
The United States expects a record yield from corn

At the end of the week, the price of corn fell to its four years low at the Chicago commodity exchange: 3.7060 USD per bushel for September delivery. This is...

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British retail sales increased

After the 0.5 percent monthly decline of May, retail sales in Britain increased by 0.1 percent in June. According to the British National Statistical Office (ONS) in all sectors of...

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Strict consumer protection controls are expected at the Hungarian Grand Prix

The Consumer Protection Inspectorate of the Pest County Government Office launches consumer protection controls that will be stringent similar to last year during the Hungarian Formula 1 Grand Prix, Tarnai...

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Professional and natural oral care at home

Professional oral care is gradually becoming a part of everyday life and we would all like to use the most efficient products in our homes, too – reveal Szilvia Baranyi,...

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Good harvest is expected

This year autumn wheat is harvested on 1.1 million hectares of land in Hungary. According to György Czerván, secretary of state in the Ministry of Agriculture, average yield will be...

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Facts from last year

According to data from the Central Statistical Office (KSH), agriculture’s gross added value rose by 33 percent in 2013 if calculated at last year’s prices or by 7 percent at...

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Hangya calls for cost reduction in agricultural production

ccording to Hangya Cooperative Association’s calculations, farmers could cut their production costs by 10 percent on average by acting together. Vilmos Patay, president of Hangya Holding told that farmers can’t...

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Professional and natural oral care at home

Professional oral care is gradually becoming a part of everyday life and we would all like to use the most efficient products in our homes, too – reveal Szilvia Baranyi,...

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KSH: the growth in retail sales slowed in May

The volume of retail sales increased by 4.9 percent in May, compared with a year before, according to the raw and working day adjusted datas – the Central Statistics Office...

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NGM: the growth in domestic consumption remains at the forefront of Europe

The retail sales are expanding for the eleventh consecutive month. With the almost 5 percent growth in May, Hungary has the third highest growth rate in the European Union –...

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The Hungarian melon has a high quality

The Hungarian melon has a high quality, the amount is sufficient, but the purchase price is low – was said at the Napközben show of the Kossuth Radio. This year...

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GKI Digital: The online shoppers vote for the recipient points

The receiving points only appeared four years ago on the Hungarian e-commerce market, but for now they have become the most popular delivery way. Not the price, but the availability...

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Online cash register busted the peculating bartenders

The staff of the National Tax and Customs Authority (NAV) busted bartenders who were working for their own pocket stealing the revenue from their own employer. The scammers were found...

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Nébih: the products of the small producer who is under investigation caused the disease

The products of a small producer from Eger, caused the botulism disease in June – the National Food Chain Safety Office (Nébih) announced on Tuesday at the request of MTI....

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Bisnode: the number of businesses decreased in Hungary

Currently 552 thousand companies are operating in Hungary, 1.35 percent less than a year ago – according to the analysis of Bisnode. Until the middle of last year, the number...

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The biggest attractions of the city center has been opened

Drávucz Rita, Alexandar Sostar, Kiss Gergő, Kósz Zoltán and Szécsi Zoltán World-, European- and Olympic champion water polo players unveiled the Vodafone Water Polo Arena in the downtown of Budapest,...

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Shoppers focusing on quality

Global research by Nielsen identified six shopper types, one of them is defined as follows: ‘spends money focusing on quality.’ These shoppers ‘pick the best product in each category, no...

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Central Eastern European Tax Brochure from MAZARS

This year MAZARS collected relevant tax information in its Central Eastern European Tax Brochure 2014 for the second time. The study examines the tax environment in Hungary, its neighbours, in...

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Nielsen: consumer buying mood has improved

The Nielsen Consumer Confidence Index has reached a three year record in Hungary. This is mainly due to the improvement in consumers' buying mood, and also compared to the previous...

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MOSZ: the government's announced decision causes damages to agriculture

According to the Agricultural Cooperatives and Farmers Association (MOSZ) the government's decision announced on Monday; the farmers who have more than 1,200 hectares of land will be “deprived” from EU...

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Less than one third of the Hungarian population buying online

86 percent of the Hungarian population has Internet access, but only 28 percent of them are regularly purchasing products via the Internet – eMAG online dealer’s survey shows. According to...

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We drink a lot of beer from little money

In recent years, the growth of beer consumption has slowed. Although the Czechs consumes the most beer on an annual basis, Ireland's population still spends far more for this purpose....

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Nearly eighty percent of the grain was harvested in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County

Nearly 80 percent of the grain was harvested in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County – the president of the regional chamber of agriculture told MTI on Tuesday. Rácz Imre the president of the...

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The Garay experience cellar has been opened in Szekszárd

The Garay experience cellar has been opened on Monday in the the city's oldest wine cellar. The complex is a unique tourist attraction, implemented from a nearly two hundred million...

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Magazine: Old brands with new messages

Carbonated soft drink sales have been declining steadily for a decade. Last year 31 percent less was sold than in the peak year of 2003; compared with 2012 sales were...

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Innovation is the path that leads to growth

In the developed world 75 percent of FMCG innovations fail. Half of the 25 percent that survive realise sales below the expected level and in the end only 6-7 percent...

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GKI: This year's business expectations are in nadir in July

Compared to the April peak, the business and consumer confidence expectations have deteriorated in July. However, the reduction of the GKI-Erste sentiment index was due to the significant drop in...

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The breaking of tobacco has started

The breaking of tobacco has started on 4,700 hectares of the tobacco producing area in Hungary – the president of the Hungarian Tobacco Growers' Association (MADOSZ) told MTI on Monday....

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Chocolate consumption increased significantly in Asia

The price of cocoa beans increased to its three-year peak and an even higher about 10 percent of price increase is expected until the end of the year, due to...

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The NAV checked bakeries: 50 million HUF fines

The staff of the NAV experienced a series of serious irregularities at a foreign-owned chain, which distributes bakery products nationwide – the tax authorities told. The total amount of concealed...

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