
Valentine’s Day Vegetable Dating

Responsible Gastrohós, which promotes sustainable eating, draws attention in a playful way to the fact that there is life beyond strawberries on Valentine’s Day! An imaginary dating site was launched...

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The painter and nature – Picture of the day

It is said that Munkácsy was able to consciously mix hundreds of different shades of a single color from oil paints. But what nature knows, neither can a dog!  ...

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Dear confectioner friend! – Video of the day

If you have invested all your capital in good materials, don’t worry: the free further training is here! You can also bring your cooker, because the tricks are very simple....

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Hotel association: traffic in hotels in December was outstanding

The performance of Hungarian hotels exceeded expectations in December, and was exceptionally good, despite the rise in inflation and the Russian-Ukrainian war, the Hungarian Hotel and Restaurant Association (MSZÉSZ) announced...

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The new revolution in pancake baking – Video of the day

The device shown in today’s film, which was released on the market last year, was edited in Asia to make spring rolls easier, but it seems that our pancakes could...

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Something went wrong! – The picture of the day

Baking and cooking, which started well…...

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Less waste in catering

According to a report published by the International Food Waste Coalition (IFWC) on January 18, food waste in the European hospitality and catering sector has decreased by more than 20%...

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What’s up in the kitchen?

Coninvest has started publishing its own newspaper, with content tailored to Hungary’s different regions. Already three issues are out, printed on recycled paper in 1,000 copies, and it is needless...

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Cider apple – Video of the day

Harvesting and processing – a joy to watch!...

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From a sphere to a cylinder – The picture of the day

An ice cream scoop shaped like a cylinder doesn’t change the experience of ice cream much (unless you count that, according to the laws of geometry, a cylindrical scoop has...

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The 30th Tourism Season Opening Gala was held in Budapest

Culture can help economic growth, they want to use the Veszprém-Balaton European Capital of Culture (ECF) 2023 program series to start economic growth in the entire region based on culture...

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The number of guest nights jumped by 22%

Despite the rising base due to the revival of tourism following the gradual lifting of restrictions against the epidemic two years ago, and the expected drop in demand due to...

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The possibility of a home office opens up new horizons in the field of travel

38% of Hungarians work exclusively or partially from home, and this proportion will increase somewhat in the near future based on recent representative research by Kiwi.com. Members of Generation Z...

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Glamorous cake (or ice cream) decorating – Video of the day

On the net, we found a charming cake decoration that can be made even at the absolute beginner’s level....

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Flame Knight Tractor Riders – Video of the Day

Advanced biological weed control....

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On the edge of food porn parody – Picture of the day

Even the craziest-looking dishes can be turbocharged with the right serving (although the result sometimes looks more tragicomic) – even the name of the source of our today’s pictures says...

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Netrisk: the demand for travel insurance has increased significantly

More than 21,000 travelers took out travel insurance from the beginning of December last year to the middle of January this year, which is an 85 percent increase year-on-year, according...

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The tourism agency would double the number of international congresses

The goal of the Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ), which carries out sectoral management tasks related to conference tourism, is to double the number of international congresses in Hungary by 2030,...

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Anything, but not on a plate III. – The picture of the day

Explaining the anything but plate concept, yesterday and the day before yesterday we presented two portions of the funniest exaggerations – here’s the “final part”!...

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Gábor Kovács, the owner of Tenkes Csárda, became the “Guest of the Year”

Gábor Kovács, the owner of Tenkes Csárda, won the title of Guest of the Year 2022 after obtaining the most votes among four candidates. The prize has been awarded by...

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MTÜ: the performance of Hungarian tourism in 2022 exceeded all expectations

The performance of Hungarian tourism in 2022 exceeded all expectations; the sector is still on an upward trajectory, so the sector’s performance this year may exceed the results achieved in...

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Anything, but not on a plate II. – The picture of the day

Yesterday, we explained the anything but plate serving concept with the help of a dozen funny photos. Here’s the second installment!...

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It’s also an avocado! – Video of the day

If it wasn’t hanging on a tree, we’d think it was a pumpkin, but we’d even believe a cucumber first. But avocado! In which the proportion of pulp compared to...

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Europe’s biggest coffee chains

In spite of the pandemic, the 90 biggest coffee chains in Europe increased their sales turnover by 3% in comparison with the previous year – reported Foodservice International. McCafé, Starbucks...

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Twelve teams advanced to the Food of Hungary 2023 cooking competition

Twelve teams advanced and two reserves were named by the jury at the results announcement of the semifinals of the Hungarian Food 2023 cooking competition on Saturday in Felcsút.  ...

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Hungarian website organises international wine contest

Winelovers Wine Awards is the name of the new wine contest by the Hungarian website Winelovers. The organisers underlined that members of the jury panel were selected the best Hungarian...

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German solutions for dealing with labor problems in the hospitality industry

According to preliminary estimates published by the Federal Statistical Office, the German hospitality industry recovered significantly in 2022 from the crisis caused by the coronavirus. According to the estimate of...

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Anything but a Plate – Picture of the Day

About 15 years ago, a strange fashion, the anything but plate, spread in hospitality: instead of a plate, food was served in various other objects that had a surprising effect...

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Corn Popping in 1250x Slow Motion – Video of the Day

The spectacular shot was taken with a Phantom v2512 ultra-fast camera:...

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Two hundred accommodation and catering establishments have already registered for the energy support program for SMEs

Almost two hundred registrations have already been received from domestic accommodation providers and restaurant operators for the SME Energy Cost and Investment Support Program. It is worth registering as soon...

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