricultural Economics (NAK) agrees with the aims of the dairy farmers, to create fair market conditions on the dairy market. It is not acceptable that imported...

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Cofidis: More and more people would use loans

The negative attitude towards lending has been reduced, compared to last year – the first-quarterly results of the Cofidis Credit Monitor reveals. More and more people consider the loan as...

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The Bull's Blood Feast in Eger is waiting for the guests with a more than a hundred types of wines

More than a hundred types of wines can be tasted at the Bull's Blood Feast in Eger, that begins on Thursday. At the four-day event, in addition to the Bull’s...

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VinCE Balaton: Wines, tastings and concerts for four days

The VinCE Balaton Wine Festival awaits its guests with the wines of dozens of wineries, quality gastronomic exhibitors and free concerts. The VinCE Balaton Wine Festival that is the accompanying...

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The highest average yield of autumn wheat is expected in Tolna county

According to the datas of the Ministry of Agriculture, the highest expected average yield of autumn wheat and rapeseed will be in Tolna county. In Tolna the quarter of the...

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Peach Festival in Boldogkőváralja

This weekend, the Gönci Barack Feast will be held for the third time in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County on Saturday and Sunday. At the festival held during the weekend apricots goodies –...

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More than one billion forints for winemakers’ technological development

The Agricultural and Rural Development Agency (MVH) has earmarked more than HUF 1.32 billion for subsidising winemaking facilities’ technological modernisation, in order to preserve the competitiveness of Hungarian wines in...

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Agricultural investment speeding up

Negyedik negyedéve folytatódott a beruházások növekedése az idei első három hónapban – állítja a KSH. Az eddigi legnagyobb, előző negyedévi 14,9 százalékos növekedés ütemét is jelentősen túllépve a beruházások volumene...

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FruitVeb: This year's fruit crop can be one million tonnes

This year's fruit crop in Hungary can reach one million tonnes – Mártonffy Béla, president of the Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Interprofessional Organisation (FruitVeB) told MTI on Wednesday. He added...

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We love fish but rarely buy

Healthy, light, protein-rich – these come to mind about fish to the majority of Hungarians, 32 percent of them specially fond of fish dishes. However, the most recent survey on...

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The Ministry of Agriculture developed measures to treat the sour market surpluses

The Ministry of Agriculture (FM) by involving the participants of the sector has developed the necessary measures to manage the sour market tensions. The Ministry of Agriculture redeployed the additional...

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Economic growth may be close to three percent in Hungary this year

Hungary's economic growth can reach three percent this year, which will significantly above the average for the euro zone’s GDP growth of 1.1 percent. The basis of the domestic recovery,...

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NGM: the share of SMEs increased in export sales

The share of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Hungarian export sales increased by three percent over three years – turns out from the report on the situation of...

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The KSH reported 419 million euros export surplus

The value of exports, calculated in euros increased by 2.4 percent, while the value of imports increased by 3.8 percent in May, compared with a year earlier. The export surplus...

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The market hall in Gyula has been completed

The local government of the city of Gyula built a market hall, with the support of the farm development program. The about five hundred square meters modern facility was opened...

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Opten: a new firm deleting record in the second quarter

In the second quarter of this year, 10,297 companies were terminated in Hungary. It is an all time negative record – the Opten company information service provider told MTI on...

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The 20 percent VAT remains in Slovakia

The Slovak Parliament in Pozsony (Bratislava) approved the amendment the VAT law’s amendment. According to the amendment the government does not need to decrease the currnet 20 percent VAT to...

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The triumph of promotions

Trade magazin organised ‘The most successful promotion of the year’ competition for the sixth time in 2013. The award ceremony was held on 10 April 2014 in the Királyok Room...

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Brands treat Facebook users like schoolchildren?

According to a study conducted by Track Maven (USA), brands treat Facebook users like they were 7-11 year old. Two thirds of their Facebook posts are written at a 5th...

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The Russian pork embargo remains: breeders have to look for new markets

New markets will be required if the Russian pork embargo lasts longer. The action over the past few months has caused a loss of 580 million euros in exports to...

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COOP, the oldest partner of the Hungarian dairy farmers

It is unworthy to attack a purely Hungarian-owned store chain that is a reliable, stable partner of the Hungarian milk producers and domestic customers for decades – the COOP Gazdasági...

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South-East Asian export recovery programs to the Hungarian enterprises

Those Hungarian companies that are operating in environmentally friendly technology industry can sign up to the export stimulus program that is helping to access the South-East Asian markets until 11...

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Dairy producers are demonstrating for more favorable market

The dairy producers are demonstrating for more favorable market with half-track road closure in three places on Tuesday. In Budaörs Nagytarcsa and Pécs – Hegedűs Imre, head of the demonstrating...

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Anthrax has been detected in a beef in Heves county

On Saturday, the Veterinary Diagnostic Directorate of the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) found anthrax in beef at a slaughter house in Heves county – the Nébih informed MTI...

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Retail sales increased in the Czech Republic

On an annual basis, the retail sales in the Czech Republic increased by 1.1 percent in May. In a monthly comparison, however, the decline was 1.5 percent – the Czech...

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How to become a personal brand?

Trade Marketing Club welcomed summer with a barbecue party in La Perle Noire restaurant (a place recommended by the Michelin Restaurant Guide). Zsuzsanna Hermann welcomed participants and members of the...

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The Hungarian melon production has strengthened in recent years

The Hungarian melon production became stronger in the past years. Nowadays watermelons are produced on about six thousand hectares instead of the former about five thousand hectares – the Minister...

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A vine and winemaking world conference began in Tokaj

The most prestigious event of the wine research sector began on Monday in Tokaj. The Terroir World Conference is held for the 10th time. This is the first time that...

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Cherry market tensions are getting more intense

The purchasing of the freshly grown cherries for industrial use has stopped, because the processors are speculating on state aid – wrote after Magyar Nemzet. Nagy István, Parliamentary Minister...

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More than seventy thousand counterfeit products were seized in an EU action

More than seventy thousand counterfeit goods were seized by the customs authorities of the EU Member States under the ERMIS coordinated action – the European Commission announced on Monday. The...

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