
We would eat this menu! – Video of the day

Have 60 seconds? Then watch the above speed race through the Captain's Menu at Mario Batali's four-star Italian restaurant Del Posto. It's a whirlwind of one amuse bouche course, eight...

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Carnival with Brazilian flavours


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Be careful with diet drinks!

Don't depend on diet soda to help you lose weight. A new study shows that overweight and obese people who drink diet beverages consume more calories from food than heavy...

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New official protection for genuine Scotch whisky

A new scheme has been launched to protect the Scotch whisky industry from fake or sub-standard products. The Spirit Drinks Verification Scheme has been set up by the UK government...

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What does voice sound like – Video of the day

An audio visual installation in association with Schwartz Flavour Shots, an innovative new range of herb and spice blends locked in oil. What does flavour look like? How does it...

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Milk-based vodkas on the market

We are familir with the vodka cleaned by milk nd vodka-cocktails spiced up with milk, but the market's very first milk-based vodka is something completely new. New Zealand-based Milk Money...

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Hotels are in delay

The online cash registers transition causes serious difficulties for the hotels. It is projected that the hotels will only be ready with the online cash registers transition in the first...

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Pizza after a hard workday?

Researchers may have found the key to failed diets, at least in rodents might be the key to losing the weight you gained over Thanksgiving. New research shows that dieting...

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The “Hotel of the Year 2013” awards were handed over

The “Hotel of the Year 2013” awards of the Hungarian Association of Hotels and Restaurants (MSZÉSZ) were handed over on Friday evening in Budapest. In the announced three categories 16...

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Two pieces of meat and love – Video of the day

Jan Švankmajer (born 4 September 1934 in Prague) is a Czech surrealist artist. His work spans several media. He is known for his surreal animations and features, which have greatly...

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Pensioners invaded the McDonald's in New York

A group of pensioners organizes regular meetings to a McDonald's restaurant in New York City where they stay all day while barely consuming – hvg.hu wrote. There is a McDonald's...

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Professional kitchen for quarter of a square metre

It is the kind of kitchen where rustling up a plate of beans on toast would be like playing Chopsticks on a Steinway. Electrolux has launched what must be the...

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Food per kilometer

Surprisingly, how fast a person runs has little effect on the number of calories he or she will burn. The most important factor is weight. For example, a 220-pound person...

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How do animals eat? – Video of the day

Ever wanted an educational video to teach your children how different members of the animal kingdom eat? Well, this YouTube hit isn’t so much about that, as the art of...

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A beer and a coffee for the homeless who clean the streets

At nine o'clock in the morning in a garden shed behind a house in Amsterdam, a handful of alcoholics are getting ready to clean the surrounding streets, beer and cigarette...

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Most people would require health fund cafeteria

More workers would require pension and health fringe benefits (cafeteria), than who receive while in case of hospitality it is opposite – the joint survey of the Union insurance company...

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The Hotel that is the part of the Sikonda Thermal Spa will be renewed

The Hotel that belongs to the Sikonda Thermal Spa will be upgraded. The complex is scheduled to open its gates in late February, under the Ambient Hotel & AromaSpa name....

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Since when do we use vending machines? – Video of the day

The world’s first burrito kiosk, Burritobox, has officially arrived in the Southland. The machine, which distributes heated hormone- and antibiotic-free burritos for $3, can be found inside West Hollywood’s newest...

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A good trafficker is the helper of the world

Two hundred years out of the history of Hungarian commerce . this is what the new and old exhibition by the Hungarian Museum of Commerce and Tourism revolves around....

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Jim Beam sells for 16 billion dollars

Japanese whisky maker Suntory is snapping up US spirits group Beam for 16 billion dollars. Suntory, which makes Yamazaki and Hakushu whiskies and Bowmore Scotch whisky, is buying Beam for...

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Less tourists are curious to China

The number of inbound tourists fell back in China last year. More than ten percent fewer tourists visited Beijing than a year earlier – the latest statistics revealed. Between January...

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Do not touch my food!

The gloves are off! But they should be on, says the state of California. Many chefs are up in arms about having to wear gloves while cooking, in accordance with...

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Trust each other with an omlette!

Your body constantly breaks down and builds up nutrients into forms it can use. One example is tryptophan, an amino acid that your body needs to perform several essential functions....

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The menu of Grant Achatz Chicago Steakhouse – Video of the day

Bocuse d'Or,” the latest menu from the ever-changing Next restaurant, takes its inspiration from the biennial culinary competition named for the visionary Paul Bocuse. But the restaurant's tribute is as...

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Tourism record in Germany

According to the datas of the statistical office (Destatis), the German tourism industry closed the past four years with record consecutively. According to the estimate of Destatis, released on Monday,...

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The ideal temperature of wine

Know how temperature affects a wine in storing and serving. Know the proper temperature to store / cellar your wine....

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NGM: 2013 was a trend changing year in tourism

According to the January-November datas of the Central Statistical Office (KSH) released on Friday, 2013 was a trend changing year in tourism, because more and more foreign guests arrive to...

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The best videos of 2013. V.- Video of the day

What would happen if women acted like men at bars? If you've had your fill of terrible pickup lines, offers of shots from uninteresting and/or creepy parties and drunks attempting...

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The taste of sunshine in winter

Drying is the oldest method of preserving food. The first European settlers in America often ate dried corn, apple, currants, grapes and meat. Sun drying of food was an easy...

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Szallas.hu: domestic tourism can increase further in 2014

According to the Szallas.hu portal, the domestic tourism in 2014 can rise further with an another 3 to 4 percent, after according to their preliminary datas it was increased by...

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