
Thailand Knife Cutting Competition – Video of the day

A man participating in the Thailand Knife Cutting Competition shows off his skills, dicing, slicing, and chopping through wood, with a super sharp blade, and one hand behind his back....

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Tourism development program starts with a 300 billion HUF frame

The Kisfaludy tourism development program starts with a budget of about 300 billion HUF, in which rural development projects will be funded by 2030 – Seszták Miklós, Minister of National...

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The number of guest nights grew in Romania

The number of guest nights grew by 5.4 percent in Romania in the first five months of the year, compared to the same period of last year – the Romanian...

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This year’s best pálinkas

The results of the pálinka and grape marc pálinka competition organised by the National Pálinka Excellence Programme of the Ministry of Agriculture and the National Council of Pálinka (PNT) were...

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Tasting a real Hungaricum

Bikavér (Bull’s Blood) is real Hungarian red wine – this noble, dry red is made from minimum three grape varieties. This spring the Hungaricum Committee put Egri Bikavér on the list...

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A real 21st-century solution

By 2020 Nespresso wants to increase its global coffee capsule recycling rate from the present 75 percent to 100 percent. Hungarian consumers can now have their used coffee capsules returned when...

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We have asked NAV a couple of questions

In the middle of June the Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI) and the National Tax and Customs Administration’s (NAV) organised a conference where those working in the hospitality sector had...

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PayPal: 92 percent of Hungarians recommend Hungary for foreign tourists

Hungarians appreciate the country’s tourism attractiveness, and 92 percent of the respondents would recommend Hungary for foreign tourists, only 4 percent of them do not – the international survey of...

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The first smile of the day – Video of the day

Toasteroid is a kickstarter funded project that toasts awesome images, weather, send toast messages , doodles, super hero pics etc....

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The most genious partyvideo of the summer – Video of the day

The TV Commercial Ad titled Break Free was done by BBDO New York advertising agency for brand: Bacardi in United States. It was released in the Jun 2017....

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Magazine: Competition for in public sector catering

No less than 52 teams have registered to compete in the 2017-2018 Competition for Cooks in Public Sector Catering. The contest is organised by the National Food Chain Safety Office...

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The Hungarian cuisine’s Lake Balaton culinary guide was presented

The best restaurants of the Lake Balaton, restaurants, beach buffets, wineries, markets, confectioneries, and other places recommended for cyclists are presented in the Hungarian Cuisine Magazine’s Balaton 2017 Gasztrokalauz (Culinary...

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55 beaches of the Lake Balaton will be renewed this year from nearly 2 billion HUF

344 investments and renovations will be made this year on 55 beaches of 38 Balaton-settlements from nearly 2 billion HUF domestic support – the CEO of the Hungarian Tourism Agency...

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Deconstructed lasagna – Video of the day

That’s the way you amke the pasta for those who think differently:...

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Magazine: Fire walk with me!

The summer grilling season is always very promising for catering enterprises, especially if they are able to adapt to the rapid changes in the segment. László Kalas, the executive chef...

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The big questions of life in the form food – Video of the day

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Edible spoons and the ecological footprint

Indian company Bakeys manufactures edible cutlery with manual work, in large quantities. The company’s owner says that if they could produce in even larger quantity, spoons would cost less than...

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The best spa resorts in Hungary will compete again

The termalfurdo.hu news portal, with the support of the Hungarian Bath Association, announced the Bath of the Year competition again. As it is written, such Hungarian baths can take part...

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The tourism development of the Sió river has started

With the technical surveys, the tourist development of the Sió has begun, which will allow to canoe on a 85 kilometer section of the river linking the Danube with the...

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Magazine: Grilling trends in 2017

In the following you can read some of the latest grilling trends, according to US experts: the origin and ‘cleanness’ of products become more important. Grilling enters the world of...

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(HU) Az élet értelme ételben megfogalmazva – A nap videója

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Magazine: Tour de grill

There is still a grilling boom happening in the world, not only new techniques and foods enter the spotlight, but the number of grill cooking-themed restaurants is growing all over...

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The chicken wings of vegetarians – Video of the day

This healthy recipe for Buffalo cauliflower bites is a great vegetarian and gluten-free alternative to Buffalo wings. Roasted cauliflower is tossed with a spicy sriracha Buffalo sauce for an easy...

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Magazine: More things at the same time

New York enterprise Spacious offers a special service to local restaurants. The idea is based on the co-working concept: businessmen and enterprises that don’t wish to have or rent their...

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McDonald’s terminated its contract with the IOC

McDonald’s terminated its sponsoring contract with the International Olympic Committee (IOC) after forty-one years – MTI wrote referring to the organization’s announcement. The parties agreed to immediately terminate the deal....

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More than half of the Hungarians plan to go on vacation this year

More than half of the Hungarian population plan to go on vacation this year, 32 percent of them to domestic destinations, while 10 percent are planning a foreign trip and...

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Magazine: Successful competitions for Hungarian wines in May

Frittmann Winery came home with a gold medal from the Sommelier Wine Awards in the United Kingdom with its 2015 Ezerjó wine. More good news: József Bock’s 2013 Bock Cuvée...

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Magazine: A globetrotting baker

Baker Szabolcs Szabadfi, who runs an Italian-style bistro-bakery, made it into the top 50 of Campionato Mondiale Della Pizza, the unofficial pizza world championship held in Parma. Mr Szabadfi was...

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