
Binge drinking cuts chance of landing a job by 10 percent

Heavy drinking six times a month reduces by 10 percent the probability a new college graduate will land a job, according to research led by the Smithers Institute, in the...

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Office desserts, in a convenient way – Video of the day

Looking to improve the way you eat at the office? If so, this video from Food Beast packed with 10 different office food hacks is just for you. Too many...

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The longest fries

Japanese restaurant Harajuku Gyoza in Australia is serving foot-long fries. These special fries are made by sending potatoes through a potato press before being thrown into the fryer. It is a simple...

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Message in the foam

Beer Ripples is a new printer-like device that will craft a message in a beer’s frothy head. The device uses a malt-based ink and a simple touchscreen interface. It’s not cheap: USD...

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Bloody Mary for supper

In the USA Bloody Mary is often served with high-quality fresh vegetables. In many bars the cocktail is decorated with celery sticks, hot pepper or olives. Since it is very easy to...

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Two-star restaurant in Budapest

At the end of March the prestigious European Michelin Guide award ceremony took place in Budapest’s Várkert Bazár. Borkonyha, Costes Downtown and Costes kept their Michelin stars, while Hungary’s first restaurant...

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Competition for students

The host team won the 38th international youth gastronomy competition organised by BVHSZC Gundel Károly Vocational School. This time the topic was the relationship between gastronomy and beer. Soproni SzC Vocational School...

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In memoriam László Jakabffy

The Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI), in cooperation with the Hungarian Museum of Trade and Tourism (MKVM), the Jakabffy family, students and friends plan to publish a book in memory...

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Some new competition rules

In 2018 Torino will be the host of the European final of the Bocuse d’Or chef competition. Ádám Pohner and his commis, Richárd Csillag will represent Hungary in the final, which...

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Ice Cream of the Year in 2018

In 2018 the Ice Cream of the Year competition will take place in Virág Confectionery in Szeged. Confectioneries, ice cream parlours and distributors will be competing in several categories. The contest’s objective...

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The guild’s vice president who is responsible for trade matters

Ferenc Horváth became the guild’s vice president responsible for trade matters in 2015. He told our magazine that back then his main task had been recruiting new members, but he had...

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I would like to say hello to the readers on behalf of the Guild of Hungarian Confectioners. We are glad to have our column in Trade magazin from now on,...

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A shortage of professionals

The Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI) has worded a letter to the director of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s (BKIK) educational director, asking them to put the cook...

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The essence of what we do

In the following you can read excerpts from two important chapters in the introductory letter the Guild of Hungarian Restaurateurs (MVI) sent to the Hungarian Tourism Agency (MTÜ). Problems waiting...

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Want to lose weight? Use a RED plate!

Many people struggle to lose weight, putting themselves through grueling work outs and faddy diets. Yet, eating less may be as simple as changing the colour of your plates. Red...

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The top of homeorder pizza – Video of the day

Nobody likes a cold pizza, but New South Wales resident Kerri Lacey was stunned to see the lengths that one driver was willing to go to in order to keep...

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Szállás.hu: domestic tourism achieved another peak in the first quarter

Thanks to the record number of long weekends, domestic tourism has reached another peak in the first quarter of this year: according to the analysis of Szallas.hu, the growth was...

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Magazine: Ministerial decree on self-reviewing

Last year the Ministry of Agriculture published decree 28/2017. (V. 30.) on the self-review systems to be operated by food industry enterprises. Some enterprises got a bit worried in the food industry, but...

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In a Czech mood

Hetedik lépcső (The Seventh Step) is the title of a new quarterly magazine dedicated to beer and Czech culture. The first issue came out in April and can be found mainly...

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Balaton Open

Zamárdi was the host of a special distillate and pálinka competition: only women were in the jury that evaluated the entries. Organiser Gábor Pach told: 29 female jury members tasted 130...

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Velence, the wine brand

Velence forms part of the Etyek-Buda wine region. Despite its good characteristics, it was neglected for quite a while by the Hungarian wine community. Velence wine now enters the market as a...

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Prize winners announced

VinCE Budapest Wine Show was organised for the ninth time in April. As part of the programme, the wine trade voted on the best Hungarian wine bars and wine-related services. Borkonyha in...

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Design trends in 2018

– Minimalist style that is really alive – Very often minimalistic design solutions are excellent for emphasising the importance of food, but they can also be very ‘cold’. This trend is...

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Accepting that others are different

‘Just a job for you, but a dream for me’ is a nationwide initiative that gives disabled people the chance to meet employers. The goal is to show that even those...

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Premium ice-cream contest – Video of the day

The Gelato Festival Europa is the most important gelato competition in Europe....

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Dessert club – Video of the day

Chika Tillman has developed a delightful three-course dessert menu at Dessert Club, ChikaLicious....

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Hotel Association: Hungary starts to occupy its place in the tourism market

Budapest and Hungary are becoming more and more popular, and now start to occupy their place in the tourism market – the Vice President of the Hungarian Association of Hotels...

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Lots of money can get stuck on your SZÉP cards

31 May is an important date for the owners of the SZÉP card holders, because they have to spend the unused benefits received from the employer in 2016 until this...

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Family and child friendly bath complex and hotel is under construction in Cserkeszőlő

The Baby World family and child-friendly bathing complex will be built from about 1.4 billion HUF in Cserkeszőlő. The investment will provide 50 new jobs and will be ready by...

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