CBA, Metro and Auchan joined the #buyhungarian campaign

By: Tisza Andrea Date: 2020. 09. 29. 10:28

During the coronavirus pandemic the Hungarian Product Nonprofit Kft. launched its ‘Buy Hungarian! Protect domestic products!’ campaign, and several retailers decided to back the initiative. CBA was the first to jump on board, for instance in May-June they advertised products with the #buyhungarian logo in their promotional leaflets at both national and regional level.

Magyar Termék logo

In June-July METRO did a campaign promoting the Hungarian Product programme and local farmers, targeting resellers, end users and the HoReCa sector alike. In the #buyhungarian section of METRO’s website interviews were published with Hungarian farmers, and the campaign was also communicated in stores. AUCHAN used a wide range of in-store communication tools to raise awareness of the #buyhungarian initiative. Food companies participating in the programme even had the chance to install special product displays.

Magyar Termék-#veddahazait-magyaráruházláncok


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