Regenerative farming: much more than a sustainability issue

Exploitative farming practices deplete natural resources, for instance food systems are responsible for more than third of greenhouse gas emissions. One of the solutions to these problems can be farming...

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Briefly about SIAL

In the next issue of Trade magazine we are going to discuss SIAL in length, but for now just a few things while the memories are still fresh. The last...

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“I wrote this when the sky was still serene”…

…this is how Hungarian poet Mihály Vörösmarty starts his poem, Prologue, which later reaches the point where “it’s winter now and death and snow and stillness”. Well, when I wrote...

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We closed the Trade Playground of the Business Days conference, which celebrated its 15th anniversary this year. While sitting in the sandbox, we discussed really serious topics, but the atmosphere...

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Autumn, winter, Christmas

Usually these are the words we use more and more frequently in sentences at this time of the day. As the year passes, everyone is talking about autumn promotion campaigns...

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An icon has passed away!

On 20 August Péter Magyar, founder and managing director of food and drug product wholesalers Interfruct passed away, at the age of 76. In 2007 he was the first to...

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Thoughts on beauty contests and other things

There was a time when I thought of myself as an athlete, so I like challenges, but the things happening around us these days are more than that: new business...

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Megatrend Index: It is hard to be optimistic

Equilibrium Institute has prepared its Megatrend Index for the second time. At the last meeting of Trade magazin’s Chain Bridge Club Ákos Kozák, the institute’s director of business relations and...

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Who pays the ferryman?

On 26 May the Hungarian government announced the biggest-ever sector specific taxes. Retail trade’s share is HUF 60bn from the HUF 800bn government wants to collect this way (another HUF...

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Out now!

…I mean the 2021 ranking of FMCG retailers has already been published, and you can read about it in detail in the present issue of our magazine. There was no...

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The Chain Bridge Club welcomes: Zoltán Poór, general manager of Puratos – Taste Tomorrow research: New trends on the horizon

At the February Meeting of the Chain Bridge Club Zoltán Poór, general manager of Puratos shared the latest European results of the Taste Tomorrow research with participants. The research series...

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Do we reap what we sow?

There is was in Ukraine, the country that is the world’s 5th biggest cereal producer, and the 2nd biggest sunflower oil producer and exporter behind Russia. Ukraine is actually the...

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The word playground can have many meanings and connotations. This September the theme of our Business Days conference will be exactly this, the playground. Every year we have a different...

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Magazine: Future-resistant food industry: What does crypto mining have to do with stevia?

Rethinking is necessary Food futurist Júlia Dalmadi was the guest at the January 2022 meeting of the Chain Bridge Club. She told that there is growing demand for the food...

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Sirha: we are waiting for you

You probably know where, at the Sirha Budapest trade show on 22-24 March. The organisers and the exhibitors are preparing with innumerable trade programmes, and this is also true for...

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Help today, because tomorrow is too late!

The Chain Bridge Club was founded in 2003 and in 2016 members decided to establish the Chain Bridge Foundation – and together with it the ‘Join us and be the...

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Magazine: Premium product quality and extra environmental consciousness: Nature Ville by Herbow

Our magazine interviewed Gergely Bakai, Possibility Trade Kft.’s director of strategy about the new brand, Nature Ville, which they market in partnership with eco-friendly and sustainable premium cosmetics and cleaning...

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Magazine: Online retail: The big picture

In early November Chain Bridge Club members gathered and listened to Norbert Madar, the head of GKI Digital talking about how COVID changed the relationship between online and offline retail...

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Business Days 2021 – The 8th wonder of the world (Part 2)

Nearly 800 participants turned up to discuss the 8th wonder of the world – the restart of the sector – during the 5 five days of the Business Days conference,...

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The future is uncertain, but this is what makes it exciting!

We are already in the Christmas season and something is different than in former years: consumer behaviour in stores. Shoppers would like to spend as little time inside as possible...

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The beginning of the future

At the end of each year we take a moment to look back on the past months, but right after this we already look to the future, casting our eyes...

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Magazine: Business Days 2021 – The 8th wonder of the world (Part 1)

Nearly 800 participants turned up to discuss the 8th wonder of the world – the restart of the sector – during the 5 five days of the Business Days conference,...

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Magazine: ‘Nobody can do it alone’

This title could be the credo of every community that works for shared goals and the members of which support each other in achieving them. Well, the last community I...

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It was exactly 15 years ago, in November 2006 that the first issue of Trade magazin came out, debuting at the Foodapest trade show. You can find the 100-page magazine...

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(HU) Söröskorsótöltés alulról – A nap videója

Sorry, this entry is only available in HU....

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Awards and winners

This year’s Business Days conference is now over. The representatives of the market came to do a bit of construction work and on the 5th day the 8th Wonder of...

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Magazine: A little bit personal

This year, the Lifetime Achievement Award founded by Trade magazin went to László Hovánszky, one of the members of the presidency of Chain Bridge Club. As I missed the occasion,...

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Magazin: AI is the future

Fulbright research scholar Dr Katalin Fehér, an expert of artificial intelligence (AI) based society and culture was the guest of Chain Bridge Club. Dr Katalin Fehér explained that machine learning...

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Magazine: For the first time ever!

For the first time in economic history, on the political stage and in the history of the Business Days conference, the sector’s future and possible development directions are processed in...

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Lidl crosses the finish line first!

There is always a reason why it is worth waiting for Trade magazin’s FMCG retailer ranking every year. Already last year many asked the question: Will Lidl overtake Tesco in...

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